Hamilton Public Library
Trustee Meeting
September 16, 2014
The Board of Trustees of the Hamilton Public Library met at 6:30 p.m. on September 16, 2014 at the library. Those present were Sharon Anderson, Wanda Hansen, Cicily Knowles, John Kolditz, Jim Noble, Bob Schneider, Librarian Nancy Denton, and Cynthia Colvin.
The meeting was called to order by President Noble.
Kolditz moved and Knowles seconded a motion to accept the August 19th minutes. Motion carried.
Kolditz moved and Schneider seconded a motion to pay the September bills. Motion carried.
Friends of the Library—Colvin reported that the Friends numbers have dropped and that they are in need of new members. They have $1500 ready to spend on computers for the children’s department and the office computer. The board suggested they proceed with the purchase of the office computer, while the board develops its user policy for the children’s computers.
Finance—Knowles moved and Anderson seconded a motion to transfer $12,000 from the Money Market account to the general fund. Motion carried. Knowles is also working on a document for the bank which will allow Denton access to information from all accounts of which she is not a signer.
· Denton reported that Kolditz has drafted a letter to the mayor and city council regarding the condition of the sidewalk on Broadway between 8th and 9th Streets. Kolditz moved and Schneider seconded a motion to send the revised letter to the city encouraging them to repair the sidewalk. Motion carried.
· Denton reported that Per Capita Grant requirements have been met. She and/or Kolditz attended a webinar and attended training on completing the grant on-line. The board read, reviewed, and discussed the Per Capita standards for libraries and came to the conclusion that the library had at least 78% compliance. Denton asked for suggestions on how to spend next year’s Per Capita Grant.
· Denton announced that Keokuk Technical Solutions (which the library had been using for tech support) has been sold. It has been discovered that the Deep Freeze product has not been working properly on our computers. There will be more expense to correct the problem.
· Denton presented the board with options for of leasing/buying audiobooks with this year’s Per Capita Grant funds.
· Denton is considering a project for Veteran’s Day of collecting funds for the Wounded Warrior Project. Several suggestions were given as to how to proceed.
Building and Grounds--
· Following last week’s heavy rain, the library experienced a leak which dampened the carpet in the reading area by the magazine racks. Larry Ralph of Lake Cooper Construction discovered the downspouts were plugged and corrected the situation. His bill was for $70. He also presented a bid of $250 to clean the roof of debris and to repair the soffit. Kolditz moved and Hansen seconded a motion to accept the bid on the roof/soffit. Motion carried.
OLD BUSINESS—Discussion on an Internet Users Policy for the children’s department was tabled until the next meeting due to two absent board members who were to report back on their inquiries on such policies in other public libraries.
ADJOURNMENT—Kolditz moved and Schneider seconded a motion to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Anderson, Secretary
Trustee Meeting
September 16, 2014
The Board of Trustees of the Hamilton Public Library met at 6:30 p.m. on September 16, 2014 at the library. Those present were Sharon Anderson, Wanda Hansen, Cicily Knowles, John Kolditz, Jim Noble, Bob Schneider, Librarian Nancy Denton, and Cynthia Colvin.
The meeting was called to order by President Noble.
Kolditz moved and Knowles seconded a motion to accept the August 19th minutes. Motion carried.
Kolditz moved and Schneider seconded a motion to pay the September bills. Motion carried.
Friends of the Library—Colvin reported that the Friends numbers have dropped and that they are in need of new members. They have $1500 ready to spend on computers for the children’s department and the office computer. The board suggested they proceed with the purchase of the office computer, while the board develops its user policy for the children’s computers.
Finance—Knowles moved and Anderson seconded a motion to transfer $12,000 from the Money Market account to the general fund. Motion carried. Knowles is also working on a document for the bank which will allow Denton access to information from all accounts of which she is not a signer.
· Denton reported that Kolditz has drafted a letter to the mayor and city council regarding the condition of the sidewalk on Broadway between 8th and 9th Streets. Kolditz moved and Schneider seconded a motion to send the revised letter to the city encouraging them to repair the sidewalk. Motion carried.
· Denton reported that Per Capita Grant requirements have been met. She and/or Kolditz attended a webinar and attended training on completing the grant on-line. The board read, reviewed, and discussed the Per Capita standards for libraries and came to the conclusion that the library had at least 78% compliance. Denton asked for suggestions on how to spend next year’s Per Capita Grant.
· Denton announced that Keokuk Technical Solutions (which the library had been using for tech support) has been sold. It has been discovered that the Deep Freeze product has not been working properly on our computers. There will be more expense to correct the problem.
· Denton presented the board with options for of leasing/buying audiobooks with this year’s Per Capita Grant funds.
· Denton is considering a project for Veteran’s Day of collecting funds for the Wounded Warrior Project. Several suggestions were given as to how to proceed.
Building and Grounds--
· Following last week’s heavy rain, the library experienced a leak which dampened the carpet in the reading area by the magazine racks. Larry Ralph of Lake Cooper Construction discovered the downspouts were plugged and corrected the situation. His bill was for $70. He also presented a bid of $250 to clean the roof of debris and to repair the soffit. Kolditz moved and Hansen seconded a motion to accept the bid on the roof/soffit. Motion carried.
OLD BUSINESS—Discussion on an Internet Users Policy for the children’s department was tabled until the next meeting due to two absent board members who were to report back on their inquiries on such policies in other public libraries.
ADJOURNMENT—Kolditz moved and Schneider seconded a motion to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Anderson, Secretary