Hamilton Public Library
Board of Trustees meeting
January 18, 2021
The Hamilton Public Library Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm. on Monday January 18, 2021 by President James (Jim) Noble. Those present were President James Noble, Vice President Heather Jones, Secretary Theresa Scheihing, Treasurer John Wardwell, Wanda Hansen, MacKenzie Sellens, John Kelly and Kathryn Johnson Library Director. A quorum was declared by President James Noble.
Call to Order
Welcome Guest: Amy Hobb potential new board member.
The minutes of the November 2020 board meeting were reviewed. Heather J. motioned to accept the minutes and MacKenzie Selens second. Motion passed. The Library Board did not meet in December.
Heather Jones. motioned to pay the December 2020 bills as presented. Theresa Scheihing. second. Motion passed. Heather Jones motioned to pay the November 2020 bills as presented. John Kelly second. Motion passed.
The board went over the Financial Report. John W. recommended to transfer $1,000 from Money Market (general) and $83.87 from Per Capita Fund (Totaling $1083.87) to pay bills. John Kelly motioned to transfer funds and John Wardwell second.
Friends of the Library made curtains for the children’s library. They are very colorful. The next project is possibly blinds for the board room.
The Library Director reported...
“Santa at the Park: Approx 60 people participated. Story walk was available while waiting in line. People seemed to enjoy it. A few teachers have commented they have been telling their students about it. We will change these out weather pending about once a month. Passive Programming
Family Reading Night was the week of November 16th. Made it a week-long program again to reach more families. Not many participated due to school going remote during that time. Help decorate our Christmas Tree: We weren’t able to make a go of it due to lack of interest and protocols for daycares, ect. Instead we swapped it out with “Make N’ Take'' craft bags that our volunteer assembled for us. Approx 20+ families participated.
Feed the Birds: People may come in at their convenience and make a pinecone bird feeder. We have also had a few families request the supplies to make at home. This will continue through the month of February
Adult & Teen Winter Fun Read: The November and December program did not see any participants. May try again around Valentines Day. Complete one of the 4 requirements and enter to win a DQ Gift Card.
Book Bundles: Tried out during the Christmas Season. Received good feedback from it in person & on-line. Had a few new people sign up for cards because they wanted to read a specific book to their kids. This may be something we continue to offer during major holidays while we still deal with the virus. Helps the parents who worry about germs continue to check out books, while helping our stats and getting books out the door that haven’t been circulated in some time.
Summer Reading Program: It’s time for us to start looking into a program that can be done remotely. Any program suggestions are appreciated.
● Likelihood of any guest performer is slim
● Waiting to hear from the Park Board if they are going to hold camp.
Food Fines: Not as many participating.
Old Business/General Information/Ongoing Projects:
● OMA Training: John K. (to work on), Wanda H. (done) David Morgan (?) ● S.O.P. 4.0 Chapters 6-10
● Library Logo: We have an updated logo with the EST date included. Kane Forquer designed the library logo design. Katheryn will contact Sue’s Signs in Warsaw to get started. Size was mentioned and Katheryn will discuss.
Building & Grounds
● Roof
> This has been handed over to the City of Hamilton
> Building and Grounds Meeting with the City 1/12/21
>Still waiting to hear from Darin
We are looking into a temporary fix for the largest leak where the new and original building meets. Still hoping to get a new roof on the building this calendar year.
Executive Session-None
New Business
Board reviewed some general policies. The library hours are 10am-4pm The board discussed adding a potential background check for new employees.
Heather Jones made a motion to adjourn. John Kelly second.
Submitted by,
Theresa Scheihing, Secretary
I ____________________________ and ______________________________ attest that these are the true and correct minutes for the Hamilton Public Library Board meeting dated January 18, 2021.
Board of Trustees meeting
January 18, 2021
The Hamilton Public Library Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm. on Monday January 18, 2021 by President James (Jim) Noble. Those present were President James Noble, Vice President Heather Jones, Secretary Theresa Scheihing, Treasurer John Wardwell, Wanda Hansen, MacKenzie Sellens, John Kelly and Kathryn Johnson Library Director. A quorum was declared by President James Noble.
Call to Order
Welcome Guest: Amy Hobb potential new board member.
The minutes of the November 2020 board meeting were reviewed. Heather J. motioned to accept the minutes and MacKenzie Selens second. Motion passed. The Library Board did not meet in December.
Heather Jones. motioned to pay the December 2020 bills as presented. Theresa Scheihing. second. Motion passed. Heather Jones motioned to pay the November 2020 bills as presented. John Kelly second. Motion passed.
The board went over the Financial Report. John W. recommended to transfer $1,000 from Money Market (general) and $83.87 from Per Capita Fund (Totaling $1083.87) to pay bills. John Kelly motioned to transfer funds and John Wardwell second.
Friends of the Library made curtains for the children’s library. They are very colorful. The next project is possibly blinds for the board room.
The Library Director reported...
“Santa at the Park: Approx 60 people participated. Story walk was available while waiting in line. People seemed to enjoy it. A few teachers have commented they have been telling their students about it. We will change these out weather pending about once a month. Passive Programming
Family Reading Night was the week of November 16th. Made it a week-long program again to reach more families. Not many participated due to school going remote during that time. Help decorate our Christmas Tree: We weren’t able to make a go of it due to lack of interest and protocols for daycares, ect. Instead we swapped it out with “Make N’ Take'' craft bags that our volunteer assembled for us. Approx 20+ families participated.
Feed the Birds: People may come in at their convenience and make a pinecone bird feeder. We have also had a few families request the supplies to make at home. This will continue through the month of February
Adult & Teen Winter Fun Read: The November and December program did not see any participants. May try again around Valentines Day. Complete one of the 4 requirements and enter to win a DQ Gift Card.
Book Bundles: Tried out during the Christmas Season. Received good feedback from it in person & on-line. Had a few new people sign up for cards because they wanted to read a specific book to their kids. This may be something we continue to offer during major holidays while we still deal with the virus. Helps the parents who worry about germs continue to check out books, while helping our stats and getting books out the door that haven’t been circulated in some time.
Summer Reading Program: It’s time for us to start looking into a program that can be done remotely. Any program suggestions are appreciated.
● Likelihood of any guest performer is slim
● Waiting to hear from the Park Board if they are going to hold camp.
Food Fines: Not as many participating.
Old Business/General Information/Ongoing Projects:
● OMA Training: John K. (to work on), Wanda H. (done) David Morgan (?) ● S.O.P. 4.0 Chapters 6-10
● Library Logo: We have an updated logo with the EST date included. Kane Forquer designed the library logo design. Katheryn will contact Sue’s Signs in Warsaw to get started. Size was mentioned and Katheryn will discuss.
Building & Grounds
● Roof
> This has been handed over to the City of Hamilton
> Building and Grounds Meeting with the City 1/12/21
>Still waiting to hear from Darin
We are looking into a temporary fix for the largest leak where the new and original building meets. Still hoping to get a new roof on the building this calendar year.
Executive Session-None
New Business
Board reviewed some general policies. The library hours are 10am-4pm The board discussed adding a potential background check for new employees.
Heather Jones made a motion to adjourn. John Kelly second.
Submitted by,
Theresa Scheihing, Secretary
I ____________________________ and ______________________________ attest that these are the true and correct minutes for the Hamilton Public Library Board meeting dated January 18, 2021.
Hamilton Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
February 15, 2021
The Board of Trustees was held at 6:30 pm February 15, 2021 at the Hamilton Public Library. Those present were President James (Jim) Noble, Vice President Heather Jones, David Morgan, Wanda Hansen, John Kelly via Zoom, and Library Director Kathryn Johnson. Guest Amy Hobbs was also present. A quorum was declared and meeting called to order at 6:43pm by President Jim Noble. Guests were welcomed by President Jim Noble.
The minutes of the January 18, 2021 Board meeting were reviewed. Heather J. motioned to approve the minutes of the January 18, 2021 BOT meeting. David M. second. Motion passed.
The bills for January/February 2021 were reviewed. David M. motioned to approve the bills for January February 2021. Heather J. second. All questions were asked and answered. Motion passed.
The Financial Report for January/February 2021 was viewed by Board members present. Treasurer John Wardwell recommended the Board move $63.12 from the Per Capita Fund and $4,000.00 from the Money Market to the Main account on the Finance Report. David M. motioned to move funds as recommended by Treasurer John W. Heather J. second. All questions were asked and answered. Motion passed.
Friends of the Library
Group did not meet in February per Kathryn J.
A written report was submitted to Board members present. Kathryn J. went over the report verbally.
Nothing new to report.
Old Business
Kathryn J. reminded the Board members present their OMA training needs to be completed and a copy of the certificate placed in the Library files. John K. certificate still needed. David M. stated he forgot his in his car and will bring in after the meeting.
S.O.P. 4.0 chapters 11-13 were to be discussed. Kathryn J. asked Board members if there were any comments on these sections. Kathryn J. informed the Board of a part referring to a Teen Advisory Board. Kathryn J. has Board approval to pursue.
President Jim N. asked guest Amy Hobbs if she would be interested in the open trustee position on the Board. Amy H. stated she would be interested.
Heather J. motioned to enter into Executive Session. John K. second. Motion passed.
Executive Session
Discussion regarding trustee position.
Building and Grounds
Roof: Waiting on insurance inspector to inspect the roof. The inspector is coming from Indiana. Darren will be talking with the insurance inspector. After the inspection a report will be presented to the City Counsel.
The new sign for the Library was finalized by the Board.
New Business
Wanda H. motioned to approve Amy Hobb as a new trustee on the Hamilton Public Library Board. Heather J. second. Motion passed. Amy Hobb took the Trustee Oath of Office and signed the Oath of Office form for the Library files.
Library Policies:
Weather Policy – discussion tabled until next BOT
Suggested retirement age wording
Background check rough draft – presented; Board to review next BOT
Trustees present signed the County Clerk Forms. Kathryn J. will obtain a form for new trustee Amy H.
Employee Hours – Kathryn J. informed the Board she has lowered employee Mary Patterson’s hours to Monday and Tuesday only 3 hours per day due to Mary’s inability to perform required duties without direct supervision. President Jim N. presented a letter requesting Mary P. to retire from her position. Wanda H. questioned Kathryn J. regarding documentation of claims which the Board had previously advised needed. Kathryn J. gave a verbal example: gave Mary P. a craft bag and asked Mary P. to complete 25 more bags in duplicate; Mary had to ask what to do after each object was duplicated for the bag ie: cut 25 pieces of ribbon then asked what next and Mary P. still going down the stairs backwards. Wanda H. questioned whether any patrons have voiced concerns. Wanda H. stated she would write a different letter and asked how long Mary P. had been employed at the Library; Kathryn J. said she would find out and let Wanda H. know.
Heather J. motioned to adjourn the meeting. David M. second. Motion passed. President Jim N. adjourned the meeting at 7:45 pm.
The next Hamilton Public Library Board meeting will be on Monday March 15, 2021 at 6:30pm.
Submitted by
Wanda Hansen, Acting Secretary
I,_____________________________________________ and _____________________________________ attest that these are the true and correct minutes for the Hamilton Public Library Board meeting dated April 20, 20120.
Board of Trustees Meeting
February 15, 2021
The Board of Trustees was held at 6:30 pm February 15, 2021 at the Hamilton Public Library. Those present were President James (Jim) Noble, Vice President Heather Jones, David Morgan, Wanda Hansen, John Kelly via Zoom, and Library Director Kathryn Johnson. Guest Amy Hobbs was also present. A quorum was declared and meeting called to order at 6:43pm by President Jim Noble. Guests were welcomed by President Jim Noble.
The minutes of the January 18, 2021 Board meeting were reviewed. Heather J. motioned to approve the minutes of the January 18, 2021 BOT meeting. David M. second. Motion passed.
The bills for January/February 2021 were reviewed. David M. motioned to approve the bills for January February 2021. Heather J. second. All questions were asked and answered. Motion passed.
The Financial Report for January/February 2021 was viewed by Board members present. Treasurer John Wardwell recommended the Board move $63.12 from the Per Capita Fund and $4,000.00 from the Money Market to the Main account on the Finance Report. David M. motioned to move funds as recommended by Treasurer John W. Heather J. second. All questions were asked and answered. Motion passed.
Friends of the Library
Group did not meet in February per Kathryn J.
A written report was submitted to Board members present. Kathryn J. went over the report verbally.
Nothing new to report.
Old Business
Kathryn J. reminded the Board members present their OMA training needs to be completed and a copy of the certificate placed in the Library files. John K. certificate still needed. David M. stated he forgot his in his car and will bring in after the meeting.
S.O.P. 4.0 chapters 11-13 were to be discussed. Kathryn J. asked Board members if there were any comments on these sections. Kathryn J. informed the Board of a part referring to a Teen Advisory Board. Kathryn J. has Board approval to pursue.
President Jim N. asked guest Amy Hobbs if she would be interested in the open trustee position on the Board. Amy H. stated she would be interested.
Heather J. motioned to enter into Executive Session. John K. second. Motion passed.
Executive Session
Discussion regarding trustee position.
Building and Grounds
Roof: Waiting on insurance inspector to inspect the roof. The inspector is coming from Indiana. Darren will be talking with the insurance inspector. After the inspection a report will be presented to the City Counsel.
The new sign for the Library was finalized by the Board.
New Business
Wanda H. motioned to approve Amy Hobb as a new trustee on the Hamilton Public Library Board. Heather J. second. Motion passed. Amy Hobb took the Trustee Oath of Office and signed the Oath of Office form for the Library files.
Library Policies:
Weather Policy – discussion tabled until next BOT
Suggested retirement age wording
Background check rough draft – presented; Board to review next BOT
Trustees present signed the County Clerk Forms. Kathryn J. will obtain a form for new trustee Amy H.
Employee Hours – Kathryn J. informed the Board she has lowered employee Mary Patterson’s hours to Monday and Tuesday only 3 hours per day due to Mary’s inability to perform required duties without direct supervision. President Jim N. presented a letter requesting Mary P. to retire from her position. Wanda H. questioned Kathryn J. regarding documentation of claims which the Board had previously advised needed. Kathryn J. gave a verbal example: gave Mary P. a craft bag and asked Mary P. to complete 25 more bags in duplicate; Mary had to ask what to do after each object was duplicated for the bag ie: cut 25 pieces of ribbon then asked what next and Mary P. still going down the stairs backwards. Wanda H. questioned whether any patrons have voiced concerns. Wanda H. stated she would write a different letter and asked how long Mary P. had been employed at the Library; Kathryn J. said she would find out and let Wanda H. know.
Heather J. motioned to adjourn the meeting. David M. second. Motion passed. President Jim N. adjourned the meeting at 7:45 pm.
The next Hamilton Public Library Board meeting will be on Monday March 15, 2021 at 6:30pm.
Submitted by
Wanda Hansen, Acting Secretary
I,_____________________________________________ and _____________________________________ attest that these are the true and correct minutes for the Hamilton Public Library Board meeting dated April 20, 20120.
Hamilton Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
March 15, 2021
The Hamilton Public Library Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 6:30p.m. on Monday March 15, 2021 by President James (Jim) Noble. Those present were President James Noble, Vice President Heather Jones, Secretary Theresa Scheihing, Wanda Hansen, David Morgan, John Kelly, Amy Hobb, Kathryn Johnson Library Director. Mackenzie Sellens joined the meeting via Zoom. A quorum was declared by President James Noble.
Minutes Minutes were reviewed. There was discussion of the employee hours. Heather J. was concerned that more was discussed then presented in the minutes. Wanda H. disagreed. David M. wanted a few more sentences added before approving the notes section Employee Hours. David M, is to write up amendment to the minutes of employee hours section. Minutes approved pending amendment.
Bills Bills were discussed. Heather J. made a motion to accept bills. David M second the motion.
Finance Finances reviewed and David M. made motion to move funds as recommended by John W. Heather J. second.
Building and Grounds Kathryn reported roof was not covered by the insurance. It is considered wear and tear. The city is having a discussion of fixing one section vs. the whole thing. There is no news until the city decides.
The Library sign is completed. Kathryn will be picking up the sign. The signs dimensions are 4x 10. The final cost is $450,
It was brought up that we need to know if Katie is mowing this year? She will need to be contacted. As for snow removal Plowman will be contacted.
Friends of the Library did some spring cleaning at the library. There will be no Community Easter Egg Hunt this year. Instead there will be a Savenger Hunt using familiar book images with clues to to find their location in town.
Library Director-A typed report was submitted to Board Members present. Kathryn J. went over the report orally. There are many passive activities. A copy of this report will be included after the meeting minutes by the secretary.
Old Business Mackenzie and John W.need to sign the county clerk forms yet.
Mary's Retirement The discussion started with Wanda H. admitting she had talked to Mary. She stated "She asked Mary how she felt about retirement?". She told the board she decided to not write the letter as decided at last months' board meeting. Wanda was questioned by some of the board members on her actions. There was concern that she got her board member "Hat" and her friendship "Hat" mixed. Board business/discussion should not be discussed with our friends.
There was a concern that it may be viewed as age discrimination if we asked Mary to retire. The board had decided on a letter suggesting that Mary retire. There was a concern for health and safety. The issue if no letter being prepared to discuss at this meeting meant more things to deal with.
Jim Noble reported to the board that "Last Saturday Mary had stopped by with a letter and wanted to talk to him. Jim was busy at the time. Later Jim and his wife went to go talk with Mary
and her husband Chuck. Mary and Chuck reported that Mary was told that Kathryn wanted to fire her to hire someone younger. Mary gave Jim her letter of resignation. (Note: A copy of this letter will be included with this months meeting notes.)
There was more discussion and David Morgan pointed out we still needed to accept Mary's Letter of Resignation. There was discussion and it was decided that some of the board members should go sit down and talk with Mary. We would tell her how much the board and the community appreciate all her years of service to the library. March 22nd around 3pm David M. and Heather J. and possibly Theresa will meet with Mary. (Update:Heather J., John K. and Theresa S. met with Mary that day.)
Kathryn shared that Mary made it clear she did not want a retirement party. Chuck would want to attend and that would not be an option with his health conditions and the pandemis. She would be "okay" with a card party. Mary's last day of employment will be Saturday April 10th. We will gather at 12noon and have a retirement parade. There was discussion and there will be flowers, balloons and a $300 gift card.
Review Library Policies
The rough draft Disclosure regarding Background checks policy was reviewed. Heather made a motion to accept it and Amy second the motion. Motion passed. The Authorization for Background Check was reviewed. The board reviewed the Personnel Policy and decided to edit "Employment at Will” and have the employee sign the policy. Also it was noted a background check would cost $35. Heather made a motion to accept the change and John K. second.
Inclimate Weather Policy-" If we are open".
Executive Session: Nothing to discuss
New Business Budget Meeting- We will meet tentatively Monday March 29th at 6pm if not then Wednesday 31st.( Update: Budget Meeting was held March 31st).
Internet -The library is 100% fiber now.
Email Group-A updated sheet was passed around with everyones' contact information. Jim Noble shared his new phone number.
Kathryn explained her visions in the job description for the new clerk position. Note the board volunteered to assist with interviews for the new clerk to join Katheryn if needed/wanted.
There was discussion of extending the libraries hours. May 1st the library will start being open Saturdays again 11am-1pm. Currently the hours are 10am-4pm. This will give time to get the clerk position filled and the person trained. There will be an AD the end of March about the upcoming open position.
Noted next meeting is election of officers.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:37pm.
The Hamilton Public Library Board Meeting will be on Monday April 19th, 2021 at 630pm.
Submitted by
Theresa Scheihing, Secretary
Board of Trustees Meeting
March 15, 2021
The Hamilton Public Library Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 6:30p.m. on Monday March 15, 2021 by President James (Jim) Noble. Those present were President James Noble, Vice President Heather Jones, Secretary Theresa Scheihing, Wanda Hansen, David Morgan, John Kelly, Amy Hobb, Kathryn Johnson Library Director. Mackenzie Sellens joined the meeting via Zoom. A quorum was declared by President James Noble.
Minutes Minutes were reviewed. There was discussion of the employee hours. Heather J. was concerned that more was discussed then presented in the minutes. Wanda H. disagreed. David M. wanted a few more sentences added before approving the notes section Employee Hours. David M, is to write up amendment to the minutes of employee hours section. Minutes approved pending amendment.
Bills Bills were discussed. Heather J. made a motion to accept bills. David M second the motion.
Finance Finances reviewed and David M. made motion to move funds as recommended by John W. Heather J. second.
Building and Grounds Kathryn reported roof was not covered by the insurance. It is considered wear and tear. The city is having a discussion of fixing one section vs. the whole thing. There is no news until the city decides.
The Library sign is completed. Kathryn will be picking up the sign. The signs dimensions are 4x 10. The final cost is $450,
It was brought up that we need to know if Katie is mowing this year? She will need to be contacted. As for snow removal Plowman will be contacted.
Friends of the Library did some spring cleaning at the library. There will be no Community Easter Egg Hunt this year. Instead there will be a Savenger Hunt using familiar book images with clues to to find their location in town.
Library Director-A typed report was submitted to Board Members present. Kathryn J. went over the report orally. There are many passive activities. A copy of this report will be included after the meeting minutes by the secretary.
Old Business Mackenzie and John W.need to sign the county clerk forms yet.
Mary's Retirement The discussion started with Wanda H. admitting she had talked to Mary. She stated "She asked Mary how she felt about retirement?". She told the board she decided to not write the letter as decided at last months' board meeting. Wanda was questioned by some of the board members on her actions. There was concern that she got her board member "Hat" and her friendship "Hat" mixed. Board business/discussion should not be discussed with our friends.
There was a concern that it may be viewed as age discrimination if we asked Mary to retire. The board had decided on a letter suggesting that Mary retire. There was a concern for health and safety. The issue if no letter being prepared to discuss at this meeting meant more things to deal with.
Jim Noble reported to the board that "Last Saturday Mary had stopped by with a letter and wanted to talk to him. Jim was busy at the time. Later Jim and his wife went to go talk with Mary
and her husband Chuck. Mary and Chuck reported that Mary was told that Kathryn wanted to fire her to hire someone younger. Mary gave Jim her letter of resignation. (Note: A copy of this letter will be included with this months meeting notes.)
There was more discussion and David Morgan pointed out we still needed to accept Mary's Letter of Resignation. There was discussion and it was decided that some of the board members should go sit down and talk with Mary. We would tell her how much the board and the community appreciate all her years of service to the library. March 22nd around 3pm David M. and Heather J. and possibly Theresa will meet with Mary. (Update:Heather J., John K. and Theresa S. met with Mary that day.)
Kathryn shared that Mary made it clear she did not want a retirement party. Chuck would want to attend and that would not be an option with his health conditions and the pandemis. She would be "okay" with a card party. Mary's last day of employment will be Saturday April 10th. We will gather at 12noon and have a retirement parade. There was discussion and there will be flowers, balloons and a $300 gift card.
Review Library Policies
The rough draft Disclosure regarding Background checks policy was reviewed. Heather made a motion to accept it and Amy second the motion. Motion passed. The Authorization for Background Check was reviewed. The board reviewed the Personnel Policy and decided to edit "Employment at Will” and have the employee sign the policy. Also it was noted a background check would cost $35. Heather made a motion to accept the change and John K. second.
Inclimate Weather Policy-" If we are open".
Executive Session: Nothing to discuss
New Business Budget Meeting- We will meet tentatively Monday March 29th at 6pm if not then Wednesday 31st.( Update: Budget Meeting was held March 31st).
Internet -The library is 100% fiber now.
Email Group-A updated sheet was passed around with everyones' contact information. Jim Noble shared his new phone number.
Kathryn explained her visions in the job description for the new clerk position. Note the board volunteered to assist with interviews for the new clerk to join Katheryn if needed/wanted.
There was discussion of extending the libraries hours. May 1st the library will start being open Saturdays again 11am-1pm. Currently the hours are 10am-4pm. This will give time to get the clerk position filled and the person trained. There will be an AD the end of March about the upcoming open position.
Noted next meeting is election of officers.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:37pm.
The Hamilton Public Library Board Meeting will be on Monday April 19th, 2021 at 630pm.
Submitted by
Theresa Scheihing, Secretary
Hamilton Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
April 19, 2021
The Hamilton Public Library Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 6:30p.m, on Monday April 19, 2021 by President Jim Noble. Those present were President Jim Noble, Vice President Heather Jones, Treasurer John Wardwell, Mackenzie Sellens, Amy Hobb, David Morgan, and Library Director Kathryn Johnson. John Kelly joined the meeting via Zoom. A quorum was declared by President James Noble.
Minutes were reviewed. John Kelly made a motion to accept the amendment to the March 15 2021 minutes written by David Morgan to be added to the employee hours section. Mackenzie Sellens second. This amendment is included at the end of these minutes.
David Morgan made a motion to accept the March 15, 2021 minutes as written. Mackenzie Sellens second.
Bills were discussed. There were some larger expenses due to a 5 week pay period, and two months of billing from MTC, the library’s new telecommunication company. David Morgan made a motion to accept bills, Heather Jones second the motion.
John Wardwell recommended closing the Memorial savings account held at Fortress bank since the balance is small. Heather Jones made a motion to close the Memorial savings account held at Fortress bank, move the money to the general money market account at Marine Bank, and earmark the money so that it could be used for its intended purposes. Amy Hobb seconded the motion.
CD 404420080 is maturing, and John Wardwell advised and made a motion of moving the money to the general money market account due to low interest rates and restricting access to the money. Heather Jones second.
Building and Grounds
The Hamilton City Council is seeking a second construction proposal and weighing out options for continuing with the library’s roof that needs repair.
The new sign has been picked up, but the next step is finding someone to hang the sign to the stucco of the library’s exterior wall. Suggestions were made to contact Outlaw T’s and Darkside Graphix about the project.
The city is paying for new and more energy efficient lighting to be put into the library.
Mackenzie Sellens reported that some complaints have been made on Facebook about the library’s cedar tree on Broadway street blocking visibility for auto traffic. Jim said that Hamilton’s former Mayor, Woody Woodruff had donated the tree. Trimming the tree would be the best option.
Friends of the Library The Friends of the Library have been looking into holding a book sale in June. The Friends of the Library have not been very active with Covid 19 health risks.
Library Director A report was submitted to the trustees by Kathryn Johnson. Kathryn went over the report, and the major news was that the Illinois Library Association has set out new guidelines that include not having to quarantine books and materials that have been checked out. A copy of this report will be included at the end of this report.
Old Business
Mary Patterson has resigned from the library.
Executive Session
Nothing to discuss
New Business
Wanda Hansen Jim Noble made a motion to remove Wanda from the board on the grounds of conduct in opposition to authorized board intentions and unauthorized conduct. David Morgan second.
There was a long discussion about the ethical and legal ramifications of Wanda having a verbal discussion with Mary Patterson about retiring instead of submitting a written document that was approved by the board. The board members that have had conversations with Mary Patterson since she had submitted her letter of intent to resign noted that she did not seem upset about her and Wanda’s conversation.
Jim Noble had emailed board members on March 23, 2021 that he intended to make a motion to “remove Wanda from the board on the grounds of conduct in opposition to
authorized board intentions and unauthorized conduct.” David Morgan had replied to Jim that he would second the motion, but he also thought it would be fair to Wanda to inform her that this motion would be happening. On May 1, 2021 Jim emailed Wanda to tell her that he and David Morgan were intending to make the motion to remove her from the board. Several board members were upset with Jim, and reprimanded him for the tone of the email, and they also thought that the email had indicated to Wanda that the whole board was against her.
The motion to remove Wanda from the board on the grounds of conduct in opposition to authorized board intentions and unauthorized conduct was then put to a vote. David Morgan, John Wardwell, Amy Hobb, John Kelly, and Mackenzie Sellens all voted in favor, and Heather Jones abstained from voting.
David Morgan said that he would write a draft of a letter to Wanda explaining that the motion and vote had happened. The letter was to be sent to the other board members for approval prior to being sent to Wanda.
Director’s Notebook Kathryn has been working on a “Director’s Notebook” that will include relevant contact information, procedures, policies, important dates, a calendar of scheduled events, and state and local requirements. This should help streamline finding information.
Extra Hours A target date of June 1, 2021 has been set for returning to normal hours that the library had help prior to the Covid 19 pandemic. Staff could expect from 15 to 20 hours of work each additional month, and Jim recommended using the hours however needed to manage the library and program activities.
2021/2022 Budget Jim Noble, Heather Jones, John Wardwell, Theresa Scheihing, David Morgan, and Kathryn Johnson met on ____?____ to discuss the upcoming fiscal year’s budget. A proposed budget was presented to the board members that reflected changes from the 2019/2020 budget. Heather Jones made a motion to accept the new budget for the 2021/2022 fiscal year. Mackenzie Sellens second. A copy of this budget will be included at the end of this document.
Ethics Statement A document “Ethics Statement for Public Library Board” was submitted by ____?_____. The document helps to outline ethical standards and duties for library trustees. John Kelly made a motion to accept this document as written to the _______?_________.
Job Applicants The library has a job opening, and has advertised for the position on Facebook and in local newspapers. The position has had 39 applicants on Facebook, 6 of which were done fully and correctly. There are some promising applicants, and the target date for interviews will be on May 26, 2021. Discussion about having board members present for the interviews was supported, and Jim and Amy were planning on being present for interviews.
New Employee Training _________?________________ Will begin after the position is filled.
Board Elections There was a discussion amongst the group to see if anyone had wanted to run for an elected position, and also to see if current elected members would be willing to serve for another year. David Morgan made a motion to retain Jim Noble as president, Heather Jones as Vice President, John Wardwell as Treasurer, and Theresa Scheihing as Secretary. Mackenzie Sellens second.
No new announcements were made.
Heather Jones made a motion to adjourn, and Mackenzie Sellens second. The meeting was adjourned.
The Hamilton Public Library Board Meeting will be on Monday May17, 2021 at 630pm. Submitted by
David Morgan, Hamilton Library Trustee
and attest that these are the true and correct minutes for the Hamilton Public Library Board Meeting dated April 19, 2021.
Board of Trustees Meeting
April 19, 2021
The Hamilton Public Library Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 6:30p.m, on Monday April 19, 2021 by President Jim Noble. Those present were President Jim Noble, Vice President Heather Jones, Treasurer John Wardwell, Mackenzie Sellens, Amy Hobb, David Morgan, and Library Director Kathryn Johnson. John Kelly joined the meeting via Zoom. A quorum was declared by President James Noble.
Minutes were reviewed. John Kelly made a motion to accept the amendment to the March 15 2021 minutes written by David Morgan to be added to the employee hours section. Mackenzie Sellens second. This amendment is included at the end of these minutes.
David Morgan made a motion to accept the March 15, 2021 minutes as written. Mackenzie Sellens second.
Bills were discussed. There were some larger expenses due to a 5 week pay period, and two months of billing from MTC, the library’s new telecommunication company. David Morgan made a motion to accept bills, Heather Jones second the motion.
John Wardwell recommended closing the Memorial savings account held at Fortress bank since the balance is small. Heather Jones made a motion to close the Memorial savings account held at Fortress bank, move the money to the general money market account at Marine Bank, and earmark the money so that it could be used for its intended purposes. Amy Hobb seconded the motion.
CD 404420080 is maturing, and John Wardwell advised and made a motion of moving the money to the general money market account due to low interest rates and restricting access to the money. Heather Jones second.
Building and Grounds
The Hamilton City Council is seeking a second construction proposal and weighing out options for continuing with the library’s roof that needs repair.
The new sign has been picked up, but the next step is finding someone to hang the sign to the stucco of the library’s exterior wall. Suggestions were made to contact Outlaw T’s and Darkside Graphix about the project.
The city is paying for new and more energy efficient lighting to be put into the library.
Mackenzie Sellens reported that some complaints have been made on Facebook about the library’s cedar tree on Broadway street blocking visibility for auto traffic. Jim said that Hamilton’s former Mayor, Woody Woodruff had donated the tree. Trimming the tree would be the best option.
Friends of the Library The Friends of the Library have been looking into holding a book sale in June. The Friends of the Library have not been very active with Covid 19 health risks.
Library Director A report was submitted to the trustees by Kathryn Johnson. Kathryn went over the report, and the major news was that the Illinois Library Association has set out new guidelines that include not having to quarantine books and materials that have been checked out. A copy of this report will be included at the end of this report.
Old Business
Mary Patterson has resigned from the library.
Executive Session
Nothing to discuss
New Business
Wanda Hansen Jim Noble made a motion to remove Wanda from the board on the grounds of conduct in opposition to authorized board intentions and unauthorized conduct. David Morgan second.
There was a long discussion about the ethical and legal ramifications of Wanda having a verbal discussion with Mary Patterson about retiring instead of submitting a written document that was approved by the board. The board members that have had conversations with Mary Patterson since she had submitted her letter of intent to resign noted that she did not seem upset about her and Wanda’s conversation.
Jim Noble had emailed board members on March 23, 2021 that he intended to make a motion to “remove Wanda from the board on the grounds of conduct in opposition to
authorized board intentions and unauthorized conduct.” David Morgan had replied to Jim that he would second the motion, but he also thought it would be fair to Wanda to inform her that this motion would be happening. On May 1, 2021 Jim emailed Wanda to tell her that he and David Morgan were intending to make the motion to remove her from the board. Several board members were upset with Jim, and reprimanded him for the tone of the email, and they also thought that the email had indicated to Wanda that the whole board was against her.
The motion to remove Wanda from the board on the grounds of conduct in opposition to authorized board intentions and unauthorized conduct was then put to a vote. David Morgan, John Wardwell, Amy Hobb, John Kelly, and Mackenzie Sellens all voted in favor, and Heather Jones abstained from voting.
David Morgan said that he would write a draft of a letter to Wanda explaining that the motion and vote had happened. The letter was to be sent to the other board members for approval prior to being sent to Wanda.
Director’s Notebook Kathryn has been working on a “Director’s Notebook” that will include relevant contact information, procedures, policies, important dates, a calendar of scheduled events, and state and local requirements. This should help streamline finding information.
Extra Hours A target date of June 1, 2021 has been set for returning to normal hours that the library had help prior to the Covid 19 pandemic. Staff could expect from 15 to 20 hours of work each additional month, and Jim recommended using the hours however needed to manage the library and program activities.
2021/2022 Budget Jim Noble, Heather Jones, John Wardwell, Theresa Scheihing, David Morgan, and Kathryn Johnson met on ____?____ to discuss the upcoming fiscal year’s budget. A proposed budget was presented to the board members that reflected changes from the 2019/2020 budget. Heather Jones made a motion to accept the new budget for the 2021/2022 fiscal year. Mackenzie Sellens second. A copy of this budget will be included at the end of this document.
Ethics Statement A document “Ethics Statement for Public Library Board” was submitted by ____?_____. The document helps to outline ethical standards and duties for library trustees. John Kelly made a motion to accept this document as written to the _______?_________.
Job Applicants The library has a job opening, and has advertised for the position on Facebook and in local newspapers. The position has had 39 applicants on Facebook, 6 of which were done fully and correctly. There are some promising applicants, and the target date for interviews will be on May 26, 2021. Discussion about having board members present for the interviews was supported, and Jim and Amy were planning on being present for interviews.
New Employee Training _________?________________ Will begin after the position is filled.
Board Elections There was a discussion amongst the group to see if anyone had wanted to run for an elected position, and also to see if current elected members would be willing to serve for another year. David Morgan made a motion to retain Jim Noble as president, Heather Jones as Vice President, John Wardwell as Treasurer, and Theresa Scheihing as Secretary. Mackenzie Sellens second.
No new announcements were made.
Heather Jones made a motion to adjourn, and Mackenzie Sellens second. The meeting was adjourned.
The Hamilton Public Library Board Meeting will be on Monday May17, 2021 at 630pm. Submitted by
David Morgan, Hamilton Library Trustee
and attest that these are the true and correct minutes for the Hamilton Public Library Board Meeting dated April 19, 2021.
Hamilton Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
May 17, 2021
The Hamilton Public Library Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 6:30p.m, on Monday, May 17, 2021 by President Jim Noble. Those present were President Jim Noble, Vice President Heather Jones, Treasurer John Wardwell, Secretary Teresa Scheining, John Kelley, Mackenzie Sellens, Amy Hobb, David Morgan, and Library Director Kathryn Johnson.
Constitution and Policy Review and Discussion
On April 26, 2021 interviews for hiring a new employee for the library were held. Three candidates were interviewed by Director Kathryn Johnson and also present were Board President Jim Noble and Board Member Amy Hobb. The three interviewers agreed that
Tori Buckert was the top candidate with the most library experience. Another factor in favor of Tori Buckert was that she currently works part time at the Carthage Library and would be able to carry over program knowledge and be able to carry over policies and ideas that the Carthage Library is doing that could strengthen the Hamilton Library.
Jim Noble gave Kathryn the go ahead for hiring Tori Buckert on April 27, 2021, and he also asked that Kathryn ask Judy Stevenson if she would be interested in being a backup employee that would be on call should the need arise.
The board of trustees members were then made aware of Tori Buckert being hired in early May, and emails and a Zoom meeting were held for board members to find out more information leading up to the May board meeting to discuss Tori Buckert’s hiring without board approval.
On May 7, 2021 Jim Noble sent this email to the group explaining his position for hiring Tori Buckert:
“Hi gang,
Apparently I messed up again when I told Kathryn to hire Tori. It was the opinion of the members of the interviewing committee that Tori was by far the best candidate. When I told Kathryn to go ahead and hire her, it was so she could have time to train her in order to meet the library need for full-time hours on June 1. I did not mean to undermine the board's authority, or to undermine the procedures laid out in our policies. I want to emphasize to you all that it is not Kathryn's fault, she only did what I instructed her to do. I figured that since the committee was unanimous on the choice, that your approval of the choice at the next board meeting was a forgone conclusion. I apologize for any hurt feelings, and if you want my resignation, I will give it to you. Thanks, James”
During today’s meeting, Jim distributed the Illinois Board of Trustee Manuals to the trustees, and stated that the Illinois Library Association supports a board of trusses hiring a library director, but leaves hiring staff up to the director. Jim withdrew his position to resign because he felt what he was doing was not malicious and was only to help strengthen the library.
Heather Jones distributed copies of the Hamilton Library Constitution that states that hiring the library director and staff is a duty of the library board. Heather’s concerns were that Tori Buckert may not have been the correct candidate to hire, but Jim’s decision to hire her cut the rest of the board members out of the decision.
The gap between the Hamilton Library Constitution and the Illinois Library Association’s guidelines became very clear.
After a heated discussion, Jim Noble and Kathryn Johnson left the room for the other members to be left to discuss removing Jim Noble from the position of Board President. Heather Jones was very concerned about the pattern of “asking for forgiveness not permission,” given the April, 2021 meeting in which Jim Noble was also reprimanded for his email to Wanda Hansen. Another concern was that Jim Noble and Kathryn Johnson work closely together throughout the month, and that decisions may be made without a collective board approval.
Heather Jones and Teresa Schiening asked the other board members to remove Jim Noble from the position of board president, and stated that they had come with letters of resignation written that they would be turning in if Jim Noble remained as board president. David Morgan stated that Heather and Teresa were very much needed on the board, and that they strengthened the group. He asked that they find a way to remain on the board and move past this issue. He also stated that he supported Jim Noble staying on as president, but asked Heather and Teresa to stay on.
Heather Jones and Teresa Sheining then turned in letters of resignation. Heather’s was dated for May 22, 2021 so that the checks that she had signed for the bills would still be legal.
Jim Noble and Kathryn Johnson then returned back to the meeting. Jim was informed that the group would still like to have him continue being the president. Jim and Kathryn were rebuked for hiring Tori without board approval, and asked to make sure they respect the Hamilton Library rules when they make decisions together.
Hiring Amendment
Jim Noble introduced an amendment to the Hamilton Library Constitution: Section 3 under Employees in Policies, which currently reads, “Other employees are hired by the Board of Trustees after being recommended by the Director”, be changed to read as follows:
“Other employees are hired by the Director after being interviewed and approved by the Director and, if requested by the Director, a small group (no more than 3) of members of the Board of Trustees”.
The purpose for this change is to line up our policy with the Illinois Public Library Trustee manual, the way other corporations operate, where the Director does the hiring, and to streamline the process so it is not bogged down in a long bureaucratic process.
The amendment will be voted on at the June meeting.
Minutes were reviewed, and a motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes with amended additions.
Bills were discussed. John Wardwell reported that there was nothing unusual with the month’s bills. John Kelley motioned to pay the bills, and Mackenzie Sellens second.
John Wardwell reported that transferring the CD at Fortress Bank is still pending and the funds have not been moved. Jim Noble’s signature is required on some forms before the process can move forward. Jim said that he would get that taken care of as soon as possible.
John Wardwell made a motion to transfer $59.35 from the Per Capita Fund, and $3,800 from the money market account to the general fund. John Kelley second.
Building and Grounds
The new sign has still not been picked up. Kathryn has a lead that A1 Construction might be interested in donating the time and labor to pick up and install the sign on the wall. Nothing definitive has been decided yet.
The city is paying for new and more energy efficient lighting to be put into the library, but no progress has been made yet on installation.
The cedar tree that has been getting complaints about blocking the line of sight for auto traffic has not been dealt with yet. The group thought that cutting it down would be a
good course of action. The group would ask around about having someone cut the tree down.
Friends of the Library: The Friends will hold a book sale on June 18 and 19, 2021. The Friends have also been cleaning out flower beds. The 2021 movie license has been renewed by the Friends.
Library Director A report was submitted to the trustees by Kathryn Johnson. Kathryn went over the report.
Old Business
Reviewing the library’s constitution and policies, as well as the Illinois Public Library Trustee Manual revealed that the vote to remove Wanda Hansen from the board was not an allowable action. It seems that the Mayor of Hamilton and the City Council is who has the power to remove a board member. The board needs to take action to correct the mistake.
David Morgan will write a letter to Mayor David Beirbaum outlining the reasons for the board to take action against Wanda Hansen, and ask that the Mayor and City Council remove her from the board. The letter will also ask for the responsibility of removing members from the library board be handled by the library board.
Executive Session
Nothing to discuss
New Business
Computers: Kathryn informed the group that she was able to get the Microsoft 365 Family package for 6 computers for $100. This is a much lower cost than she was expecting, and this should help with patrons and staff being able to access and use more software programs.
New Trustees: There is some interest from a few people about becoming trustees. Kathryn had advised them to come to the June meeting because she was expecting today’s meeting to be contentious due to the issues surrounding hiring Tori Buckert.
No new announcements were made.
John Wardwell made a motion to adjourn, and David Morgan second. The meeting was adjourned.
The Hamilton Public Library Board Meeting will be on Monday, June 21, 2021 at 6:30pm.
Submitted by David Morgan, Hamilton Library Trustee and attested that these are the true and correct minutes for the Hamilton Public Library Board Meeting dated May 17, 2021.
Board of Trustees Meeting
May 17, 2021
The Hamilton Public Library Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 6:30p.m, on Monday, May 17, 2021 by President Jim Noble. Those present were President Jim Noble, Vice President Heather Jones, Treasurer John Wardwell, Secretary Teresa Scheining, John Kelley, Mackenzie Sellens, Amy Hobb, David Morgan, and Library Director Kathryn Johnson.
Constitution and Policy Review and Discussion
On April 26, 2021 interviews for hiring a new employee for the library were held. Three candidates were interviewed by Director Kathryn Johnson and also present were Board President Jim Noble and Board Member Amy Hobb. The three interviewers agreed that
Tori Buckert was the top candidate with the most library experience. Another factor in favor of Tori Buckert was that she currently works part time at the Carthage Library and would be able to carry over program knowledge and be able to carry over policies and ideas that the Carthage Library is doing that could strengthen the Hamilton Library.
Jim Noble gave Kathryn the go ahead for hiring Tori Buckert on April 27, 2021, and he also asked that Kathryn ask Judy Stevenson if she would be interested in being a backup employee that would be on call should the need arise.
The board of trustees members were then made aware of Tori Buckert being hired in early May, and emails and a Zoom meeting were held for board members to find out more information leading up to the May board meeting to discuss Tori Buckert’s hiring without board approval.
On May 7, 2021 Jim Noble sent this email to the group explaining his position for hiring Tori Buckert:
“Hi gang,
Apparently I messed up again when I told Kathryn to hire Tori. It was the opinion of the members of the interviewing committee that Tori was by far the best candidate. When I told Kathryn to go ahead and hire her, it was so she could have time to train her in order to meet the library need for full-time hours on June 1. I did not mean to undermine the board's authority, or to undermine the procedures laid out in our policies. I want to emphasize to you all that it is not Kathryn's fault, she only did what I instructed her to do. I figured that since the committee was unanimous on the choice, that your approval of the choice at the next board meeting was a forgone conclusion. I apologize for any hurt feelings, and if you want my resignation, I will give it to you. Thanks, James”
During today’s meeting, Jim distributed the Illinois Board of Trustee Manuals to the trustees, and stated that the Illinois Library Association supports a board of trusses hiring a library director, but leaves hiring staff up to the director. Jim withdrew his position to resign because he felt what he was doing was not malicious and was only to help strengthen the library.
Heather Jones distributed copies of the Hamilton Library Constitution that states that hiring the library director and staff is a duty of the library board. Heather’s concerns were that Tori Buckert may not have been the correct candidate to hire, but Jim’s decision to hire her cut the rest of the board members out of the decision.
The gap between the Hamilton Library Constitution and the Illinois Library Association’s guidelines became very clear.
After a heated discussion, Jim Noble and Kathryn Johnson left the room for the other members to be left to discuss removing Jim Noble from the position of Board President. Heather Jones was very concerned about the pattern of “asking for forgiveness not permission,” given the April, 2021 meeting in which Jim Noble was also reprimanded for his email to Wanda Hansen. Another concern was that Jim Noble and Kathryn Johnson work closely together throughout the month, and that decisions may be made without a collective board approval.
Heather Jones and Teresa Schiening asked the other board members to remove Jim Noble from the position of board president, and stated that they had come with letters of resignation written that they would be turning in if Jim Noble remained as board president. David Morgan stated that Heather and Teresa were very much needed on the board, and that they strengthened the group. He asked that they find a way to remain on the board and move past this issue. He also stated that he supported Jim Noble staying on as president, but asked Heather and Teresa to stay on.
Heather Jones and Teresa Sheining then turned in letters of resignation. Heather’s was dated for May 22, 2021 so that the checks that she had signed for the bills would still be legal.
Jim Noble and Kathryn Johnson then returned back to the meeting. Jim was informed that the group would still like to have him continue being the president. Jim and Kathryn were rebuked for hiring Tori without board approval, and asked to make sure they respect the Hamilton Library rules when they make decisions together.
Hiring Amendment
Jim Noble introduced an amendment to the Hamilton Library Constitution: Section 3 under Employees in Policies, which currently reads, “Other employees are hired by the Board of Trustees after being recommended by the Director”, be changed to read as follows:
“Other employees are hired by the Director after being interviewed and approved by the Director and, if requested by the Director, a small group (no more than 3) of members of the Board of Trustees”.
The purpose for this change is to line up our policy with the Illinois Public Library Trustee manual, the way other corporations operate, where the Director does the hiring, and to streamline the process so it is not bogged down in a long bureaucratic process.
The amendment will be voted on at the June meeting.
Minutes were reviewed, and a motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes with amended additions.
Bills were discussed. John Wardwell reported that there was nothing unusual with the month’s bills. John Kelley motioned to pay the bills, and Mackenzie Sellens second.
John Wardwell reported that transferring the CD at Fortress Bank is still pending and the funds have not been moved. Jim Noble’s signature is required on some forms before the process can move forward. Jim said that he would get that taken care of as soon as possible.
John Wardwell made a motion to transfer $59.35 from the Per Capita Fund, and $3,800 from the money market account to the general fund. John Kelley second.
Building and Grounds
The new sign has still not been picked up. Kathryn has a lead that A1 Construction might be interested in donating the time and labor to pick up and install the sign on the wall. Nothing definitive has been decided yet.
The city is paying for new and more energy efficient lighting to be put into the library, but no progress has been made yet on installation.
The cedar tree that has been getting complaints about blocking the line of sight for auto traffic has not been dealt with yet. The group thought that cutting it down would be a
good course of action. The group would ask around about having someone cut the tree down.
Friends of the Library: The Friends will hold a book sale on June 18 and 19, 2021. The Friends have also been cleaning out flower beds. The 2021 movie license has been renewed by the Friends.
Library Director A report was submitted to the trustees by Kathryn Johnson. Kathryn went over the report.
Old Business
Reviewing the library’s constitution and policies, as well as the Illinois Public Library Trustee Manual revealed that the vote to remove Wanda Hansen from the board was not an allowable action. It seems that the Mayor of Hamilton and the City Council is who has the power to remove a board member. The board needs to take action to correct the mistake.
David Morgan will write a letter to Mayor David Beirbaum outlining the reasons for the board to take action against Wanda Hansen, and ask that the Mayor and City Council remove her from the board. The letter will also ask for the responsibility of removing members from the library board be handled by the library board.
Executive Session
Nothing to discuss
New Business
Computers: Kathryn informed the group that she was able to get the Microsoft 365 Family package for 6 computers for $100. This is a much lower cost than she was expecting, and this should help with patrons and staff being able to access and use more software programs.
New Trustees: There is some interest from a few people about becoming trustees. Kathryn had advised them to come to the June meeting because she was expecting today’s meeting to be contentious due to the issues surrounding hiring Tori Buckert.
No new announcements were made.
John Wardwell made a motion to adjourn, and David Morgan second. The meeting was adjourned.
The Hamilton Public Library Board Meeting will be on Monday, June 21, 2021 at 6:30pm.
Submitted by David Morgan, Hamilton Library Trustee and attested that these are the true and correct minutes for the Hamilton Public Library Board Meeting dated May 17, 2021.
June 2021: Hamilton Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
Board of Trustees Meeting
Hamilton Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
July 19, 2021
The Hamilton Public Library Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 6:30p.m,
on Monday, July 19, 2021 by President Jim Noble. Those present were President Jim
Noble, Treasurer John Wardwell, John Kelley, Mackenzie Sellens, Amy Hobb, David
Morgan, and Library Director Kathryn Johnson. Guests included prospective trustee
members: Bob Eddings, Jennifer Asbury, and Jolene Kempker. And Marilyn Miller, a
Friend of the Library member.
Minutes: May and June BOT Meeting
The May minutes were discussed, and John Kelley made a motion to accept the
minutes with the amended information that had been designated. Amy Hobb second.
There was not enough board members in attendance for the June board meeting to
declare a quorum. Those present were President Jim Noble, Treasurer John Wardwell,
Mackenzie Sellens, and Library Director Kathryn Johnson. No decisions were made
other than to pay the bills for June.
The bills were paid for the month of May without a quorum at the scheduled June
meeting. Jim Noble presented an amendment that would help ensure that bills could be
paid without a quorum in the future. This proposed amendment is in the “New
Bills for the month of June were discussed. John Wardwell reported that there was
nothing unusual with the month’s bills. David Morgan motioned to pay the bills, and
Mackenzie Sellens second.
John Wardwell reported the library had received the first installment of rest estate taxes
funds for $50,211.40.
John Wardwell made a motion to transfer $239.42 from the Per Capita Fund, and
$4,500 from the money market account to the general fund. John Kelley second.
Building and Grounds
Kathryn and the Friends of the Library discussed putting the new sign up on the brick
exterior of the Broadway Street side of the library. The current lettering that is on that
side of the library would be moved to the stucco exterior of the Ninth Street side. The
group liked the idea and no one had any objections to this plan.
The Friends of the Library are paying for a new flag pole to be put on the library
grounds. The pole will be placed somewhere more visible and easier to access. It may
go where the cedar tree that is set to be cut down currently is.
A construction crew came and made repairs to the flashing and flat roof where water
problems had been occurring. This should correct any water problems currently
happening, and the asbestos content roof seems to not need any repairs or
replacement at this time.
The cedar tree is still blocking the view of traffic and Kathryn has asked her husband,
Larry, to cut the tree down.
Friends of the Library: The Friends held a book sale on June 18 and 19, 2021. The
sale was donation only, and it raised $400, which was much more successful than
charging per book.
The Friends of the Library and Kathryn are starting to make plans on turning the grassy
area north of the library along Ninth Street into a patron friendly area with tables and a
spot for activities. They have more planning to do, but the trustees liked the idea of
developing the area.
The Friends of the Library would like to figure out a way to safely display the original
front door of the library that is currently in storage. The door has etched glass and is
made of wood.
Library Director A report was submitted to the trustees by Kathryn Johnson. Kathryn
went over the report.
Old Business
Review/Adopt Hiring Amendment: Jim Noble proposed an amendment to the Hamilton
Library Constitution, and Mackenzie Sellens second, and approved by the group:
Section 3 under Employees in Policies, which currently reads, “Other employees are
hired by the Board of Trustees after being recommended by the Director”, be changed
to read as follows:
“Other employees are hired by the Director after being interviewed and approved by the
Director and, if requested by the Director, a small group (no more than 3) of members
of the Board of Trustees”.
Review Library Policies: Tabled until the August meeting.
Executive Session
New Board of Trustee Member Requirements:
The prospective board of trustees members present at the meeting were discussed and
the group felt that each would have great viewpoints and experience to bring to the
President Jim Noble suggested that prospective trustees be considered to invite on to
the board in a meeting following when they first introduced themselves in order to give
the prospective member and the board a chance to consider if working together would
be a good fit. Also, the need for the library board to put together a packet of information
outlining the responsibilities of being a trustee and having them available would allow
prospective trustee candidates a chance to know more information.
Appointing New Officers: Vice President Heather Jones and Secretary Theresa
Schiening had resigned at the May meeting, and so their positions needed to be filled.
David Morgan volunteered for being secretary, and John Kelley volunteered for being
Vice President.
New Business
New Board Members: The board of trustees invited Bob Eddings and Jennifer Asbury
to be members. They both accepted, and will take the trustee’s oath next month.
John Kelley is now the Vice President, and David Morgan the Secretary.
New Federal Holiday, Juneteenth June 19th: A brief discussion was had about the
library being closed for Juneteenth. The library currently does not take off all national
holidays, including Martin Luther King, Jr Day. David Morgan suggested having both
Juneteenth and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day be days where the library is closed. Bob
Eddings suggested following what Hamilton City Hall does for its days off. Nothing was
decided at the meeting.
Review Non-Quorum Board Action: Jim Noble proposed an amendment:
“I move that we make paying the Library’s bills and the movement of money from the
Money Market Account into the Library’s General Fund actionable at any regular
scheduled Board of Trustees meeting, whether a quorum is achieved or not, as long as
all Board members present are in agreement that such an action is necessary to the
continued functioning of the Library.
Some discussion about possible problems from passing this amendment were
discussed, but the group decided that it would be put to a vote at the next meeting.
Library Hours: Kathryn informed the group that the extended hours that go to 7:00pm
are not being utilized by patrons. She thinks that only 4 people have used the library
after 6:00pm in the past several weeks since the library hours were extended. She will
keep monitoring attendance, but she thinks that cutting hours back to a 6:00pm closing
time would be able to save the library money and help with personnel budgeting in the
Wanda Letter/Letter to the City: No word has come back from the letters sent to Wanda
Hansen, or to the City of Hamilton in regards to Wanda Hansen. President Jim Noble
declared her board seat vacant at this meeting because she has missed 4 consecutive
meetings, as allowed in the library constitution.
Zoom Pro Account: The past board meetings that have used Zoom have been off of
Jim Noble’s work account. A Zoom Pro account for the library would cost $200 for a
year’s service. John Kelley made a motion to subscribe for a year, and Amy Hobb
ARSL Conference in October: Kathryn will be going to Reno, NV for a continuing
education seminar from October 18 through October 25. The Tracey Family Foundation
through WCCCC, West Central Child CareConnection, is sponsoring Kathryn’s trip and
fees. She will be gone during the scheduled October board meeting. The group tried to
find a date that could work for rescheduling, but it was decided to just cancel the
October meeting and have steps in place at the September meeting to pay October’s
David Morgan made a motion to adjourn, and John Wardwell second. The meeting was
The Hamilton Public Library Board Meeting will be on Monday, August 16, 2021 at
Submitted by David Morgan, Hamilton Library Trustee and attested that these are the
true and correct minutes for the Hamilton Public Library Board Meeting dated July 19,
Board of Trustees Meeting
July 19, 2021
The Hamilton Public Library Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 6:30p.m,
on Monday, July 19, 2021 by President Jim Noble. Those present were President Jim
Noble, Treasurer John Wardwell, John Kelley, Mackenzie Sellens, Amy Hobb, David
Morgan, and Library Director Kathryn Johnson. Guests included prospective trustee
members: Bob Eddings, Jennifer Asbury, and Jolene Kempker. And Marilyn Miller, a
Friend of the Library member.
Minutes: May and June BOT Meeting
The May minutes were discussed, and John Kelley made a motion to accept the
minutes with the amended information that had been designated. Amy Hobb second.
There was not enough board members in attendance for the June board meeting to
declare a quorum. Those present were President Jim Noble, Treasurer John Wardwell,
Mackenzie Sellens, and Library Director Kathryn Johnson. No decisions were made
other than to pay the bills for June.
The bills were paid for the month of May without a quorum at the scheduled June
meeting. Jim Noble presented an amendment that would help ensure that bills could be
paid without a quorum in the future. This proposed amendment is in the “New
Bills for the month of June were discussed. John Wardwell reported that there was
nothing unusual with the month’s bills. David Morgan motioned to pay the bills, and
Mackenzie Sellens second.
John Wardwell reported the library had received the first installment of rest estate taxes
funds for $50,211.40.
John Wardwell made a motion to transfer $239.42 from the Per Capita Fund, and
$4,500 from the money market account to the general fund. John Kelley second.
Building and Grounds
Kathryn and the Friends of the Library discussed putting the new sign up on the brick
exterior of the Broadway Street side of the library. The current lettering that is on that
side of the library would be moved to the stucco exterior of the Ninth Street side. The
group liked the idea and no one had any objections to this plan.
The Friends of the Library are paying for a new flag pole to be put on the library
grounds. The pole will be placed somewhere more visible and easier to access. It may
go where the cedar tree that is set to be cut down currently is.
A construction crew came and made repairs to the flashing and flat roof where water
problems had been occurring. This should correct any water problems currently
happening, and the asbestos content roof seems to not need any repairs or
replacement at this time.
The cedar tree is still blocking the view of traffic and Kathryn has asked her husband,
Larry, to cut the tree down.
Friends of the Library: The Friends held a book sale on June 18 and 19, 2021. The
sale was donation only, and it raised $400, which was much more successful than
charging per book.
The Friends of the Library and Kathryn are starting to make plans on turning the grassy
area north of the library along Ninth Street into a patron friendly area with tables and a
spot for activities. They have more planning to do, but the trustees liked the idea of
developing the area.
The Friends of the Library would like to figure out a way to safely display the original
front door of the library that is currently in storage. The door has etched glass and is
made of wood.
Library Director A report was submitted to the trustees by Kathryn Johnson. Kathryn
went over the report.
Old Business
Review/Adopt Hiring Amendment: Jim Noble proposed an amendment to the Hamilton
Library Constitution, and Mackenzie Sellens second, and approved by the group:
Section 3 under Employees in Policies, which currently reads, “Other employees are
hired by the Board of Trustees after being recommended by the Director”, be changed
to read as follows:
“Other employees are hired by the Director after being interviewed and approved by the
Director and, if requested by the Director, a small group (no more than 3) of members
of the Board of Trustees”.
Review Library Policies: Tabled until the August meeting.
Executive Session
New Board of Trustee Member Requirements:
The prospective board of trustees members present at the meeting were discussed and
the group felt that each would have great viewpoints and experience to bring to the
President Jim Noble suggested that prospective trustees be considered to invite on to
the board in a meeting following when they first introduced themselves in order to give
the prospective member and the board a chance to consider if working together would
be a good fit. Also, the need for the library board to put together a packet of information
outlining the responsibilities of being a trustee and having them available would allow
prospective trustee candidates a chance to know more information.
Appointing New Officers: Vice President Heather Jones and Secretary Theresa
Schiening had resigned at the May meeting, and so their positions needed to be filled.
David Morgan volunteered for being secretary, and John Kelley volunteered for being
Vice President.
New Business
New Board Members: The board of trustees invited Bob Eddings and Jennifer Asbury
to be members. They both accepted, and will take the trustee’s oath next month.
John Kelley is now the Vice President, and David Morgan the Secretary.
New Federal Holiday, Juneteenth June 19th: A brief discussion was had about the
library being closed for Juneteenth. The library currently does not take off all national
holidays, including Martin Luther King, Jr Day. David Morgan suggested having both
Juneteenth and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day be days where the library is closed. Bob
Eddings suggested following what Hamilton City Hall does for its days off. Nothing was
decided at the meeting.
Review Non-Quorum Board Action: Jim Noble proposed an amendment:
“I move that we make paying the Library’s bills and the movement of money from the
Money Market Account into the Library’s General Fund actionable at any regular
scheduled Board of Trustees meeting, whether a quorum is achieved or not, as long as
all Board members present are in agreement that such an action is necessary to the
continued functioning of the Library.
Some discussion about possible problems from passing this amendment were
discussed, but the group decided that it would be put to a vote at the next meeting.
Library Hours: Kathryn informed the group that the extended hours that go to 7:00pm
are not being utilized by patrons. She thinks that only 4 people have used the library
after 6:00pm in the past several weeks since the library hours were extended. She will
keep monitoring attendance, but she thinks that cutting hours back to a 6:00pm closing
time would be able to save the library money and help with personnel budgeting in the
Wanda Letter/Letter to the City: No word has come back from the letters sent to Wanda
Hansen, or to the City of Hamilton in regards to Wanda Hansen. President Jim Noble
declared her board seat vacant at this meeting because she has missed 4 consecutive
meetings, as allowed in the library constitution.
Zoom Pro Account: The past board meetings that have used Zoom have been off of
Jim Noble’s work account. A Zoom Pro account for the library would cost $200 for a
year’s service. John Kelley made a motion to subscribe for a year, and Amy Hobb
ARSL Conference in October: Kathryn will be going to Reno, NV for a continuing
education seminar from October 18 through October 25. The Tracey Family Foundation
through WCCCC, West Central Child CareConnection, is sponsoring Kathryn’s trip and
fees. She will be gone during the scheduled October board meeting. The group tried to
find a date that could work for rescheduling, but it was decided to just cancel the
October meeting and have steps in place at the September meeting to pay October’s
David Morgan made a motion to adjourn, and John Wardwell second. The meeting was
The Hamilton Public Library Board Meeting will be on Monday, August 16, 2021 at
Submitted by David Morgan, Hamilton Library Trustee and attested that these are the
true and correct minutes for the Hamilton Public Library Board Meeting dated July 19,
Hamilton Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting
August 16, 2021
The Hamilton Public Library Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 6:30p.m, on Monday, August 16, 2021 by President Jim Noble. Those present were President Jim Noble, Treasurer John Wardwell, Secretary David Morgan, Amy Hobb, Jennifer Asbury, Bob Eddings, and Library Director Kathryn Johnson. Oath of Office Jennifer Asbury and Bob Eddings took the Library Board of Trustees’ Oath of Office and became full members of the library board. Minutes: July BOT Meeting The July minutes were discussed, and Bob Eddings made a motion to accept the minutes with the amended information that had been designated. John Wardwell second. Bills The July bills were reviewed by the trustees. David Morgan made a motion to pay the bills. Amy Hobb second. Finance John Wardwell made a motion to transfer $149.90 from the Per Capita Fund, and $6,500 from the money market account to the general fund. David Morgan second. Building and Grounds Notes regarding the Buildings and Grounds are written in Director Kathryn Johnson’s report. Reports Friends of the Library: The Friends of the Library would like to host another book sale on October 1 and 2. The Friends are planning on buying a new mobile sign that they use to announce events. The old sign had a wheel break and is more difficult to move. The Friends would like to create a posture to help the community see the vision of turning the grounds of the library along Ninth Street into a more patron friendly area. They hope that this will help generate excitement and donations for the project. Library Director A report was submitted to the trustees by Kathryn Johnson. Kathryn went over the report in detail. Old Business Review Library Policies: Tabled until the next trustees meeting. Review/Adopt Non-Quorum Amendment: President Jim Noble had submitted this proposed amendment at the July 19, Board Meeting: “Paying the Library’s bills and the movement of money from the Money Market Account into the Library’s General Fund actionable at any regular scheduled Board of Trustees meeting, whether a quorum is achieved or not, as long as all Board members present are in agreement that such an action is necessary to the continued functioning of the Library.” The group discussed the proposed amendment in detail, and Jennifer Asbury voiced concerns regarding what expenses would be considered “necessary to the continued functioning of the Library.” Treasurer John Wardwell made a good point that all expenses should be necessary. After discussion, the group felt comfortable with the wording of the amendment. Amy Hobb made a motion to add the amendment, and Bob Eddings second. New Federal Holiday, Juneteenth June 19th: The City of Hamilton has not made any decisions about taking Juneteenth off as a holiday. The group decided to continue to table this decision until they hear what the City of Hamilton has decided to do. Library Hours: Kathryn informed the group that the extended hours that go to 7:00pm are not being utilized by patrons. She reported that 8 people have used the library after 6:00pm in the past several weeks since the library hours were extended. She suggested cutting hours back to closing at 6:00 pm instead of 7:00 pm should save over $50 per week, and help with having more funds for the increase in wages in 2022. The staff are okay with cutting back the hours. She suggested starting with the 6:00 pm closing time after Labor Day. The group discussed the changes, and Jennifer Asbury made a motion to change the closing time to 6:00 pm, Bob Eddings second. Board Member Seat Vacancy: Jolene Kempker was not present today, butcher had contacted Kathryn to say that she would not be here, but still interested in becoming a trustee. New Board of Trustee Member Requirements: Amy Hobb brought in several sample applications that she had found online and what is used by the Keokuk Chamber of Commerce. Jim will be working on creating a trustee application for prospective board members to fill out. Volunteers: The group discussed the need for increased vetting for all people that will be volunteering for the library. Executive Session There was no executive session called by the board. New Business There was not any new business to discuss. Announcements There will not be a trustees meeting in October. Adjournment John Wardwell made a motion to adjourn, and Amy Hobb second. The meeting was adjourned. The Hamilton Public Library Board Meeting will be on Monday, September 20, 2021 at 6:30pm. Submitted by David Morgan, Hamilton Library Trustee and attested that these are the true and correct minutes for the Hamilton Public Library Board Meeting dated July September 20, 2021.
August 16, 2021
The Hamilton Public Library Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at 6:30p.m, on Monday, August 16, 2021 by President Jim Noble. Those present were President Jim Noble, Treasurer John Wardwell, Secretary David Morgan, Amy Hobb, Jennifer Asbury, Bob Eddings, and Library Director Kathryn Johnson. Oath of Office Jennifer Asbury and Bob Eddings took the Library Board of Trustees’ Oath of Office and became full members of the library board. Minutes: July BOT Meeting The July minutes were discussed, and Bob Eddings made a motion to accept the minutes with the amended information that had been designated. John Wardwell second. Bills The July bills were reviewed by the trustees. David Morgan made a motion to pay the bills. Amy Hobb second. Finance John Wardwell made a motion to transfer $149.90 from the Per Capita Fund, and $6,500 from the money market account to the general fund. David Morgan second. Building and Grounds Notes regarding the Buildings and Grounds are written in Director Kathryn Johnson’s report. Reports Friends of the Library: The Friends of the Library would like to host another book sale on October 1 and 2. The Friends are planning on buying a new mobile sign that they use to announce events. The old sign had a wheel break and is more difficult to move. The Friends would like to create a posture to help the community see the vision of turning the grounds of the library along Ninth Street into a more patron friendly area. They hope that this will help generate excitement and donations for the project. Library Director A report was submitted to the trustees by Kathryn Johnson. Kathryn went over the report in detail. Old Business Review Library Policies: Tabled until the next trustees meeting. Review/Adopt Non-Quorum Amendment: President Jim Noble had submitted this proposed amendment at the July 19, Board Meeting: “Paying the Library’s bills and the movement of money from the Money Market Account into the Library’s General Fund actionable at any regular scheduled Board of Trustees meeting, whether a quorum is achieved or not, as long as all Board members present are in agreement that such an action is necessary to the continued functioning of the Library.” The group discussed the proposed amendment in detail, and Jennifer Asbury voiced concerns regarding what expenses would be considered “necessary to the continued functioning of the Library.” Treasurer John Wardwell made a good point that all expenses should be necessary. After discussion, the group felt comfortable with the wording of the amendment. Amy Hobb made a motion to add the amendment, and Bob Eddings second. New Federal Holiday, Juneteenth June 19th: The City of Hamilton has not made any decisions about taking Juneteenth off as a holiday. The group decided to continue to table this decision until they hear what the City of Hamilton has decided to do. Library Hours: Kathryn informed the group that the extended hours that go to 7:00pm are not being utilized by patrons. She reported that 8 people have used the library after 6:00pm in the past several weeks since the library hours were extended. She suggested cutting hours back to closing at 6:00 pm instead of 7:00 pm should save over $50 per week, and help with having more funds for the increase in wages in 2022. The staff are okay with cutting back the hours. She suggested starting with the 6:00 pm closing time after Labor Day. The group discussed the changes, and Jennifer Asbury made a motion to change the closing time to 6:00 pm, Bob Eddings second. Board Member Seat Vacancy: Jolene Kempker was not present today, butcher had contacted Kathryn to say that she would not be here, but still interested in becoming a trustee. New Board of Trustee Member Requirements: Amy Hobb brought in several sample applications that she had found online and what is used by the Keokuk Chamber of Commerce. Jim will be working on creating a trustee application for prospective board members to fill out. Volunteers: The group discussed the need for increased vetting for all people that will be volunteering for the library. Executive Session There was no executive session called by the board. New Business There was not any new business to discuss. Announcements There will not be a trustees meeting in October. Adjournment John Wardwell made a motion to adjourn, and Amy Hobb second. The meeting was adjourned. The Hamilton Public Library Board Meeting will be on Monday, September 20, 2021 at 6:30pm. Submitted by David Morgan, Hamilton Library Trustee and attested that these are the true and correct minutes for the Hamilton Public Library Board Meeting dated July September 20, 2021.
September: No Quorum
October: Meeting Canceled