Friends of the Library
June 11, 2012
The meeting was called to order by Judy K. Minutes were read and corrected. The Library book sale on Saturday, January 23rd will be from 9am-1pm.
Treasurer's Report: $2,394.43
Correspondence: There were no new correspondences. Nancy D. passed around a Thank You certificate that we will give to the Dairy Queen for allowing us to have our collection jars there.
Committee reports: We welcomed two new members. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lenard have joined the Friends of the Library. There was no membership report.
Fundraising with the coalition update: Judy K. reported Kirk Nealy's band will not be available. Judy K. is checking into the Cheeseburger Band. We will look into the dates of October 29 or November 10th and check with Sullivan's. Nancy D. will check with Jimmy John's in quincy for sub sandwiches.
Website: Nancy D. reported that Jan Seyfert would be maintaining the website.
Old Business: Storage shed has been paid for in full by the Kiwanis. The maaterials have been delivered. We will have a plaque placed by the shed. The plaque would list the Kiwanis/Boy Scouts and Friends of the Library. Nancy D. will check on the prices.
Book Sale: The Library Book Sale will be 9am-1pm on Saturday, June 23rd. We decided we will be selling the red/white/black library tote bags for 43 each of $56 filled with books.
Summer Reading Program and activities: Nancy reported that the Summer Reading Program ends June 30, 2012. Prozes will be given out July 2. There is a new Writer's Group that will be meeting the 1sts Monday of every month at 2pm. They will be meeting upstairs in the Library.
Update on past board members; We are still working on this. Nancy D. mentioned running and ad. Maybe someone in the community would have some names/information.
New Business: New parking area- the options of a gravel lot were discussed. Paved would cost appoximately $3100. A montion was made to get a paved lot. This will be brought up at the next Library Board meeting.
Meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be on July 11th at 1:00pm/
Treasurer's Report: $2,394.43
Correspondence: There were no new correspondences. Nancy D. passed around a Thank You certificate that we will give to the Dairy Queen for allowing us to have our collection jars there.
Committee reports: We welcomed two new members. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lenard have joined the Friends of the Library. There was no membership report.
Fundraising with the coalition update: Judy K. reported Kirk Nealy's band will not be available. Judy K. is checking into the Cheeseburger Band. We will look into the dates of October 29 or November 10th and check with Sullivan's. Nancy D. will check with Jimmy John's in quincy for sub sandwiches.
Website: Nancy D. reported that Jan Seyfert would be maintaining the website.
Old Business: Storage shed has been paid for in full by the Kiwanis. The maaterials have been delivered. We will have a plaque placed by the shed. The plaque would list the Kiwanis/Boy Scouts and Friends of the Library. Nancy D. will check on the prices.
Book Sale: The Library Book Sale will be 9am-1pm on Saturday, June 23rd. We decided we will be selling the red/white/black library tote bags for 43 each of $56 filled with books.
Summer Reading Program and activities: Nancy reported that the Summer Reading Program ends June 30, 2012. Prozes will be given out July 2. There is a new Writer's Group that will be meeting the 1sts Monday of every month at 2pm. They will be meeting upstairs in the Library.
Update on past board members; We are still working on this. Nancy D. mentioned running and ad. Maybe someone in the community would have some names/information.
New Business: New parking area- the options of a gravel lot were discussed. Paved would cost appoximately $3100. A montion was made to get a paved lot. This will be brought up at the next Library Board meeting.
Meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be on July 11th at 1:00pm/