Friends of the Library
August 8, 2012
The meeting was called to order by Judy K. Minutes were accepted and approved.
Treasurer's Report: $2,649.55
Correspondence: None
Committee Reports:
Membership-Most have paid.
Fundraising with coalition update- Sullivan's have yet to call. It is decided to wait until Spring.
Website- Website is up to date
Old Business:
Storage Shed - No news, Nancy will call and touch base with Boy Scout leader to see about finishing the shed.
a) construction- the door has been purchased.
b) plaque- nothing yet. Nancy will check in to it.
Fall Book Sale (September) - Waiting on finding out the date of the Safety Expo. Nancy to ask Board member about using awning. It was noted that the Hamilton City Wide Garage Sale will be held Sept 21 & 22. The Geode Festival will be Sept 29 & 30.
Library Activities- There will be movie days for the month of August. Mondays will be movies for men at 3:00pm. Tuesdays will be movies for children at 10:30am. Wednesdays will be movies for women at 3:00pm.
New Parking Area- We are going to ask the city about getting some funding at a building and grounds meeting.
Update on past library board members- We are still working on it. Nancy submitted an article in the newspaper.
Statue for the Rock Garden- Nancy reported that the original selected statue was never shipped. This was due to a recall. Nancy will look into the Lakeside Company.
New tree status- the 2nd tree will be a Crimson King Maple. The cost will will be $110 (65% is plant/guarantee)
Cash and Dash- There were just a few that came in for the event. People can go online and check it out.
New Business:
Fundraising Idea- Name the Tree
Bill- $80 for storage shed flooring.
The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be September 12th at 1:pm.
Treasurer's Report: $2,649.55
Correspondence: None
Committee Reports:
Membership-Most have paid.
Fundraising with coalition update- Sullivan's have yet to call. It is decided to wait until Spring.
Website- Website is up to date
Old Business:
Storage Shed - No news, Nancy will call and touch base with Boy Scout leader to see about finishing the shed.
a) construction- the door has been purchased.
b) plaque- nothing yet. Nancy will check in to it.
Fall Book Sale (September) - Waiting on finding out the date of the Safety Expo. Nancy to ask Board member about using awning. It was noted that the Hamilton City Wide Garage Sale will be held Sept 21 & 22. The Geode Festival will be Sept 29 & 30.
Library Activities- There will be movie days for the month of August. Mondays will be movies for men at 3:00pm. Tuesdays will be movies for children at 10:30am. Wednesdays will be movies for women at 3:00pm.
New Parking Area- We are going to ask the city about getting some funding at a building and grounds meeting.
Update on past library board members- We are still working on it. Nancy submitted an article in the newspaper.
Statue for the Rock Garden- Nancy reported that the original selected statue was never shipped. This was due to a recall. Nancy will look into the Lakeside Company.
New tree status- the 2nd tree will be a Crimson King Maple. The cost will will be $110 (65% is plant/guarantee)
Cash and Dash- There were just a few that came in for the event. People can go online and check it out.
New Business:
Fundraising Idea- Name the Tree
Bill- $80 for storage shed flooring.
The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be September 12th at 1:pm.