Hamilton Public Library
Board of Trustees meeting
January 13, 2020
The Board of Trustees was held at 6:30 pm January 13, 20220 at the Hamilton Public Library. Those present were President James (Jim) Noble, Vice President Heather Jones, Secretary Wanda Hansen, Treasurer John Wardwell, David Morgan, John Kelly, Theresa Scheihing and Library Director Kathryn Johnson. A quorum was declared and meeting called to order at 6:33pm by President Jim Noble. Also present were Friends of the Library representative Judy Kammerer and guest Mackenzie Sellens. Guests were welcomed by President Jim Noble.
The minutes of the November 18, 2019 Board meeting were reviewed. David M. motioned to approve the minutes of the November 18, 2019 BOT meeting. Heather J. second. Motion passed.
The bills for November/December 2019 were reviewed. The bills for December 2019/January 2020 were reviewed. David M. motioned to approve the bills for November/December2019 and December 2019/January 2020. Heather J. second. All questions were asked and answered. Discussion was held regarding the overage in the personnel budget; John W. felt the overage should be resolved by the end of the budget year. Motion passed.
The Financial Report for December 29019 and January 2020 were viewed by Board members present. John W. recommended the Board to move $3,697.29 from the Memorial Fund, $176.49 from the Per Capita Fund, and $4,500.00 from the Money Market to the Main account. David M. motioned to move funds as recommended by Treasurer John W. John K. second. All questions were asked and answered. Motion passed.
Friends of the Library given by Judy Kammerer
Friends is working on a few ideas. They put up a new valance in the meeting room, the floor is done and the vacuums bought and in place. Friends did not have a meeting yet this year to discuss anything.
A written report was submitted to Board members present. Kathryn J. went over the report verbally.
Heather J. questioned Kathryn J. regarding the old desk that was in the meeting room. Kathryn J. said she didn’t know where/what happened to it; it was crazy when the floor was being put in and the Friends were moving and cleaning things and placing things on the corner for anyone to take or be trash while she was busy in the children’s area. Heather J. reminded Kathryn J. the Board had specifically told Marilynn Miller of Friends the desk was not to be ‘gotten rid of’ when Marilyn M. told the Board she would like to see it gone.
1) Copy machine CDS Office Technologies in Quincy sent information regarding a copy machine after talking with Kathryn J. on the phone. The cost to purchase would be $5,000.00, but could lease for $92.00/month and $42.00/month service and supply package for a total of $134.00/month. The service and supply package would include service calls and parts plus ink/toner etc. The question was asked if there was a per copy fee not included in the monthly quotes; Kathryn J. said she thought it was all inclusive but would ask prior to any decision. The Board discussed the monies taken in by the Library for copying, etc. The Board felt the cost would be offset by the monies received for the service provided.
2) Library electronic devices Kathryn J. is waiting for Tony to setup a date to startup the new electronics; unfortunately they are playing phone tag. Kathryn J. purchased four (4) HP desktops, two (2) laptops, two (2) I- pads, two (2) headphones and the desk for a total cost of $3,458.95. Kathryn J. is in the process of downloading the games on the I-pads; there will be no internet access. The headphones were purchased with the hope the parents will participate with the child. The electronics were purchased from Staples with regular warrantees.
Old Business
1) Bylaws: The Board agreed to table the Bylaws review until next meeting. President Jim N. stated he and Kathryn J. have been discussing some state law requirements. Jim N. stated the recommendation is for 70% of budget to be salary; the Library budget is very close to 70%. He asked Board members to review the bylaws pertaining to vacations, personal time off, and possibly instituting a mandatory age retirement. With the mandatory age retirement the present employees would be grandfathered in.
2) Bank Accounts: All Marine Bank and Trust accounts and Fortress Bank accounts have been updated and signature cards signed.
3) Accounts:The Library has a credit card through Marine Bank and Trust. The name on the credit card is Hamilton Public Library with John W. and Kathryn J. as authorized users. The credit limit is $5,000.00; the rewards program is points per dollars charged. The balance will be paid in total monthly. John W. has the credit card information.
Building and Grounds
1) Shed The shed still needs a new handle.
2) Gutter Kathryn J. stated Peter’s wanted to charge for full gutter service to unclog the one gutter; she did not hear back from Ruh’s. The Board recommended to call Ruh’s again. Members to check around for someone who might have a plumber’s snake long enough to work.
Executive Session.
New Business
President Jim N. informed the Board he would like to start having budget meetings to discuss the 2020/2021 Library budget next month. Some things needing to be taken into consideration will be: Illinois has changed the mandatory minimum wage law to $10.00 by July 1, 2020 and $11.00 by the end of the year for hourly employees and Tony’s retainer. The plan would be to set-up a time, email members prior to meeting and whomever can come to come. Jim N. and Kathryn J. to develop the Appropriation Budget.
Kathryn J. informed the Board the Library safety standards do not meet code. Some simple upgrades would be: carbon monoxide detectors, a chain across the outside back stairs, safety lighting. The Board discussed the issue briefly. A safety Committee should be formed to address the issues and if needed bring in a fire official to give information. John K, questioned whether this is something which could be financed with the Per Capita grant money; Kathryn J, stated probably.
Heather J. asked if Kathryn J. knew if the box of old pictures, Library info, and articles had been placed, if not thrown away, might be. Kathryn J. went into the craft room and brought out a box which was Heather J. had wanted. Jim N. mentioned Heather J. was thinking of making a Library scrapbook; he suggested asking public regarding any pictures they might have to donate to the project. This could be presented at the Library’s anniversary.
President Jim N. thanked Mackenzie Sellens for coming and hopes she will decide to come again and possibly become a Trustee on the Board.
Theresa S. motioned to adjourn the meeting. John K/ second. Motion passed. President Jim N. adjourned the meeting at 7:48 pm.
The next Hamilton Public Library Board meeting will be on Monday February 17, 2020 at 6:30pm.
Submitted by
Wanda Hansen, Secretary
I,_____________________________________________ and _____________________________________ attest that these are the true and correct minutes for the Hamilton Public Library Board meeting dated October 21, 2019.
February 17, 2020
The Hamilton Public Library Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm on Monday February 17, 2020 by President James (Jim) Noble. Those present were: President Jim Noble, Vice President Heather Jones, Secretary Wanda Hansen, Treasurer John Wardwell, David Morgan, Theresa Scheihing, Chris Williams, Kathryn Johnson Library Director, and Friends Marilyn Miller. A quorum was declared by President Jim Noble.
The minutes of the January 20, 2020 meeting were reviewed. Chris W. motioned to accept the minutes of the January 20, 2020 meeting. John W. second. Motion passed.
John W. went over the bills as presented. All other questions were asked and answered. Chris W. motioned to pay the January 2020 bills as presented. David M. second. Motion passed.
The Board went over the Financial Report. Chris W. motioned to move monies to the Main Account as recommended by Treasurer John Wardwell. David M. second. Motion passed.
John W. explained to the Board the possible reason the Personnel budget is over is because the budget did not include payroll tax which is paid initially though the Library and reimbursed by the city. This needs to be considered and included in the next budget; it is an expense even though reimbursed.
Friends of the Library – given by Marilyn Miller
February 27th hosting a puzzle night at the Library from 6-8pm. April 1st baskets ready; read what Friends will be presenting to area businesses explaining the purpose of the basket and requesting something to place in the basket. Saturday April 10th from 10 – 1pm hosting an indoor mini golf day in the Library; there will be a fee per person/ family to participate.
Library Director
Read through written report given to Board members present at meeting.
Copy Machine - Kathryn J. presented information on a “lease to own” option for a copy machine. Costs and benefits were discussed. David M. motioned to have Kathryn J. move forward with the “lease to own” copy machine option. Chris W. second. Motion passed.
Library electronics devices – Kathryn J. questioned the Board regarding what to do with the old computers. After much discussion the Board recommended to wipe clean the old computers and sell all but one which would be used in the conference room.
Kathryn J. and Tony still having a hard time scheduling a time to finish what needs to be done. The Board discussed possibly considering other options for tech support on the next budget. Jim N. stated he would talk with an SCC computer tech. Matt Clark was also presented as a possible alternative; will talk with Matt Clark regarding an on needed basis cost/possibility.
Old Business
Budget meeting – A budget meeting was planned for March 2nd at 6pm in the Library. All Board members should try to attend. A list of things to consider in the new budget were discussed/noted.
Bylaws review - Discussed the vacation policy. The Board elected to keep the Library vacation policy as written.
Safety Committee – recommend call the fire department for a walk thru to list areas needing attention to meet code.
Buildings and Grounds
Gutter - Ruhs had no solution for the gutter.
Shed – The handle is bought, but it has been too cold to install.
Kathryn J. informed the Board Peters came out 3 times due to loss of heat. The valve froze open on the roof heater; a new regulator has been ordered and will be placed when the weather is warmer. The Board questioned whether this would be under warrantee from the work done the previous year on this heater. We will need to check with Peters.
Executive Session
New Business
Jim N. advised the Board April 1st will be the end of the 6 month probation period for Kathryn J.
The Board is to be asked prior to selling any furniture or items removed from the shed.
Heather J. motioned to adjourn the meeting. John W. second. President Jim N. adjourned the meeting at 7:46 pm.
The next Hamilton Public Library Board meeting will be held on Monday March 16, 2020 at 6:30 pm.
Submitted by
Wanda Hansen, Secretary
I _____________________________________ and ___________________________________ attest that these are the true and correct minutes for the Hamilton Public Library Board meeting dated February 17, 2020.
Hamilton Public Library
Board of Trustees meeting
March 16, 2020
The Board of Trustees was held at 6:30 pm March 16, 2020 at the Hamilton Public Library. Those present were President James (Jim) Noble, Vice President Heather Jones, Secretary Wanda Hansen, Chris Williams, John Kelly (by phone), Theresa Scheihing and Library Director Kathryn Johnson. A quorum was declared and meeting called to order at 6:30pm by President Jim Noble. Also present was guest Mackenzie Sellens. Guests were welcomed by President Jim Noble.
A request to enter Executive Session was made by President Jim N. Chris W. motioned to enter Executive Session. Heather J. second. Motion passed. The Board entered into Executive Session at 6:31pm. Discussion was held regarding Mackenzie Sellens as a new trustee to the Board. Chris W. motioned to end Executive session. Heather J. second. Motion passed. The Board ended Executive session at 6:32pm.
Chris W. motioned to accept Mackenzie Sellens as a new trustee to the Hamilton Public Library Board. Heather J. second. Motion Passed. Mackenzie Sellens took the Oath of Office and was welcomed to the Board.
The minutes of the February 17, 2020 Board meeting were reviewed. Chris W. motioned to approve the minutes of the February 17, 2020 BOT meeting. Heather J. second. Motion passed.
The bills for February 2020 were reviewed. Chris W. motioned to approve the bills for February 2020. Heather J. second. All questions were asked and answered. Motion passed.
The Financial Report for February 2020 was viewed by Board members present. John W. recommended the Board to move $353.89 from the Per Capita Fund, and $4,500.00 from the Money Market to the Main account. Chris W. motioned to move funds as recommended by Treasurer John W. Heather J. second. All questions were asked and answered. Motion passed.
Friends of the Library
No report given.
A written report was submitted to Board members present. Kathryn J. went over the report verbally.
1) Copy machine The copy machine is scheduled to be installed on March 19, 2020.
2) Library electronic devices All computers are up and running; Tony needs to find the two passwords for the upstairs computers. Discussion was held regarding possibly asking Tony to do on call basis since his monthly retainer fee is not in the 2020 -2021 budget. Jim N. stated no one at the SCC was interested in doing tech support for the library. Matt Clark was too busy with his schedule.
Old Business
1) Budget A budget meeting was held on March 2, 2020 at the Library. Those in attendance were Jim N., John W., David M., Heather J., and Kathryn J. John W. presented an excel sheet with all the numbers of the 2019/2020 expenditures thru February 2020, the amounts budgeted, the revenue amount received in 2019/2020 and the 2020/2021 projected amount, and employee projected salary amounts. The group discussed changes to the budget and presented a copy of the proposed budget to the Board members present. After some discussion Wanda H. recommended voting on the budget at the April 2020 Board meeting because 1) members unable to attend the budget meeting have not had enough time to review the proposed budget, 2) there is no budget amount for building and grounds, and 3) the budget does not need to be in place until May 2020. Heather J. stated by then the issue with the gutter may be known and the Board may have a better idea of what should be budgeted for building and grounds.
2) Safety No one has come to give advice on what is needed. The Board recommends no purchases regarding the issue until police or fire person has been in to evaluate and make recommendations for the Library. Mackenzie S. was asked if her husband who is with the fire department might come in an unofficially to evaluate and make a list of recommendations and requirements to present to the Board. Mackenzie S. said she will ask.
Building and Grounds
1) Shed The shed still needs the new handle installed.
2) Gutter Kathryn J. to call over to a plumbing company in Keokuk that was recommended by Heather J.; Heather J. stated they deal with a lot of unusual circumstances. No one is sure if the gutter issue might be under the ground.
New Business
1) COVID 19 The Board discussed the posting on Facebook of the Library closing for two weeks prior to Board approval or notification to members. Jim N. apologized to the members for making the decision after discussion with Kathryn J. earlier today and not waiting until tonight’s Board meeting. Someone stated at the meeting Hamilton City Hall recommended closing the doors. Kathryn J. discussed the issue with staff members and placed a report on the back of the Library Director’s Report. Kathryn J. stated other libraries were closing in the area. The staff would have the option to come in for four hours if wanted to be paid; otherwise the closure would be without pay for them. Kathryn J. stated she would be coming in for installation of the copy machine on March 19th, work from home by calling into the voicemail to check issues, and drive by the Library occasionally to check the building and grounds. The Facebook message advised patrons not to return their books and fees would be waived.
Jim N. advised the Board there is no policy for this type of closure. The Board needs to develop a policy for this.
Chris W. recommended to the Board this would be a good time to start e-books with the purchase of the Access 360 program since people won’t have access to the Library’s books. This is in next year’s budget and we would just be implementing the program earlier. The cost of $500.00 could be taken from the remaining budget of the books on CD which is $420.00 and the remaining $80.00 from the book budget. This could be promoted on the Library Facebook and web pages. Kathryn J. was all for the idea.
Chris W. motioned to move forward with purchasing the Access 360 program using $420.00 from the CD Books and $80.00 from the Book budgets to cover the cost. John K. second. Discussion was held. Motion passed.
Jim N. reminded the Board next meeting will be election of officers. Wanda H. stated she will not accept the nomination for office of Secretary for the 2020/2021 year.
Executive Session
Chris W. moved to enter into Executive Session again. Wanda H. second. Motion passed. The Board entered into Executive Session again at 7:50 pm. Chris W. motioned to end Executive Session. Mackenzie S. second. Motion passed. The Board ended Executive Session at 8:03pm.
New Business
John K. motioned to retain Kathryn J. as Library Director. Heather J. second. Motion passed.
Chris W. motioned to pay the Library staff for the next two weeks of Library closure based on their normal hours. John K. second Motion passed 5-1 and 1 abstain.
Chris W. motioned to adjourn the meeting. Heather J. second. Motion passed. President Jim N. adjourned the meeting at 8:12 pm.
The next Hamilton Public Library Board meeting will be on Monday April 20, 2020 at 6:30pm.
Submitted by
Wanda Hansen, Secretary
I,_____________________________________________ and _____________________________________ attest that these are the true and correct minutes for the Hamilton Public Library Board meeting dated April 20, 20120.
April 20, 2020
The Hamilton Public Library Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 6:20 pm on Monday April 20, 2020 by President James (Jim) Noble. Those present were: President Jim Noble, Vice President Heather Jones, Secretary Wanda Hansen, John Kelly, and Theresa Scheihing. Treasurer John Wardwell, Mackenzie Sellens, David Morgan, and Kathryn Johnson Library Director were present via Zoom due to the mandate for public meetings by Illinois Governor Pritzker. A quorum was declared by President Jim Noble. Chris W. joined the Board meeting at 6:30 pm; President Jim N. welcomed and explained to Chris W. why the Board meeting started early and informed Chris W. of what had been addressed at the meeting so far.
The minutes of the March 16, 2020 Board meeting were reviewed. Heather J. motioned to accept the minutes of the March 16, 2020 Board meeting. John K. second. Motion passed.
The minutes for the Emergency Board meeting held on March 26, 2020 were reviewed. Heather J. motioned to accept the minutes of the March 26, 2020 Emergency Board meeting. Theresa S. second. Motion passed.
John W. went over the bills as presented. All other questions were asked and answered. Wanda H. motioned to pay the March 2020 bills as presented. Heather J. second. Motion passed.
The Board went over the Financial Report. John W. motioned to move $5,000.00 from the Money Market to the Main Account. John K. second. Motion passed.
Friends of the Library - given by Kathryn Johnson
Friends has not had a regular meeting since the Governor’s mandate. The planned golf tournament has been postponed until further notice. They are hoping to be able to have the golf tournament in August.
Library Director
Read through written report emailed to Board members previous to the meeting. Copies were available for the Board members who came to the Library for the meeting. Questions were asked as the report was presented by Kathryn J. The question of doing temporary cards for new/rural patrons was presented by Kathryn J. to the Board. She explained this would allow more access to the Access 360 program with termination at the end of the mandated shutdown. The person would have to provide a valid telephone number and email address to be able to sign up for the program. Kathryn J. would mark their accounts as inactive if the person did not pay the Library member fee once the mandate is lifted. Kathryn J. stated the ILA has lifted some of their requirements at this time. David M. motioned to allow the use of temporary cards for new/rural patrons until the mandate for the Library closure is lifted by Governor Pritzker. Chris W. second. Discussion was held; the Board questioned the number of rural resident members and requested a report. Motion passed.
Copy Machine - Kathryn J. stated the new printer was installed and is great.
Library electronics devices – Kathryn J. stated waiting for the closure mandate to be lifted so Tony can update the last two computers upstairs and bring back the new laptop.
Old Business
2020/2021 Budget meeting – The Board members were emailed a copy of the proposed budget based on Revenues of $73,000.00 previous to the meeting. Discussion was held. During discussion Wanda H. recommended remove $1000.00 from the Technology Budget and $500.00 from the Incidentals Budget and place $3,000.00 in the Buildings and Grounds Budget. Discussion ensued. John K. motioned to adopt the 2020/2021 Budget as stated. Heather J. second. The stated 2020/2021 Budget is Books/Books on CD - $9,600.00, Utilities - $3,500.00, Building and Grounds - $3,000.00, Technology - $2,400.00, Personnel - $51,00.00, Incidentals - $1,500.00, Other/Per Capita - $1,500.00, Continuing Ed - $500.00. Motion passed.
Safety Committee – Mackenzie S. stated her husband who is with the fire department agreed to doing an unofficial assessment of the Library’s safety needs; this will be done after the closure mandate is lifted. Members agreeing to be on the Safety Committee are Jim N., Wanda H., and Kathryn J. Other members may join in at any time. The committee will do the walk thru and then present to the other Board members the recommendations to be prioritized.
Termination of Employee – John K. informed the Board he had spoken with Mayor Sellens and the City attorney regarding the Board’s previous discussion about staff person Mary P. The Board can set a policy regarding a mandated retirement age. To dismiss an employee need to have a policy in place to help prevent legal issues. Documentation needed. Performance evaluation and protocol for dismissal policy with steps should be developed. John K. volunteered to work on a policy/protocol. Heather J. stated she will present an Emergency Protocol Policy next meeting. Jim N. advised to include snow days in the policy.
COVID 19 – Discussed phases for reopening Library when mandates lifted by Governor Pritzker.
Phase 1: if “shelter in place‘” order lifted the Library would open for curbside service for patrons. A patron can call to request or return a book(s) to the Library. If requesting a book the patron would call the Library with the request and anticipated time of arrival. The staff would advise the patron if available and have ready for the patron; the patron would call when at the Library, then Kathryn J. would take out to the patron and if returning any books take them from the patron. The returned books will be placed in quarantine for 72 hours per recommended Library protocol by the ILA. The same would take place for anyone wanting document services. The Library door will remained locked to minimize the need for disinfecting areas. The Library hours will be modified to 10 am – 4 pm Monday – Friday.
Mary P. and Bonnie w. will be asked if they would feel comfortable to work during Phase I and if working will only be working inside the Library during designated hours. Masks and gloves will be worn.
Kathryn J. stated she thought she would be able to procure gloves and masks. If not, Wanda H. stated she had some sample packages she would be willing to donate. To inform the public, Kathryn J. stated she would announce this on the Library Facebook page, place a sign on the window of the Library, place in the paper, and change the greeting on the Library phone. Discussion by the Board was held during the development of Phase I. The Board felt a necessity to start reconnecting with patrons as soon as allowed would be beneficial. Heather J. motioned to accept Phase I and implement when “shelter in place” lifted. Chris W. second. Motion passed.
If “shelter in place not lifted the Board discussed continuing to pay the staff until the May Board with Kathryn J. working from home and checking on the Library Monday – Friday. Chris W. motioned to continue paying the staff until the next Board meeting or until “shelter in place” lifted with Kathryn J. working from home and checking on the Library Monday thru Friday. John W. second. Motion passed.
Buildings and Grounds
Gutter –The Plumbing Co. of Keokuk, IA came by and looked at the gutters; they don’t believe any of the gutters go underground. Kathryn J. stated someone is to come back tomorrow. They may be able to unclog the gutter.
Executive Session
New Business
Election of 2020/2021 Hamilton Public Library Board Officers – David M. nominated James Noble for President. Chris W. second. John K. nominated Heather Jones for Vice President. Theresa S. second. Heather J. nominated Theresa Scheihing for Secretary. Wanda H. second. Wanda H. nominated John Wardwell for Treasurer. Heather J. second. All nominees accepted their nominations. John K. motioned to accept the nominations as presented as there were no contested offices. Heather J. second. Motion Passed.
Theresa S. motioned to adjourn the meeting. Heather J. second. President Jim N. adjourned the meeting at 8:16 pm.
The next Hamilton Public Library Board meeting will be held on Monday May 18, 2020 at 6:30 pm.
Submitted by
Wanda Hansen, Secretary
I _____________________________________ and ___________________________________ attest that these are the true and correct minutes for the Hamilton Public Library Board meeting dated February 17, 2020.
May 18, 2020
The Hamilton Public Library Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm. on Monday May 18, 2020 by President James ( Jim) Noble. Those present were: President Jim Noble, Vice President President Heather Jones, Secretary Theresa Scheihing, Wanda Hansen, Mackenzie Sellens, and John Kelly. Katheryn Johnson Library Director, David Morgan and Chris Williams were present via Zoom due to the mandate for public meetings by Illinois Governor Pritzker. A quorum was declared by President Jim Noble.
The minutes of the April 20, 2020 Board meeting were reviewed. David M. motioned to accept the minutes of the April 20, 2020 Board meeting. Heather J. second. Motion passed.
John K. motioned to pay the April 2020 bills as presented. Heather J. second. Motion passed.
The board went over the Financial Report. Questions were discussed and answered. Chris W. motioned to transfer money to pay bills as recommended by Treasurer John Ward ell.
Friends of the Library-given by Kathryn Johnson
Friends has not had a regular meeting since the Governor’s mandate.
Library Director
Read through written report emailed to Board members previous to the meeting. Copies were available for the Board members who came to the library for the meeting. Questions were asked as the report was presented by Kathryn J. Virtual events include Story Time Via Zoom and Summer Reading Program: Dig Deeper. Registration began 5-18-20. Paper registration forms hanging outside.
Logo Contest: Logo contest discussed and rules explained by Kathryn J. Prize $50 by Friends of the Library and deadline August 31, 2020.
Nothing new to report on.
Nothing new to report on.
Safety Committee
Tabled until next month.
Curbside Pick-up
Shelter in place vs. modified shelter in place was discussed. There have been different opinions and some confusion. Kathryn J. reported they had a few patrons. Check out is limited to 5 items and patrons need to call in advance. Guidelines and rules to pick-up were discussed.
Bonnie and Mary were both not comfortable coming to work.
Wanda H. made a motion that curbside pick up is open 12p-4pm by appointment only M-F/
Kathryn J. will be working 10-4pm, flexibility 10-12 Board voted and all approved.
Library Reopening
Discussed setting up phases for the library to reopen the building to patrons.
Old Business
Salary for staff. Katheryn full salary and Bonnie and Mary pay discussed. After 12 weeks for Covid which is June 25th employee could be let go if they have not returned to work.
Mackenzie S. made motion to offer Bonnie and Mary contact-less curbside or option furlough without pay to fire staff to help Kathryn Deadline is 5-26-20
Building and Grounds
Gutter -”The Plumbing Company” will come take care of it. Theresa S. asked what day trash pick up was. It is Thursdays. She noted the cans have been down a few times. There was a brief discussion about addressing that. Nothing was decided at this time.
Executive Session
New Business
Staffing: If Bonnie and Mary do not come back then Kathryn J. can hire one staff for temp help.
John K. made motion Kathryn seek temp help 4 hours/week at minimum wage if Bonnie and Mary do not choose to return to work by 6-15-20 (next meeting). Tora Buckert was someone Kathryn had in mind but it has not been discussed with her. 6-15-20 is next board meeting. Possible staff hiring will be readdressed at that time. Heather J. second. All voted in favor.
Heather J. motion to adjourn and John K. second. Meeting was adjourned at 8:01 pm.
The next Hamilton Public Library meeting will be held on Monday June 15, 2020 pm. at 6:30 pm.
The next Hamilton Public Library Board meeting will be held on Monday June 15, 2020 at 6:30 pm.
Submitted by
Theresa Scheihing, Secretary
I ___________________________________and ___________________________________ attest that these are the true and correct minutes for the Hamilton Public Library Board meeting dated June 15, 2020.
June 15, 2020
The Hamilton Public Library Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm.
on Monday June 15, 2020 by President James ( Jim) Noble. Those present were:
President Jim Noble, Vice President Heather Jones, Secretary Theresa Scheihing,
Treasurer John Wardell, Wanda Hansen, Mackenzie Sellens, Katheryn Johnson
Library Director, David Morgan. A quorum was declared by President Jim Noble.
The minutes of the May 18, 2020 Board meeting were reviewed. Heather Jones
motioned to accept the minutes and David Morgan second. Motion passed.
David Morgan motioned to pay the May 2020 bills as presented. Wanda Hansen
second. Motion passed.
The board went over the Financial Report. Questions were discussed and answered.
Heather Jones motioned to transfer $379.77 from Per Capita Fund and $3200.00 from
MMA (Totalling $3579.77) to pay bills as recommended by Treasurer John Wardell.
Friends of the Library: No Report
Friends has not had a regular meeting since the Governor’s mandate.
Library Director
Read through written report emailed to Board members previous to the meeting. Copies
were available for the Board members who came to the library for the meeting.
Questions were asked as the report was presented by Kathryn J. Virtual events include
Story Time Via Zoom and Summer Reading Program: Dig Deeper. The summer reading
program is on week 3 of programming. A total of 67 people have registered. The
breakdown of adults vs children were the following: Birth-3 yr:6, Preschool-5th grade:
39, 6th-12th grade:8, 18+:14. Library Director
Read through written report emailed to Board members previous to the meeting. Copies
were available for the Board members who came to the library for the meeting.
Questions were asked as the report was presented by Kathryn J. Virtual events include
Story Time Via Zoom and Summer Reading Program: Dig Deeper. The summer reading
program is on week 3 of programming. A total of 67 people have registered. The
breakdown of adults vs children were the following: Birth-3 yr:6, Preschool-5th grade:
39, 6th-12th grade:8, 18+:14.
MTC was contacted about Fiber. We are on their map and they will be in contact closer
to installation time.
Per Capita Grant: We were awarded $3,688.75. Funds will be delayed getting to us due
to Covid. We have until Dec 12-31-21 to spend our 2020 money.
Safety Committee
A walk thru will be held at a later date.
Curbside Pick-up
The library is taking it week by week since 5-15. We are following advice from City Hall,
RAILS, ILA, CDC and State Agencies. Local libraries are meeting 6-18-20.
Emergency Disaster Binder created.
Old Business
Building and Grounds
July beginning of gutter.
Executive Session
New Business
Termination policy-Board members were given copies of. Heather Jones motion to
adapt into policy. David Morgan second. Motion carried.
Emergency Policy-Board members were given copies of. David Morgan motion to
adapt it into policy. John Wardell second. Motion carried.
Announcements-James/Jim Noble and Katheryn went to see appropriation before city
council. City council was pleased.
Also a special thank-you to John Kelly for writing the termination policy and Heather
Jones for writing the Emergency Policy.
The next Hamilton Public Library Board meeting will be held on Monday July 20, 2020
at 6:30 pm.
Submitted by
Theresa Scheihing, Secretary
attest that these are the true and correct minutes for the Hamilton Public Library Board
meeting dated June 15, 2020.
July 20, 2020
The Hamilton Public Library Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm.
on Monday July 20, 2020 by President James ( Jim) Noble. Those present were:
President Jim Noble, Vice President Heather Jones, Secretary Theresa Scheihing,
Wanda Hansen, Mackenzie Sellens, and Katheryn Johnson Library Director. A quorum
was declared by President Jim Noble.
The minutes of the June 15, 2020 Board meeting were reviewed. Wanda Hansen
motioned to accept the minutes and Heather Jones second. Motion passed.
Heather Jones motioned to pay the June 2020 bills as presented. MacKenzie Sellens
second. Motion passed.
The board went over the Financial Report. Heather Jones motioned to transfer $85.43
from Per Capita Fund and $5400 from MMA (Totaling $5485.43) to pay bills as
recommended by Treasurer John Wardell. Theresa Scheihing second.
Friends of the Library: Friends met and book sale coming up Friday, August 7th, 2020.
Hours will be 10a.m.-2p.m. Additionally the Spring Kids fundraiser was moved from
August 2020 to 4-17-21.
Library Director -From directors report...
Yoga in the park ( drop-in) is set for August 8th, 2020 at 11:15 a.m. Virtual events
included story time and
Read through a written report emailed to Board members previous to the meeting.
Copies were available for the Board members who came to the library for the meeting.
Virtual events include Story Time Via Zoom and Summer Reading Program: Dig
Deeper. The summer reading program concluded on July 3rd. A total of 67 people have
registered. The breakdown of adults vs children were the following: Birth-3 yr:6,
Preschool-5th grade: 39, 6th-12th grade:8, 18+:14. Participation level varied each week
(vacations, busy families, screen burnout).
Movie Night/Ice Cream Bar:July 31st @1930 at 730pm Friday, Need at least 3
volunteers to help with ice cream bar).
-The snack bar is providing the movie screen. The Library will provide the ice-cream
and toppings. We will be handing out prizes at this time
(Same as June) MTC has been contacted about fiber, we are on their map & someone
will be contacting us closer to installation time.
Board Members: If you usually connect to our wireless the setup has changed.
*Step 1: Go into Settings & disconnected from Hamilton Public Library wireless
*Step 2:Forget Network
*Step 3: Connect to Hamilton Library-Password:Library 1234
● Working on a grant through the ALA & Capital One called:
Community Connections
➢ Twenty selected public libraries will receive five Verizon WiFi hotspots with
two-year contracts and service for lending to patrons; professional developmental
resources;assets and resources on hotspot-lending best practices; a 42,000
stipend to cover cpts associated with implementing programming, and additional
financial capability resources from ALA.
General Information/Ongoing Projects
● Still re-organizing/weeding nonfiction upstairs (almost finished).
● Directors University is through September 29th.
Our Library is participating in an 8wk program called: Unite for Literacy Project.
Key focus is:
● To promote literacy & equity
● Access to all of our content across all platforms: digital & paper
● Better our relationship management with non-English populations ( liaisons and
regular communications)
Old Business
Safety Committee ( see handout)
During walkthrough it was suggested that:
Move building maps lower, move upstairs fire extinguisher closer to stairs, Move the
downstairs smoke detector to the ceiling right above the stairwell. New smoke detector
for the kitchen, Carbon Monoxide detector for the boiler room, and Exit signs.
Current Hours: Monday-Friday 10am-4pm ( Considering continuing these hours through
the Summer or until we have a full staff again.)
Footfall is still very minimal. Curbside is still offered & used frequently. Calling in or
emailing their requests .In person programming ( inside the building) is still on hold for
the time being.
Still practicing Social Distancing inside of the library and limiting the time spent on
computers if we have patrons waiting for a turn.
Building and Grounds
Gutters: Plumbing Company
2 Small Leaks in the roof on North side of the building-Katheryn to check with City
hall on roofing information (Trish)
Executive Session
New Business
Hiring a new part time employee was discussed. Mary was unable to work for
unknown time due to an injury. It was noted we may look into hiring temporary help.
Possible hiring criteria included: Willing to stay long term, technology literate, Willing &
Able to do Children’s Programming and Work a flexible schedule ( evenings and
weekends). Board members discussed and decided Nothing is going to happen right
away. We are waiting to see what happens with Mary.
FOIA & OMA Training for Trustees (Open meeting Act). This will be online. Everyone
on the board has done it and will have to do it if they have not.
Heather Jones motioned to adjourn and MacKenzie Sellens second. Meeting adjourned.
The next Hamilton Public Library Board meeting will be held on Monday August 17,,
2020 at 6:30 pm.
Submitted by
Theresa Scheihing, Secretary
attest that these are the true and correct minutes for the Hamilton Public Library Board
meeting dated July 20, 2020.
Hamilton Public Library
Board of Trustees meeting
August 17, 2020
The Board of Trustees was held at 6:30 pm August 17, 2020 at the Hamilton Public Library. Those present were President James (Jim) Noble, Vice President Heather Jones, Treasurer John Wardwell, Mackenzie Sellens, Wanda Hansen, and Library Director Kathryn Johnson. A quorum was declared and meeting called to order at 6:30pm by President Jim Noble. Also present was Friends representative Marilynn Miller. Guests were welcomed by President Jim Noble.
The minutes of the July 20, 2020 Board meeting were reviewed. Heather J. motioned to approve the minutes of the July 20, 2020 BOT meeting. John W. second. Motion passed.
The bills for July/August 2020 were reviewed. Heather J. motioned to approve the bills for July/August 2020. Mackenzie S. second. All questions were asked and answered. Motion passed.
The Financial Report for July/August 2020 was viewed by Board members present. John W. recommended the Board to move $778.20 from the Per Capita Fund and $4,700.00 from the Money Market to the Main account. John W. motioned to move funds as recommended. Heather J. second. All questions were asked and answered. Motion passed.
Friends of the Library - given by Marilynn Miller
The cabinets in the Library kitchen were painted. The paint was purchased with the donations received from the book sale. A new chair for the Library director was also purchased. Some of the remaining books were recycled or donated. Another book sale is planned for October 4, 2020. The shed was cleaned out and the Friends would like to sell some miscellaneous contents at the next book with the Board’s approval.
A written report was submitted to Board members present. Kathryn J. went over the report verbally.
Nothing new to report.
Old Business
Kathryn J. reminded the Board members present their FOIA training needs to be completed and a copy of the certificate placed in the Library files.
Building and Grounds
Gutter: The Plumbing Co. is waiting on a Lift truck to work on the gutter clog.
Roof: Full Service Roofing of Quincy will be coming to inspect the two areas of the roof which are leaking and give an estimate for repairs.
The “B” on the Library sign outside above the kitchen entrance door fell off the building. Wanda H. recommended check with the boy/girl scouts to see if a scout would like a project of doing the letters in wood for the Library. Kathryn J. to check with Judy Kammerer.
New Business
Heather J. questioned Kathryn J. regarding employee Mary Patterson’s return to work and how things were going. Kathryn J. stated Mary P. was doing okay. Her concern was Mary P. was going up the stairs forward and down the stairs backwards. Kathryn J. felt this could be a liability. Heather J. questioned if Mary P. had a work release signed by her doctor; Kathryn J. stated Mary P. did have a signed work release when she returned to work. The work release was a generic form per Kathryn J. Discussion ensued regarding the need for a specific work release document for all Library employees. Heather J. will provide a copy of her work release document; Kathryn J. to contact Trustee John K. to inquire if there is a work release document where he works and if so could he provide a copy for the Board to look at. The Board discussed the document would need to list the duties the employee would be need to be able to perform upon returning to work.
The Board discussed the need for a policy regarding a background check and random drug test for employees.
The Board again discussed the Mandatory Retirement Policy.
Mackenzie S. motioned to adjourn the meeting. Heather J. second. Motion passed. President Jim N. adjourned the meeting at 7:24 pm.
The next Hamilton Public Library Board meeting will be on Monday September 21, 2020 at 6:30pm.
Submitted by
Wanda Hansen, Acting Secretary
I,_____________________________________________ and _____________________________________ attest that these are the true and correct minutes for the Hamilton Public Library Board meeting dated April 20, 20120.
September 21, 2020
The Hamilton Public Library Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm. on Monday September 21, 2020 by President James ( Jim) Noble. Those present were: President Jim Noble, Secretary Theresa Scheihing, Wanda Hansen, Mackenzie Sellens, John Wardell and Kathryn Johnson Library Director. David Morgan joined the meeting via Zoom. A quorum was declared by President Jim Noble.
The minutes of the August 2020 Board meeting were reviewed. John Wardell motioned to accept the minutes and Mackenzie Sellens second. Motion passed.
Wanda Hansen motioned to pay the August 2020 bills as presented. John Wardell second. Motion passed.
The board went over the Financial Report.John Wardell motioned to transfer $49.94 from Per Capita Fund and $5400 from MMA (Totaling $5449.94) to pay bills as recommended by Treasurer John Wardell.
Friends of the Library: Friends met and book sale coming up Hours will be 10a.m.-3p.m. It will be free will donation. There may be some furniture for sale as well. If rain then the week after is the rain date.
In addition the puzzle event/fundraiser is on hold until January.
Library Director -From directors report...(see attachment) Highlights include events: Story Walk through the park, Banned book week, potential Movie night in the park September/October, Make-N-Take Tye Dye (outdoor program) and pumpkin contest.
For the pumpkin contest: participants are to create their favorite character from a book. Wanda suggested a real pumpkin could be used ( on their own). In addition the winner could be placed in business windows. Katheryn will check with the merchants.
Technology highlights ( see attachment): Still waiting to hear from MTC about fiber. We had 27 new people sign up for library cards and 23 have signed up for Axis 360. Teachers at both schools helped push this. New books in our system. Katheryn would like to look at getting a cd cleaner for the library in the future. She pointed out this could bring in a little revenue. Also how it was difficult/impossible to get one cd in a several cd audio book series.
General information/Ongoing projects: Sept 28-Oct 2 Virtual ARSL Conference ( Going to Quincy Daily), FOIA/OMA, Sticker project for Mary to help with shelf reading, Logo Contest ( students at high school working on it), Working on 3 state level reimbursement competitive grants ( PPE, Back to Books, and Digital Networks).
Building & Grounds: Discussion on if we could sell unused furniture and bookshelves in the shed? Board agreed and went thru the list and came up with a price point as follows:
Old metal book shelf double sided $25m (2)Round Children’s table $75 each, (1) spinning book rack display $20, (2) Front facing book display racks $40, (1) 8 x 4 table $50, (2) Wooden tables $40.
Katheryn will compile a list of measurements of everything and submit it to the local schools and see if there is interest before advertising as part of the book sale. She will work on it over the next 2 days.
Roofing-An estimate was done on the roof. A drone was used during the estimate. This is just one place. The quote was printed off for members to look over. See quote/ 12 page attachment included with notes. Current issues with the roof include Asbestos shingles (We don’t know if major or minor and should try to find out. If High content of Asbestos the crew would need to wrap building and triple bag discarded materials and wear hazmat suits.), missing caps, nailed shingles loose, flashing missing, flat roof cracking and where it meets original side water getting in causing leaks above top step upstairs, our upstairs windows are not sealed/caulked, Gutters are overflowing & trees in the gutters on the North side of the flat roof ( hot helped flooding/leaking issue above the stairs).
Questions Katheryn’s asked the City…
Does the City own the building or does the Library? ( Library Does),Who holds the insurance policy? (City does) Could the Library Board sign a repair contract? (Michelle will look into this for us) Who will pay for the repairs? ( We will) Does the project need to follow the City’s bidding and contract procedures? ( What are those procedures?) ( No answer yet on that question)
Katheryn to get other bids. In addition we need to publish a bid notice in the paper.
Work Release Policy
Katheryn shared that Mary will have surgery next month.
A tentative job description was shared to attach to our Physician’s release form. Second a Physician’s Release To Return to Work Form was shared and discussed and additionally a Return to Work Policy.
Mackenzie S. made a motion to accept return to work form and adopt Return to Work Policy as presented. John W. second.
Library Assistant Job Description shared with board. Mackenzie S. Moved to accept Library Assistant job description. Theresa S. second.
Executive Session-There were no items
New Business-Katheryn discussed briefly per capita requirements and will be emailing members information. She offered to print off the information for anyone who wants one.
Hamilton is possibly rezoning the TIF zones. This will eventually affect the library’s budget. We won’t see any difference for about 2 years.
Nov. 3rd is now a Federal Holiday according to Gov. P for “Voting Day”.
Library Letters ( spelling Library with one letter missing) Jim to ask a contact to come give an estimate.
Announcements-End of September Katheryn is done with Directors University. Also a one year anniversary is coming up for Katheryn on October 1st. Future Executive Session.board to evaluate Katheryn ( director) and make new goals if any.
Wanda Hansen moved to adjourn. Mackenzie second. Jim N. adjourned the meeting at approximately 7:30pm. Next meeting Oct 19th, 2020 at 6:30pm.
Submitted by
Theresa Scheihing, Secretary
I___________________________________and_______________________________attest that these are the true and correct minutes for the Hamilton Public Library Board meeting dated September 21, 2020.
Hamilton Public Library
Board of Trustees meeting
October 19, 2020
The Hamilton Public Library Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm. on Monday October 19, 2020 by President James (Jim) Noble. Those present were President James Noble, Vice President Heather Jones, Secretary Theresa Scheihing, Treasurer John Wardwell, Wanda Hansen, MacKenzie Sellens, and Kathryn Johnson Library Director. A quorum was declared by President James Noble.
The minutes of the September 2020 board meeting were reviewed. Heather J. motioned to accept the minutes and John W. second. Motion passed.
Wanda H. motioned to pay the September 2020 bills as presented. Heather J. second motion passed.
We received the per capita grant. The board went over the Financial Report. John W. motioned to transfer $289.48 from Per Capita Fund and $4500 from MMA (Totaling $4789.48) to pay bills and Heather J. second.
Friends of the Library had a good book sale. Most of the furniture sold with the exception of the front face bookshelves. There are 2 churches that may purchase but we are waiting to hear back from them. The Friends next project will be curtains for the windows in the children’s area.
Library Director reported …
The Oct 12th Make & Take Tye Dye (for all ages) had 30 participants.
The Pumpkin Contest: Advertising has been done. A local business’ have requested no carving since it’s a month long program. Looking for a few people who will be judges the day of Thursday October 29th. Wanda H., Heather J. and Theresa S. volunteered. The winners will be announced Friday October 30th.
Passive Program: Banned book week in September was insightful to many people. Family Reading Night is November 19th. This event will end up being a week long program again to reach more families. Secondly, the library has been polling adults on FB about starting a hybrid book club. Diane Ludington from Friends of the Library has volunteered to head that program and help make it a hybrid option.
Children’s Story Time via FB Live. Having guests read whenever possible to drive up participation. Advertising has been sent to the schools, not much in the way of feedback yet.
Technology-We need to re-address the issue of getting an antivirus program for the patron computers. We tabled it back in the Spring. Current contacting different companies and getting quote
Old Business/General Information/Ongoing Projects
There are just 2 board members left to turn in their OMA Training (Chris W. and John K.)
Logo Contest- We got our first submission. The deadline is not yet.
Building & Grounds
Roofing-Press release sent to city attorney for review. Katheryn J. to check back
We will quit accepting bids after January 4, 2021.
National Register of Historic Places-Looking into the process of possibly getting our building registered?
TIF-10-28 meeting to “Better the ground”
Executive Session
Director’s Review-Executive session started at 7:06pm. The board discussed the director’s year of accomplishments, projects, etc. Board members were pleased of all the progress and adaption into the new position. There were a few things mentioned. One was for the Katheryn J./director to make a binder of all the passwords. In the event access is needed access would be obtained. Second it was mentioned to see about having notification of programs earlier. Example: Attendees would know what was coming up in the weeks ahead/upcoming month. Staff evaluations were also discussed. There will need to be a form. Heather J. motion to end executive session. John W. Executive session ended 7:20 pm.
New Business
Per director..In January we should start reviewing one or two policies a meeting to ensure that our rules & regs are up to date.
In addition there will be a $1,000 donation to the Library via the Estate of Clare E. Kellogg. We don’t know when but it will come eventually.
Thank-you cards were passed around and signed by present board members.
Heather J. moved to adjourn. John W. second. Jim N. adjourned the meeting at approximately 7:49p.m. Next Meeting November 16, 2020 at 6:30p.m.
Submitted by,
Theresa Scheihing, Secretary
I ____________________________ and ______________________________
attest that these are the true and correct minutes for the Hamilton Public Library Board meeting dated October 19, 2020.
Hamilton Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
November 16, 2020
The Hamilton Public Library Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm. on Monday October 19, 2020 by President James (Jim) Noble. Those present were President James Noble, Secretary Theresa Scheihing, Wanda Hansen, MacKenzie Sellens, and Kathryn Johnson Library Director. Vice President Heather Jones and David Morgan joined via Zoom. A quorum was declared by President James Noble.
The minutes of the October 2020 board meeting were reviewed. Heather J. motioned to accept the minutes and MacKenzie S. second. Motion passed.
David Morgan motioned to pay the October 2020 bills as presented. Heather J. second. Motion passed.
The board went over the Financial Report. David Morgan motioned to transfer $314.20 from Per Capita Fund and $4700 from MMA (Totaling $5014.20) to pay bills and Heather J. second. David Morgan motioned to move an additional $5000 from MMA to cover December bills Grand total $10,014.20. MacKenzie S. second.
Building & Grounds
Guest Architect: Darin Prost was present to explain what is needed ( steps) in the roof process ( biding, etc.)
He discussed A.I.A. documents. .( standard documents contractors have to have to be qualified ( bond, bonding, bonded. He mentioned job site visits ( things on schedule). He said a 20-30 year warranty was typical.
E.P.A. Mr. Prost would take care of submitting papers. In addition he said he would get us 3 minimum bids ( lowest most responsible).He would nit pick particulars. He recommended doing bids a.s.a.p. He said the drawings would take one month. The bidding of the project would be one month. He said bonds/insurance and shop drawings would be one month.
Katheryn is looking into grants.
Mr. Prost provided what his proposal was and $5200 ( 5%) of 100K.
There was no motion made to accept Mr. Prost as architect for Library roof project.
The board is going to contact another architect. Pending response..there would be a tentative roof meeting the 1st week of December. See fundraising on agenda. This is being postponed til January or later. The Friends have some ideas too.
Library Sign: Katheryn contacted Sue’s Signs. They gave a price of $350 for a 12 foot x 3 foot aluminum.
Old Murals: Discussion of old murals from the main floor. There was no record of any.
Friends of the Library: none
Library Director:
Katheryn shared that the director’s folder was done. Katheryn reported on programming.
October’s Events
Book characters: 12 submissions. Local businesses were very willing to put pumpkins on display.
Scavenger Hunt was enjoyed. 15 participated. We will run this program longer next year.
Storywalk: People seem to enjoy it. A few teachers have commented that they have been telling students about it. We will change these out weather pending about once a month.
Passive Program
Family Reading Night is November 19th. Making it a week long program again to reach more families. * Information has been sent to the schools & the local papers.
Help decorate our tree. Children will come in during the month of December and decorate a gingerbread man for the children’s tree. We will be taking supplies to Montebello & my daycare kids so they can make something and I will bring back to the library. ( pending approval)
Adult and Teen Winter Fun Read November & December program. Nov. 16th- December 21st. Complete one of the 4 requirements and enter to win a DQ Gift Card.
Food for Fines during the month of November & December
December 18 Friday @6pm at the City Park ( no ending time)
Carl Washburn will be Santa
The Fire Department will bring him in.
The Health Department has been contacted. We are obviously at an extremely high COVID rate. Based on the size of our property we can have approx 15 people or less here at one time. Congregating or loitering is not advised. Food of any type other than prepackaged is not advised.
We received the PPE Grant for $500.
Approved expenditures from July 1 through December 21, 2020 will be eligible for reimbursement. More details will be coming next week including how to accept this award, and how to request reimbursement.
Looking into buying washable keyboard covers.
Plexiglass and PVC pipes for front desk sneeze guard.
Old Business:
OMA Training: still need John K., David M, and Wanda H.(?)
S.O.P. 4. Board reviewed Chapters 2-5.
Logo Contest Designs:The submitted logos were reviewed by the board. John K. made motion to approve the logo of the quill with a feather #3 as official library logo and the children’s version of #1 for the Children’s area. Heather J. Second.
Library Sign: MacKenzie S.Made motion that we purchase the sign and quill with a feather logo est 1902 and in memory of Gail Rose. John K. second.
Executive Session
Heather J. made a motion to go into executive session at 8:15pm. MacKenzie S. second.
Executive session ended at 8:22p.m.
New Business
COVID:The library has 20-25 patrons a day now. Discussion to limit the number of patrons and require masks or shields. In addition a larger sign stating mask/shield required.
MTC Communications: Application for fiber/phone.
Note: January 1st increase Bonnie to $11.00/hr. and Mary to $11.00 in April 2021.
Return to work policy and job description: Heather J. Made a motion to accept. Theresa S. second. Motion approved.
Safety Meeting recommendations: We moved/will move some signs.
No meeting in December ( pending response from contacting another architect..could have a roof mtg 1st week of December)
Trustee Resignation: Chris Williams. Bob Eddings is a potential board member.
David Morgan moved to adjourn. Heather J. Second. Jim N. adjourned meeting at approximately 8:40p.m.
Board of Trustees meeting
January 13, 2020
The Board of Trustees was held at 6:30 pm January 13, 20220 at the Hamilton Public Library. Those present were President James (Jim) Noble, Vice President Heather Jones, Secretary Wanda Hansen, Treasurer John Wardwell, David Morgan, John Kelly, Theresa Scheihing and Library Director Kathryn Johnson. A quorum was declared and meeting called to order at 6:33pm by President Jim Noble. Also present were Friends of the Library representative Judy Kammerer and guest Mackenzie Sellens. Guests were welcomed by President Jim Noble.
The minutes of the November 18, 2019 Board meeting were reviewed. David M. motioned to approve the minutes of the November 18, 2019 BOT meeting. Heather J. second. Motion passed.
The bills for November/December 2019 were reviewed. The bills for December 2019/January 2020 were reviewed. David M. motioned to approve the bills for November/December2019 and December 2019/January 2020. Heather J. second. All questions were asked and answered. Discussion was held regarding the overage in the personnel budget; John W. felt the overage should be resolved by the end of the budget year. Motion passed.
The Financial Report for December 29019 and January 2020 were viewed by Board members present. John W. recommended the Board to move $3,697.29 from the Memorial Fund, $176.49 from the Per Capita Fund, and $4,500.00 from the Money Market to the Main account. David M. motioned to move funds as recommended by Treasurer John W. John K. second. All questions were asked and answered. Motion passed.
Friends of the Library given by Judy Kammerer
Friends is working on a few ideas. They put up a new valance in the meeting room, the floor is done and the vacuums bought and in place. Friends did not have a meeting yet this year to discuss anything.
A written report was submitted to Board members present. Kathryn J. went over the report verbally.
Heather J. questioned Kathryn J. regarding the old desk that was in the meeting room. Kathryn J. said she didn’t know where/what happened to it; it was crazy when the floor was being put in and the Friends were moving and cleaning things and placing things on the corner for anyone to take or be trash while she was busy in the children’s area. Heather J. reminded Kathryn J. the Board had specifically told Marilynn Miller of Friends the desk was not to be ‘gotten rid of’ when Marilyn M. told the Board she would like to see it gone.
1) Copy machine CDS Office Technologies in Quincy sent information regarding a copy machine after talking with Kathryn J. on the phone. The cost to purchase would be $5,000.00, but could lease for $92.00/month and $42.00/month service and supply package for a total of $134.00/month. The service and supply package would include service calls and parts plus ink/toner etc. The question was asked if there was a per copy fee not included in the monthly quotes; Kathryn J. said she thought it was all inclusive but would ask prior to any decision. The Board discussed the monies taken in by the Library for copying, etc. The Board felt the cost would be offset by the monies received for the service provided.
2) Library electronic devices Kathryn J. is waiting for Tony to setup a date to startup the new electronics; unfortunately they are playing phone tag. Kathryn J. purchased four (4) HP desktops, two (2) laptops, two (2) I- pads, two (2) headphones and the desk for a total cost of $3,458.95. Kathryn J. is in the process of downloading the games on the I-pads; there will be no internet access. The headphones were purchased with the hope the parents will participate with the child. The electronics were purchased from Staples with regular warrantees.
Old Business
1) Bylaws: The Board agreed to table the Bylaws review until next meeting. President Jim N. stated he and Kathryn J. have been discussing some state law requirements. Jim N. stated the recommendation is for 70% of budget to be salary; the Library budget is very close to 70%. He asked Board members to review the bylaws pertaining to vacations, personal time off, and possibly instituting a mandatory age retirement. With the mandatory age retirement the present employees would be grandfathered in.
2) Bank Accounts: All Marine Bank and Trust accounts and Fortress Bank accounts have been updated and signature cards signed.
3) Accounts:The Library has a credit card through Marine Bank and Trust. The name on the credit card is Hamilton Public Library with John W. and Kathryn J. as authorized users. The credit limit is $5,000.00; the rewards program is points per dollars charged. The balance will be paid in total monthly. John W. has the credit card information.
Building and Grounds
1) Shed The shed still needs a new handle.
2) Gutter Kathryn J. stated Peter’s wanted to charge for full gutter service to unclog the one gutter; she did not hear back from Ruh’s. The Board recommended to call Ruh’s again. Members to check around for someone who might have a plumber’s snake long enough to work.
Executive Session.
New Business
President Jim N. informed the Board he would like to start having budget meetings to discuss the 2020/2021 Library budget next month. Some things needing to be taken into consideration will be: Illinois has changed the mandatory minimum wage law to $10.00 by July 1, 2020 and $11.00 by the end of the year for hourly employees and Tony’s retainer. The plan would be to set-up a time, email members prior to meeting and whomever can come to come. Jim N. and Kathryn J. to develop the Appropriation Budget.
Kathryn J. informed the Board the Library safety standards do not meet code. Some simple upgrades would be: carbon monoxide detectors, a chain across the outside back stairs, safety lighting. The Board discussed the issue briefly. A safety Committee should be formed to address the issues and if needed bring in a fire official to give information. John K, questioned whether this is something which could be financed with the Per Capita grant money; Kathryn J, stated probably.
Heather J. asked if Kathryn J. knew if the box of old pictures, Library info, and articles had been placed, if not thrown away, might be. Kathryn J. went into the craft room and brought out a box which was Heather J. had wanted. Jim N. mentioned Heather J. was thinking of making a Library scrapbook; he suggested asking public regarding any pictures they might have to donate to the project. This could be presented at the Library’s anniversary.
President Jim N. thanked Mackenzie Sellens for coming and hopes she will decide to come again and possibly become a Trustee on the Board.
Theresa S. motioned to adjourn the meeting. John K/ second. Motion passed. President Jim N. adjourned the meeting at 7:48 pm.
The next Hamilton Public Library Board meeting will be on Monday February 17, 2020 at 6:30pm.
Submitted by
Wanda Hansen, Secretary
I,_____________________________________________ and _____________________________________ attest that these are the true and correct minutes for the Hamilton Public Library Board meeting dated October 21, 2019.
February 17, 2020
The Hamilton Public Library Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm on Monday February 17, 2020 by President James (Jim) Noble. Those present were: President Jim Noble, Vice President Heather Jones, Secretary Wanda Hansen, Treasurer John Wardwell, David Morgan, Theresa Scheihing, Chris Williams, Kathryn Johnson Library Director, and Friends Marilyn Miller. A quorum was declared by President Jim Noble.
The minutes of the January 20, 2020 meeting were reviewed. Chris W. motioned to accept the minutes of the January 20, 2020 meeting. John W. second. Motion passed.
John W. went over the bills as presented. All other questions were asked and answered. Chris W. motioned to pay the January 2020 bills as presented. David M. second. Motion passed.
The Board went over the Financial Report. Chris W. motioned to move monies to the Main Account as recommended by Treasurer John Wardwell. David M. second. Motion passed.
John W. explained to the Board the possible reason the Personnel budget is over is because the budget did not include payroll tax which is paid initially though the Library and reimbursed by the city. This needs to be considered and included in the next budget; it is an expense even though reimbursed.
Friends of the Library – given by Marilyn Miller
February 27th hosting a puzzle night at the Library from 6-8pm. April 1st baskets ready; read what Friends will be presenting to area businesses explaining the purpose of the basket and requesting something to place in the basket. Saturday April 10th from 10 – 1pm hosting an indoor mini golf day in the Library; there will be a fee per person/ family to participate.
Library Director
Read through written report given to Board members present at meeting.
Copy Machine - Kathryn J. presented information on a “lease to own” option for a copy machine. Costs and benefits were discussed. David M. motioned to have Kathryn J. move forward with the “lease to own” copy machine option. Chris W. second. Motion passed.
Library electronics devices – Kathryn J. questioned the Board regarding what to do with the old computers. After much discussion the Board recommended to wipe clean the old computers and sell all but one which would be used in the conference room.
Kathryn J. and Tony still having a hard time scheduling a time to finish what needs to be done. The Board discussed possibly considering other options for tech support on the next budget. Jim N. stated he would talk with an SCC computer tech. Matt Clark was also presented as a possible alternative; will talk with Matt Clark regarding an on needed basis cost/possibility.
Old Business
Budget meeting – A budget meeting was planned for March 2nd at 6pm in the Library. All Board members should try to attend. A list of things to consider in the new budget were discussed/noted.
Bylaws review - Discussed the vacation policy. The Board elected to keep the Library vacation policy as written.
Safety Committee – recommend call the fire department for a walk thru to list areas needing attention to meet code.
Buildings and Grounds
Gutter - Ruhs had no solution for the gutter.
Shed – The handle is bought, but it has been too cold to install.
Kathryn J. informed the Board Peters came out 3 times due to loss of heat. The valve froze open on the roof heater; a new regulator has been ordered and will be placed when the weather is warmer. The Board questioned whether this would be under warrantee from the work done the previous year on this heater. We will need to check with Peters.
Executive Session
New Business
Jim N. advised the Board April 1st will be the end of the 6 month probation period for Kathryn J.
The Board is to be asked prior to selling any furniture or items removed from the shed.
Heather J. motioned to adjourn the meeting. John W. second. President Jim N. adjourned the meeting at 7:46 pm.
The next Hamilton Public Library Board meeting will be held on Monday March 16, 2020 at 6:30 pm.
Submitted by
Wanda Hansen, Secretary
I _____________________________________ and ___________________________________ attest that these are the true and correct minutes for the Hamilton Public Library Board meeting dated February 17, 2020.
Hamilton Public Library
Board of Trustees meeting
March 16, 2020
The Board of Trustees was held at 6:30 pm March 16, 2020 at the Hamilton Public Library. Those present were President James (Jim) Noble, Vice President Heather Jones, Secretary Wanda Hansen, Chris Williams, John Kelly (by phone), Theresa Scheihing and Library Director Kathryn Johnson. A quorum was declared and meeting called to order at 6:30pm by President Jim Noble. Also present was guest Mackenzie Sellens. Guests were welcomed by President Jim Noble.
A request to enter Executive Session was made by President Jim N. Chris W. motioned to enter Executive Session. Heather J. second. Motion passed. The Board entered into Executive Session at 6:31pm. Discussion was held regarding Mackenzie Sellens as a new trustee to the Board. Chris W. motioned to end Executive session. Heather J. second. Motion passed. The Board ended Executive session at 6:32pm.
Chris W. motioned to accept Mackenzie Sellens as a new trustee to the Hamilton Public Library Board. Heather J. second. Motion Passed. Mackenzie Sellens took the Oath of Office and was welcomed to the Board.
The minutes of the February 17, 2020 Board meeting were reviewed. Chris W. motioned to approve the minutes of the February 17, 2020 BOT meeting. Heather J. second. Motion passed.
The bills for February 2020 were reviewed. Chris W. motioned to approve the bills for February 2020. Heather J. second. All questions were asked and answered. Motion passed.
The Financial Report for February 2020 was viewed by Board members present. John W. recommended the Board to move $353.89 from the Per Capita Fund, and $4,500.00 from the Money Market to the Main account. Chris W. motioned to move funds as recommended by Treasurer John W. Heather J. second. All questions were asked and answered. Motion passed.
Friends of the Library
No report given.
A written report was submitted to Board members present. Kathryn J. went over the report verbally.
1) Copy machine The copy machine is scheduled to be installed on March 19, 2020.
2) Library electronic devices All computers are up and running; Tony needs to find the two passwords for the upstairs computers. Discussion was held regarding possibly asking Tony to do on call basis since his monthly retainer fee is not in the 2020 -2021 budget. Jim N. stated no one at the SCC was interested in doing tech support for the library. Matt Clark was too busy with his schedule.
Old Business
1) Budget A budget meeting was held on March 2, 2020 at the Library. Those in attendance were Jim N., John W., David M., Heather J., and Kathryn J. John W. presented an excel sheet with all the numbers of the 2019/2020 expenditures thru February 2020, the amounts budgeted, the revenue amount received in 2019/2020 and the 2020/2021 projected amount, and employee projected salary amounts. The group discussed changes to the budget and presented a copy of the proposed budget to the Board members present. After some discussion Wanda H. recommended voting on the budget at the April 2020 Board meeting because 1) members unable to attend the budget meeting have not had enough time to review the proposed budget, 2) there is no budget amount for building and grounds, and 3) the budget does not need to be in place until May 2020. Heather J. stated by then the issue with the gutter may be known and the Board may have a better idea of what should be budgeted for building and grounds.
2) Safety No one has come to give advice on what is needed. The Board recommends no purchases regarding the issue until police or fire person has been in to evaluate and make recommendations for the Library. Mackenzie S. was asked if her husband who is with the fire department might come in an unofficially to evaluate and make a list of recommendations and requirements to present to the Board. Mackenzie S. said she will ask.
Building and Grounds
1) Shed The shed still needs the new handle installed.
2) Gutter Kathryn J. to call over to a plumbing company in Keokuk that was recommended by Heather J.; Heather J. stated they deal with a lot of unusual circumstances. No one is sure if the gutter issue might be under the ground.
New Business
1) COVID 19 The Board discussed the posting on Facebook of the Library closing for two weeks prior to Board approval or notification to members. Jim N. apologized to the members for making the decision after discussion with Kathryn J. earlier today and not waiting until tonight’s Board meeting. Someone stated at the meeting Hamilton City Hall recommended closing the doors. Kathryn J. discussed the issue with staff members and placed a report on the back of the Library Director’s Report. Kathryn J. stated other libraries were closing in the area. The staff would have the option to come in for four hours if wanted to be paid; otherwise the closure would be without pay for them. Kathryn J. stated she would be coming in for installation of the copy machine on March 19th, work from home by calling into the voicemail to check issues, and drive by the Library occasionally to check the building and grounds. The Facebook message advised patrons not to return their books and fees would be waived.
Jim N. advised the Board there is no policy for this type of closure. The Board needs to develop a policy for this.
Chris W. recommended to the Board this would be a good time to start e-books with the purchase of the Access 360 program since people won’t have access to the Library’s books. This is in next year’s budget and we would just be implementing the program earlier. The cost of $500.00 could be taken from the remaining budget of the books on CD which is $420.00 and the remaining $80.00 from the book budget. This could be promoted on the Library Facebook and web pages. Kathryn J. was all for the idea.
Chris W. motioned to move forward with purchasing the Access 360 program using $420.00 from the CD Books and $80.00 from the Book budgets to cover the cost. John K. second. Discussion was held. Motion passed.
Jim N. reminded the Board next meeting will be election of officers. Wanda H. stated she will not accept the nomination for office of Secretary for the 2020/2021 year.
Executive Session
Chris W. moved to enter into Executive Session again. Wanda H. second. Motion passed. The Board entered into Executive Session again at 7:50 pm. Chris W. motioned to end Executive Session. Mackenzie S. second. Motion passed. The Board ended Executive Session at 8:03pm.
New Business
John K. motioned to retain Kathryn J. as Library Director. Heather J. second. Motion passed.
Chris W. motioned to pay the Library staff for the next two weeks of Library closure based on their normal hours. John K. second Motion passed 5-1 and 1 abstain.
Chris W. motioned to adjourn the meeting. Heather J. second. Motion passed. President Jim N. adjourned the meeting at 8:12 pm.
The next Hamilton Public Library Board meeting will be on Monday April 20, 2020 at 6:30pm.
Submitted by
Wanda Hansen, Secretary
I,_____________________________________________ and _____________________________________ attest that these are the true and correct minutes for the Hamilton Public Library Board meeting dated April 20, 20120.
April 20, 2020
The Hamilton Public Library Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 6:20 pm on Monday April 20, 2020 by President James (Jim) Noble. Those present were: President Jim Noble, Vice President Heather Jones, Secretary Wanda Hansen, John Kelly, and Theresa Scheihing. Treasurer John Wardwell, Mackenzie Sellens, David Morgan, and Kathryn Johnson Library Director were present via Zoom due to the mandate for public meetings by Illinois Governor Pritzker. A quorum was declared by President Jim Noble. Chris W. joined the Board meeting at 6:30 pm; President Jim N. welcomed and explained to Chris W. why the Board meeting started early and informed Chris W. of what had been addressed at the meeting so far.
The minutes of the March 16, 2020 Board meeting were reviewed. Heather J. motioned to accept the minutes of the March 16, 2020 Board meeting. John K. second. Motion passed.
The minutes for the Emergency Board meeting held on March 26, 2020 were reviewed. Heather J. motioned to accept the minutes of the March 26, 2020 Emergency Board meeting. Theresa S. second. Motion passed.
John W. went over the bills as presented. All other questions were asked and answered. Wanda H. motioned to pay the March 2020 bills as presented. Heather J. second. Motion passed.
The Board went over the Financial Report. John W. motioned to move $5,000.00 from the Money Market to the Main Account. John K. second. Motion passed.
Friends of the Library - given by Kathryn Johnson
Friends has not had a regular meeting since the Governor’s mandate. The planned golf tournament has been postponed until further notice. They are hoping to be able to have the golf tournament in August.
Library Director
Read through written report emailed to Board members previous to the meeting. Copies were available for the Board members who came to the Library for the meeting. Questions were asked as the report was presented by Kathryn J. The question of doing temporary cards for new/rural patrons was presented by Kathryn J. to the Board. She explained this would allow more access to the Access 360 program with termination at the end of the mandated shutdown. The person would have to provide a valid telephone number and email address to be able to sign up for the program. Kathryn J. would mark their accounts as inactive if the person did not pay the Library member fee once the mandate is lifted. Kathryn J. stated the ILA has lifted some of their requirements at this time. David M. motioned to allow the use of temporary cards for new/rural patrons until the mandate for the Library closure is lifted by Governor Pritzker. Chris W. second. Discussion was held; the Board questioned the number of rural resident members and requested a report. Motion passed.
Copy Machine - Kathryn J. stated the new printer was installed and is great.
Library electronics devices – Kathryn J. stated waiting for the closure mandate to be lifted so Tony can update the last two computers upstairs and bring back the new laptop.
Old Business
2020/2021 Budget meeting – The Board members were emailed a copy of the proposed budget based on Revenues of $73,000.00 previous to the meeting. Discussion was held. During discussion Wanda H. recommended remove $1000.00 from the Technology Budget and $500.00 from the Incidentals Budget and place $3,000.00 in the Buildings and Grounds Budget. Discussion ensued. John K. motioned to adopt the 2020/2021 Budget as stated. Heather J. second. The stated 2020/2021 Budget is Books/Books on CD - $9,600.00, Utilities - $3,500.00, Building and Grounds - $3,000.00, Technology - $2,400.00, Personnel - $51,00.00, Incidentals - $1,500.00, Other/Per Capita - $1,500.00, Continuing Ed - $500.00. Motion passed.
Safety Committee – Mackenzie S. stated her husband who is with the fire department agreed to doing an unofficial assessment of the Library’s safety needs; this will be done after the closure mandate is lifted. Members agreeing to be on the Safety Committee are Jim N., Wanda H., and Kathryn J. Other members may join in at any time. The committee will do the walk thru and then present to the other Board members the recommendations to be prioritized.
Termination of Employee – John K. informed the Board he had spoken with Mayor Sellens and the City attorney regarding the Board’s previous discussion about staff person Mary P. The Board can set a policy regarding a mandated retirement age. To dismiss an employee need to have a policy in place to help prevent legal issues. Documentation needed. Performance evaluation and protocol for dismissal policy with steps should be developed. John K. volunteered to work on a policy/protocol. Heather J. stated she will present an Emergency Protocol Policy next meeting. Jim N. advised to include snow days in the policy.
COVID 19 – Discussed phases for reopening Library when mandates lifted by Governor Pritzker.
Phase 1: if “shelter in place‘” order lifted the Library would open for curbside service for patrons. A patron can call to request or return a book(s) to the Library. If requesting a book the patron would call the Library with the request and anticipated time of arrival. The staff would advise the patron if available and have ready for the patron; the patron would call when at the Library, then Kathryn J. would take out to the patron and if returning any books take them from the patron. The returned books will be placed in quarantine for 72 hours per recommended Library protocol by the ILA. The same would take place for anyone wanting document services. The Library door will remained locked to minimize the need for disinfecting areas. The Library hours will be modified to 10 am – 4 pm Monday – Friday.
Mary P. and Bonnie w. will be asked if they would feel comfortable to work during Phase I and if working will only be working inside the Library during designated hours. Masks and gloves will be worn.
Kathryn J. stated she thought she would be able to procure gloves and masks. If not, Wanda H. stated she had some sample packages she would be willing to donate. To inform the public, Kathryn J. stated she would announce this on the Library Facebook page, place a sign on the window of the Library, place in the paper, and change the greeting on the Library phone. Discussion by the Board was held during the development of Phase I. The Board felt a necessity to start reconnecting with patrons as soon as allowed would be beneficial. Heather J. motioned to accept Phase I and implement when “shelter in place” lifted. Chris W. second. Motion passed.
If “shelter in place not lifted the Board discussed continuing to pay the staff until the May Board with Kathryn J. working from home and checking on the Library Monday – Friday. Chris W. motioned to continue paying the staff until the next Board meeting or until “shelter in place” lifted with Kathryn J. working from home and checking on the Library Monday thru Friday. John W. second. Motion passed.
Buildings and Grounds
Gutter –The Plumbing Co. of Keokuk, IA came by and looked at the gutters; they don’t believe any of the gutters go underground. Kathryn J. stated someone is to come back tomorrow. They may be able to unclog the gutter.
Executive Session
New Business
Election of 2020/2021 Hamilton Public Library Board Officers – David M. nominated James Noble for President. Chris W. second. John K. nominated Heather Jones for Vice President. Theresa S. second. Heather J. nominated Theresa Scheihing for Secretary. Wanda H. second. Wanda H. nominated John Wardwell for Treasurer. Heather J. second. All nominees accepted their nominations. John K. motioned to accept the nominations as presented as there were no contested offices. Heather J. second. Motion Passed.
Theresa S. motioned to adjourn the meeting. Heather J. second. President Jim N. adjourned the meeting at 8:16 pm.
The next Hamilton Public Library Board meeting will be held on Monday May 18, 2020 at 6:30 pm.
Submitted by
Wanda Hansen, Secretary
I _____________________________________ and ___________________________________ attest that these are the true and correct minutes for the Hamilton Public Library Board meeting dated February 17, 2020.
May 18, 2020
The Hamilton Public Library Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm. on Monday May 18, 2020 by President James ( Jim) Noble. Those present were: President Jim Noble, Vice President President Heather Jones, Secretary Theresa Scheihing, Wanda Hansen, Mackenzie Sellens, and John Kelly. Katheryn Johnson Library Director, David Morgan and Chris Williams were present via Zoom due to the mandate for public meetings by Illinois Governor Pritzker. A quorum was declared by President Jim Noble.
The minutes of the April 20, 2020 Board meeting were reviewed. David M. motioned to accept the minutes of the April 20, 2020 Board meeting. Heather J. second. Motion passed.
John K. motioned to pay the April 2020 bills as presented. Heather J. second. Motion passed.
The board went over the Financial Report. Questions were discussed and answered. Chris W. motioned to transfer money to pay bills as recommended by Treasurer John Ward ell.
Friends of the Library-given by Kathryn Johnson
Friends has not had a regular meeting since the Governor’s mandate.
Library Director
Read through written report emailed to Board members previous to the meeting. Copies were available for the Board members who came to the library for the meeting. Questions were asked as the report was presented by Kathryn J. Virtual events include Story Time Via Zoom and Summer Reading Program: Dig Deeper. Registration began 5-18-20. Paper registration forms hanging outside.
Logo Contest: Logo contest discussed and rules explained by Kathryn J. Prize $50 by Friends of the Library and deadline August 31, 2020.
Nothing new to report on.
Nothing new to report on.
Safety Committee
Tabled until next month.
Curbside Pick-up
Shelter in place vs. modified shelter in place was discussed. There have been different opinions and some confusion. Kathryn J. reported they had a few patrons. Check out is limited to 5 items and patrons need to call in advance. Guidelines and rules to pick-up were discussed.
Bonnie and Mary were both not comfortable coming to work.
Wanda H. made a motion that curbside pick up is open 12p-4pm by appointment only M-F/
Kathryn J. will be working 10-4pm, flexibility 10-12 Board voted and all approved.
Library Reopening
Discussed setting up phases for the library to reopen the building to patrons.
Old Business
Salary for staff. Katheryn full salary and Bonnie and Mary pay discussed. After 12 weeks for Covid which is June 25th employee could be let go if they have not returned to work.
Mackenzie S. made motion to offer Bonnie and Mary contact-less curbside or option furlough without pay to fire staff to help Kathryn Deadline is 5-26-20
Building and Grounds
Gutter -”The Plumbing Company” will come take care of it. Theresa S. asked what day trash pick up was. It is Thursdays. She noted the cans have been down a few times. There was a brief discussion about addressing that. Nothing was decided at this time.
Executive Session
New Business
Staffing: If Bonnie and Mary do not come back then Kathryn J. can hire one staff for temp help.
John K. made motion Kathryn seek temp help 4 hours/week at minimum wage if Bonnie and Mary do not choose to return to work by 6-15-20 (next meeting). Tora Buckert was someone Kathryn had in mind but it has not been discussed with her. 6-15-20 is next board meeting. Possible staff hiring will be readdressed at that time. Heather J. second. All voted in favor.
Heather J. motion to adjourn and John K. second. Meeting was adjourned at 8:01 pm.
The next Hamilton Public Library meeting will be held on Monday June 15, 2020 pm. at 6:30 pm.
The next Hamilton Public Library Board meeting will be held on Monday June 15, 2020 at 6:30 pm.
Submitted by
Theresa Scheihing, Secretary
I ___________________________________and ___________________________________ attest that these are the true and correct minutes for the Hamilton Public Library Board meeting dated June 15, 2020.
June 15, 2020
The Hamilton Public Library Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm.
on Monday June 15, 2020 by President James ( Jim) Noble. Those present were:
President Jim Noble, Vice President Heather Jones, Secretary Theresa Scheihing,
Treasurer John Wardell, Wanda Hansen, Mackenzie Sellens, Katheryn Johnson
Library Director, David Morgan. A quorum was declared by President Jim Noble.
The minutes of the May 18, 2020 Board meeting were reviewed. Heather Jones
motioned to accept the minutes and David Morgan second. Motion passed.
David Morgan motioned to pay the May 2020 bills as presented. Wanda Hansen
second. Motion passed.
The board went over the Financial Report. Questions were discussed and answered.
Heather Jones motioned to transfer $379.77 from Per Capita Fund and $3200.00 from
MMA (Totalling $3579.77) to pay bills as recommended by Treasurer John Wardell.
Friends of the Library: No Report
Friends has not had a regular meeting since the Governor’s mandate.
Library Director
Read through written report emailed to Board members previous to the meeting. Copies
were available for the Board members who came to the library for the meeting.
Questions were asked as the report was presented by Kathryn J. Virtual events include
Story Time Via Zoom and Summer Reading Program: Dig Deeper. The summer reading
program is on week 3 of programming. A total of 67 people have registered. The
breakdown of adults vs children were the following: Birth-3 yr:6, Preschool-5th grade:
39, 6th-12th grade:8, 18+:14. Library Director
Read through written report emailed to Board members previous to the meeting. Copies
were available for the Board members who came to the library for the meeting.
Questions were asked as the report was presented by Kathryn J. Virtual events include
Story Time Via Zoom and Summer Reading Program: Dig Deeper. The summer reading
program is on week 3 of programming. A total of 67 people have registered. The
breakdown of adults vs children were the following: Birth-3 yr:6, Preschool-5th grade:
39, 6th-12th grade:8, 18+:14.
MTC was contacted about Fiber. We are on their map and they will be in contact closer
to installation time.
Per Capita Grant: We were awarded $3,688.75. Funds will be delayed getting to us due
to Covid. We have until Dec 12-31-21 to spend our 2020 money.
Safety Committee
A walk thru will be held at a later date.
Curbside Pick-up
The library is taking it week by week since 5-15. We are following advice from City Hall,
RAILS, ILA, CDC and State Agencies. Local libraries are meeting 6-18-20.
Emergency Disaster Binder created.
Old Business
Building and Grounds
July beginning of gutter.
Executive Session
New Business
Termination policy-Board members were given copies of. Heather Jones motion to
adapt into policy. David Morgan second. Motion carried.
Emergency Policy-Board members were given copies of. David Morgan motion to
adapt it into policy. John Wardell second. Motion carried.
Announcements-James/Jim Noble and Katheryn went to see appropriation before city
council. City council was pleased.
Also a special thank-you to John Kelly for writing the termination policy and Heather
Jones for writing the Emergency Policy.
The next Hamilton Public Library Board meeting will be held on Monday July 20, 2020
at 6:30 pm.
Submitted by
Theresa Scheihing, Secretary
attest that these are the true and correct minutes for the Hamilton Public Library Board
meeting dated June 15, 2020.
July 20, 2020
The Hamilton Public Library Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm.
on Monday July 20, 2020 by President James ( Jim) Noble. Those present were:
President Jim Noble, Vice President Heather Jones, Secretary Theresa Scheihing,
Wanda Hansen, Mackenzie Sellens, and Katheryn Johnson Library Director. A quorum
was declared by President Jim Noble.
The minutes of the June 15, 2020 Board meeting were reviewed. Wanda Hansen
motioned to accept the minutes and Heather Jones second. Motion passed.
Heather Jones motioned to pay the June 2020 bills as presented. MacKenzie Sellens
second. Motion passed.
The board went over the Financial Report. Heather Jones motioned to transfer $85.43
from Per Capita Fund and $5400 from MMA (Totaling $5485.43) to pay bills as
recommended by Treasurer John Wardell. Theresa Scheihing second.
Friends of the Library: Friends met and book sale coming up Friday, August 7th, 2020.
Hours will be 10a.m.-2p.m. Additionally the Spring Kids fundraiser was moved from
August 2020 to 4-17-21.
Library Director -From directors report...
Yoga in the park ( drop-in) is set for August 8th, 2020 at 11:15 a.m. Virtual events
included story time and
Read through a written report emailed to Board members previous to the meeting.
Copies were available for the Board members who came to the library for the meeting.
Virtual events include Story Time Via Zoom and Summer Reading Program: Dig
Deeper. The summer reading program concluded on July 3rd. A total of 67 people have
registered. The breakdown of adults vs children were the following: Birth-3 yr:6,
Preschool-5th grade: 39, 6th-12th grade:8, 18+:14. Participation level varied each week
(vacations, busy families, screen burnout).
Movie Night/Ice Cream Bar:July 31st @1930 at 730pm Friday, Need at least 3
volunteers to help with ice cream bar).
-The snack bar is providing the movie screen. The Library will provide the ice-cream
and toppings. We will be handing out prizes at this time
(Same as June) MTC has been contacted about fiber, we are on their map & someone
will be contacting us closer to installation time.
Board Members: If you usually connect to our wireless the setup has changed.
*Step 1: Go into Settings & disconnected from Hamilton Public Library wireless
*Step 2:Forget Network
*Step 3: Connect to Hamilton Library-Password:Library 1234
● Working on a grant through the ALA & Capital One called:
Community Connections
➢ Twenty selected public libraries will receive five Verizon WiFi hotspots with
two-year contracts and service for lending to patrons; professional developmental
resources;assets and resources on hotspot-lending best practices; a 42,000
stipend to cover cpts associated with implementing programming, and additional
financial capability resources from ALA.
General Information/Ongoing Projects
● Still re-organizing/weeding nonfiction upstairs (almost finished).
● Directors University is through September 29th.
Our Library is participating in an 8wk program called: Unite for Literacy Project.
Key focus is:
● To promote literacy & equity
● Access to all of our content across all platforms: digital & paper
● Better our relationship management with non-English populations ( liaisons and
regular communications)
Old Business
Safety Committee ( see handout)
During walkthrough it was suggested that:
Move building maps lower, move upstairs fire extinguisher closer to stairs, Move the
downstairs smoke detector to the ceiling right above the stairwell. New smoke detector
for the kitchen, Carbon Monoxide detector for the boiler room, and Exit signs.
Current Hours: Monday-Friday 10am-4pm ( Considering continuing these hours through
the Summer or until we have a full staff again.)
Footfall is still very minimal. Curbside is still offered & used frequently. Calling in or
emailing their requests .In person programming ( inside the building) is still on hold for
the time being.
Still practicing Social Distancing inside of the library and limiting the time spent on
computers if we have patrons waiting for a turn.
Building and Grounds
Gutters: Plumbing Company
2 Small Leaks in the roof on North side of the building-Katheryn to check with City
hall on roofing information (Trish)
Executive Session
New Business
Hiring a new part time employee was discussed. Mary was unable to work for
unknown time due to an injury. It was noted we may look into hiring temporary help.
Possible hiring criteria included: Willing to stay long term, technology literate, Willing &
Able to do Children’s Programming and Work a flexible schedule ( evenings and
weekends). Board members discussed and decided Nothing is going to happen right
away. We are waiting to see what happens with Mary.
FOIA & OMA Training for Trustees (Open meeting Act). This will be online. Everyone
on the board has done it and will have to do it if they have not.
Heather Jones motioned to adjourn and MacKenzie Sellens second. Meeting adjourned.
The next Hamilton Public Library Board meeting will be held on Monday August 17,,
2020 at 6:30 pm.
Submitted by
Theresa Scheihing, Secretary
attest that these are the true and correct minutes for the Hamilton Public Library Board
meeting dated July 20, 2020.
Hamilton Public Library
Board of Trustees meeting
August 17, 2020
The Board of Trustees was held at 6:30 pm August 17, 2020 at the Hamilton Public Library. Those present were President James (Jim) Noble, Vice President Heather Jones, Treasurer John Wardwell, Mackenzie Sellens, Wanda Hansen, and Library Director Kathryn Johnson. A quorum was declared and meeting called to order at 6:30pm by President Jim Noble. Also present was Friends representative Marilynn Miller. Guests were welcomed by President Jim Noble.
The minutes of the July 20, 2020 Board meeting were reviewed. Heather J. motioned to approve the minutes of the July 20, 2020 BOT meeting. John W. second. Motion passed.
The bills for July/August 2020 were reviewed. Heather J. motioned to approve the bills for July/August 2020. Mackenzie S. second. All questions were asked and answered. Motion passed.
The Financial Report for July/August 2020 was viewed by Board members present. John W. recommended the Board to move $778.20 from the Per Capita Fund and $4,700.00 from the Money Market to the Main account. John W. motioned to move funds as recommended. Heather J. second. All questions were asked and answered. Motion passed.
Friends of the Library - given by Marilynn Miller
The cabinets in the Library kitchen were painted. The paint was purchased with the donations received from the book sale. A new chair for the Library director was also purchased. Some of the remaining books were recycled or donated. Another book sale is planned for October 4, 2020. The shed was cleaned out and the Friends would like to sell some miscellaneous contents at the next book with the Board’s approval.
A written report was submitted to Board members present. Kathryn J. went over the report verbally.
Nothing new to report.
Old Business
Kathryn J. reminded the Board members present their FOIA training needs to be completed and a copy of the certificate placed in the Library files.
Building and Grounds
Gutter: The Plumbing Co. is waiting on a Lift truck to work on the gutter clog.
Roof: Full Service Roofing of Quincy will be coming to inspect the two areas of the roof which are leaking and give an estimate for repairs.
The “B” on the Library sign outside above the kitchen entrance door fell off the building. Wanda H. recommended check with the boy/girl scouts to see if a scout would like a project of doing the letters in wood for the Library. Kathryn J. to check with Judy Kammerer.
New Business
Heather J. questioned Kathryn J. regarding employee Mary Patterson’s return to work and how things were going. Kathryn J. stated Mary P. was doing okay. Her concern was Mary P. was going up the stairs forward and down the stairs backwards. Kathryn J. felt this could be a liability. Heather J. questioned if Mary P. had a work release signed by her doctor; Kathryn J. stated Mary P. did have a signed work release when she returned to work. The work release was a generic form per Kathryn J. Discussion ensued regarding the need for a specific work release document for all Library employees. Heather J. will provide a copy of her work release document; Kathryn J. to contact Trustee John K. to inquire if there is a work release document where he works and if so could he provide a copy for the Board to look at. The Board discussed the document would need to list the duties the employee would be need to be able to perform upon returning to work.
The Board discussed the need for a policy regarding a background check and random drug test for employees.
The Board again discussed the Mandatory Retirement Policy.
Mackenzie S. motioned to adjourn the meeting. Heather J. second. Motion passed. President Jim N. adjourned the meeting at 7:24 pm.
The next Hamilton Public Library Board meeting will be on Monday September 21, 2020 at 6:30pm.
Submitted by
Wanda Hansen, Acting Secretary
I,_____________________________________________ and _____________________________________ attest that these are the true and correct minutes for the Hamilton Public Library Board meeting dated April 20, 20120.
September 21, 2020
The Hamilton Public Library Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm. on Monday September 21, 2020 by President James ( Jim) Noble. Those present were: President Jim Noble, Secretary Theresa Scheihing, Wanda Hansen, Mackenzie Sellens, John Wardell and Kathryn Johnson Library Director. David Morgan joined the meeting via Zoom. A quorum was declared by President Jim Noble.
The minutes of the August 2020 Board meeting were reviewed. John Wardell motioned to accept the minutes and Mackenzie Sellens second. Motion passed.
Wanda Hansen motioned to pay the August 2020 bills as presented. John Wardell second. Motion passed.
The board went over the Financial Report.John Wardell motioned to transfer $49.94 from Per Capita Fund and $5400 from MMA (Totaling $5449.94) to pay bills as recommended by Treasurer John Wardell.
Friends of the Library: Friends met and book sale coming up Hours will be 10a.m.-3p.m. It will be free will donation. There may be some furniture for sale as well. If rain then the week after is the rain date.
In addition the puzzle event/fundraiser is on hold until January.
Library Director -From directors report...(see attachment) Highlights include events: Story Walk through the park, Banned book week, potential Movie night in the park September/October, Make-N-Take Tye Dye (outdoor program) and pumpkin contest.
For the pumpkin contest: participants are to create their favorite character from a book. Wanda suggested a real pumpkin could be used ( on their own). In addition the winner could be placed in business windows. Katheryn will check with the merchants.
Technology highlights ( see attachment): Still waiting to hear from MTC about fiber. We had 27 new people sign up for library cards and 23 have signed up for Axis 360. Teachers at both schools helped push this. New books in our system. Katheryn would like to look at getting a cd cleaner for the library in the future. She pointed out this could bring in a little revenue. Also how it was difficult/impossible to get one cd in a several cd audio book series.
General information/Ongoing projects: Sept 28-Oct 2 Virtual ARSL Conference ( Going to Quincy Daily), FOIA/OMA, Sticker project for Mary to help with shelf reading, Logo Contest ( students at high school working on it), Working on 3 state level reimbursement competitive grants ( PPE, Back to Books, and Digital Networks).
Building & Grounds: Discussion on if we could sell unused furniture and bookshelves in the shed? Board agreed and went thru the list and came up with a price point as follows:
Old metal book shelf double sided $25m (2)Round Children’s table $75 each, (1) spinning book rack display $20, (2) Front facing book display racks $40, (1) 8 x 4 table $50, (2) Wooden tables $40.
Katheryn will compile a list of measurements of everything and submit it to the local schools and see if there is interest before advertising as part of the book sale. She will work on it over the next 2 days.
Roofing-An estimate was done on the roof. A drone was used during the estimate. This is just one place. The quote was printed off for members to look over. See quote/ 12 page attachment included with notes. Current issues with the roof include Asbestos shingles (We don’t know if major or minor and should try to find out. If High content of Asbestos the crew would need to wrap building and triple bag discarded materials and wear hazmat suits.), missing caps, nailed shingles loose, flashing missing, flat roof cracking and where it meets original side water getting in causing leaks above top step upstairs, our upstairs windows are not sealed/caulked, Gutters are overflowing & trees in the gutters on the North side of the flat roof ( hot helped flooding/leaking issue above the stairs).
Questions Katheryn’s asked the City…
Does the City own the building or does the Library? ( Library Does),Who holds the insurance policy? (City does) Could the Library Board sign a repair contract? (Michelle will look into this for us) Who will pay for the repairs? ( We will) Does the project need to follow the City’s bidding and contract procedures? ( What are those procedures?) ( No answer yet on that question)
Katheryn to get other bids. In addition we need to publish a bid notice in the paper.
Work Release Policy
Katheryn shared that Mary will have surgery next month.
A tentative job description was shared to attach to our Physician’s release form. Second a Physician’s Release To Return to Work Form was shared and discussed and additionally a Return to Work Policy.
Mackenzie S. made a motion to accept return to work form and adopt Return to Work Policy as presented. John W. second.
Library Assistant Job Description shared with board. Mackenzie S. Moved to accept Library Assistant job description. Theresa S. second.
Executive Session-There were no items
New Business-Katheryn discussed briefly per capita requirements and will be emailing members information. She offered to print off the information for anyone who wants one.
Hamilton is possibly rezoning the TIF zones. This will eventually affect the library’s budget. We won’t see any difference for about 2 years.
Nov. 3rd is now a Federal Holiday according to Gov. P for “Voting Day”.
Library Letters ( spelling Library with one letter missing) Jim to ask a contact to come give an estimate.
Announcements-End of September Katheryn is done with Directors University. Also a one year anniversary is coming up for Katheryn on October 1st. Future Executive Session.board to evaluate Katheryn ( director) and make new goals if any.
Wanda Hansen moved to adjourn. Mackenzie second. Jim N. adjourned the meeting at approximately 7:30pm. Next meeting Oct 19th, 2020 at 6:30pm.
Submitted by
Theresa Scheihing, Secretary
I___________________________________and_______________________________attest that these are the true and correct minutes for the Hamilton Public Library Board meeting dated September 21, 2020.
Hamilton Public Library
Board of Trustees meeting
October 19, 2020
The Hamilton Public Library Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm. on Monday October 19, 2020 by President James (Jim) Noble. Those present were President James Noble, Vice President Heather Jones, Secretary Theresa Scheihing, Treasurer John Wardwell, Wanda Hansen, MacKenzie Sellens, and Kathryn Johnson Library Director. A quorum was declared by President James Noble.
The minutes of the September 2020 board meeting were reviewed. Heather J. motioned to accept the minutes and John W. second. Motion passed.
Wanda H. motioned to pay the September 2020 bills as presented. Heather J. second motion passed.
We received the per capita grant. The board went over the Financial Report. John W. motioned to transfer $289.48 from Per Capita Fund and $4500 from MMA (Totaling $4789.48) to pay bills and Heather J. second.
Friends of the Library had a good book sale. Most of the furniture sold with the exception of the front face bookshelves. There are 2 churches that may purchase but we are waiting to hear back from them. The Friends next project will be curtains for the windows in the children’s area.
Library Director reported …
The Oct 12th Make & Take Tye Dye (for all ages) had 30 participants.
The Pumpkin Contest: Advertising has been done. A local business’ have requested no carving since it’s a month long program. Looking for a few people who will be judges the day of Thursday October 29th. Wanda H., Heather J. and Theresa S. volunteered. The winners will be announced Friday October 30th.
Passive Program: Banned book week in September was insightful to many people. Family Reading Night is November 19th. This event will end up being a week long program again to reach more families. Secondly, the library has been polling adults on FB about starting a hybrid book club. Diane Ludington from Friends of the Library has volunteered to head that program and help make it a hybrid option.
Children’s Story Time via FB Live. Having guests read whenever possible to drive up participation. Advertising has been sent to the schools, not much in the way of feedback yet.
Technology-We need to re-address the issue of getting an antivirus program for the patron computers. We tabled it back in the Spring. Current contacting different companies and getting quote
Old Business/General Information/Ongoing Projects
There are just 2 board members left to turn in their OMA Training (Chris W. and John K.)
Logo Contest- We got our first submission. The deadline is not yet.
Building & Grounds
Roofing-Press release sent to city attorney for review. Katheryn J. to check back
We will quit accepting bids after January 4, 2021.
National Register of Historic Places-Looking into the process of possibly getting our building registered?
TIF-10-28 meeting to “Better the ground”
Executive Session
Director’s Review-Executive session started at 7:06pm. The board discussed the director’s year of accomplishments, projects, etc. Board members were pleased of all the progress and adaption into the new position. There were a few things mentioned. One was for the Katheryn J./director to make a binder of all the passwords. In the event access is needed access would be obtained. Second it was mentioned to see about having notification of programs earlier. Example: Attendees would know what was coming up in the weeks ahead/upcoming month. Staff evaluations were also discussed. There will need to be a form. Heather J. motion to end executive session. John W. Executive session ended 7:20 pm.
New Business
Per director..In January we should start reviewing one or two policies a meeting to ensure that our rules & regs are up to date.
In addition there will be a $1,000 donation to the Library via the Estate of Clare E. Kellogg. We don’t know when but it will come eventually.
Thank-you cards were passed around and signed by present board members.
Heather J. moved to adjourn. John W. second. Jim N. adjourned the meeting at approximately 7:49p.m. Next Meeting November 16, 2020 at 6:30p.m.
Submitted by,
Theresa Scheihing, Secretary
I ____________________________ and ______________________________
attest that these are the true and correct minutes for the Hamilton Public Library Board meeting dated October 19, 2020.
Hamilton Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
November 16, 2020
The Hamilton Public Library Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm. on Monday October 19, 2020 by President James (Jim) Noble. Those present were President James Noble, Secretary Theresa Scheihing, Wanda Hansen, MacKenzie Sellens, and Kathryn Johnson Library Director. Vice President Heather Jones and David Morgan joined via Zoom. A quorum was declared by President James Noble.
The minutes of the October 2020 board meeting were reviewed. Heather J. motioned to accept the minutes and MacKenzie S. second. Motion passed.
David Morgan motioned to pay the October 2020 bills as presented. Heather J. second. Motion passed.
The board went over the Financial Report. David Morgan motioned to transfer $314.20 from Per Capita Fund and $4700 from MMA (Totaling $5014.20) to pay bills and Heather J. second. David Morgan motioned to move an additional $5000 from MMA to cover December bills Grand total $10,014.20. MacKenzie S. second.
Building & Grounds
Guest Architect: Darin Prost was present to explain what is needed ( steps) in the roof process ( biding, etc.)
He discussed A.I.A. documents. .( standard documents contractors have to have to be qualified ( bond, bonding, bonded. He mentioned job site visits ( things on schedule). He said a 20-30 year warranty was typical.
E.P.A. Mr. Prost would take care of submitting papers. In addition he said he would get us 3 minimum bids ( lowest most responsible).He would nit pick particulars. He recommended doing bids a.s.a.p. He said the drawings would take one month. The bidding of the project would be one month. He said bonds/insurance and shop drawings would be one month.
Katheryn is looking into grants.
Mr. Prost provided what his proposal was and $5200 ( 5%) of 100K.
There was no motion made to accept Mr. Prost as architect for Library roof project.
The board is going to contact another architect. Pending response..there would be a tentative roof meeting the 1st week of December. See fundraising on agenda. This is being postponed til January or later. The Friends have some ideas too.
Library Sign: Katheryn contacted Sue’s Signs. They gave a price of $350 for a 12 foot x 3 foot aluminum.
Old Murals: Discussion of old murals from the main floor. There was no record of any.
Friends of the Library: none
Library Director:
Katheryn shared that the director’s folder was done. Katheryn reported on programming.
October’s Events
Book characters: 12 submissions. Local businesses were very willing to put pumpkins on display.
Scavenger Hunt was enjoyed. 15 participated. We will run this program longer next year.
Storywalk: People seem to enjoy it. A few teachers have commented that they have been telling students about it. We will change these out weather pending about once a month.
Passive Program
Family Reading Night is November 19th. Making it a week long program again to reach more families. * Information has been sent to the schools & the local papers.
Help decorate our tree. Children will come in during the month of December and decorate a gingerbread man for the children’s tree. We will be taking supplies to Montebello & my daycare kids so they can make something and I will bring back to the library. ( pending approval)
Adult and Teen Winter Fun Read November & December program. Nov. 16th- December 21st. Complete one of the 4 requirements and enter to win a DQ Gift Card.
Food for Fines during the month of November & December
December 18 Friday @6pm at the City Park ( no ending time)
Carl Washburn will be Santa
The Fire Department will bring him in.
The Health Department has been contacted. We are obviously at an extremely high COVID rate. Based on the size of our property we can have approx 15 people or less here at one time. Congregating or loitering is not advised. Food of any type other than prepackaged is not advised.
We received the PPE Grant for $500.
Approved expenditures from July 1 through December 21, 2020 will be eligible for reimbursement. More details will be coming next week including how to accept this award, and how to request reimbursement.
Looking into buying washable keyboard covers.
Plexiglass and PVC pipes for front desk sneeze guard.
Old Business:
OMA Training: still need John K., David M, and Wanda H.(?)
S.O.P. 4. Board reviewed Chapters 2-5.
Logo Contest Designs:The submitted logos were reviewed by the board. John K. made motion to approve the logo of the quill with a feather #3 as official library logo and the children’s version of #1 for the Children’s area. Heather J. Second.
Library Sign: MacKenzie S.Made motion that we purchase the sign and quill with a feather logo est 1902 and in memory of Gail Rose. John K. second.
Executive Session
Heather J. made a motion to go into executive session at 8:15pm. MacKenzie S. second.
Executive session ended at 8:22p.m.
New Business
COVID:The library has 20-25 patrons a day now. Discussion to limit the number of patrons and require masks or shields. In addition a larger sign stating mask/shield required.
MTC Communications: Application for fiber/phone.
Note: January 1st increase Bonnie to $11.00/hr. and Mary to $11.00 in April 2021.
Return to work policy and job description: Heather J. Made a motion to accept. Theresa S. second. Motion approved.
Safety Meeting recommendations: We moved/will move some signs.
No meeting in December ( pending response from contacting another architect..could have a roof mtg 1st week of December)
Trustee Resignation: Chris Williams. Bob Eddings is a potential board member.
David Morgan moved to adjourn. Heather J. Second. Jim N. adjourned meeting at approximately 8:40p.m.