Friends of the Library
July 10, 2013
The meeting was called to order by Cynthia C. Members in attendance were: Shirley B., Juanita N,. Cynthia C,. Nancy D., Theresa S., Ramona C., and new member Missy Karriker. Minutes were read by everyone. A motion was made to accept the minutes. Minutes were approved.
Treasurer's Report: $2838.55
Correspondence: none
Trivia Night: Trivia night was discussed. We don't plan on having a theme. If members of a team want to dress up or decorate their team table that could be a possibility. The cost per table is $80. There could be up to 8 members.
Team members need to be 16 years of age or older in order to participate. The date for the Trivia Night has been set for October 12th, Saturday. We need a question reader. A few ideas were suggested. Cynthia plans to ask the board members if any want to help. Prizes were discussed. Shirley will try to find out what previous prizes used in other trivia nights.
The idea of a basket filled w/ goodies for the whole family was brought up. Any member who want to be on the planning committee for the Trivia Night is invited to come to a meeting on July 24th at 1:00pm. The committee will have further discussions, making decisions and work on ironing out many details. They plan on visiting the Senior Center/Community Center to see the lay-out inside.
Air conditioner: The air conditioner is installed.
Storage shed: Cynthia will drop off the wording for the plaque in Quincy
Painting the meeting room: Kilz and paint have been bought.
Parking lot: no news. Looks to be a spring project.
Next meeting: Wednesday, August 14th at 1:00pm.
The meeting was adjourned.
July 10, 2013
The meeting was called to order by Cynthia C. Members in attendance were: Shirley B., Juanita N,. Cynthia C,. Nancy D., Theresa S., Ramona C., and new member Missy Karriker. Minutes were read by everyone. A motion was made to accept the minutes. Minutes were approved.
Treasurer's Report: $2838.55
Correspondence: none
Trivia Night: Trivia night was discussed. We don't plan on having a theme. If members of a team want to dress up or decorate their team table that could be a possibility. The cost per table is $80. There could be up to 8 members.
Team members need to be 16 years of age or older in order to participate. The date for the Trivia Night has been set for October 12th, Saturday. We need a question reader. A few ideas were suggested. Cynthia plans to ask the board members if any want to help. Prizes were discussed. Shirley will try to find out what previous prizes used in other trivia nights.
The idea of a basket filled w/ goodies for the whole family was brought up. Any member who want to be on the planning committee for the Trivia Night is invited to come to a meeting on July 24th at 1:00pm. The committee will have further discussions, making decisions and work on ironing out many details. They plan on visiting the Senior Center/Community Center to see the lay-out inside.
Air conditioner: The air conditioner is installed.
Storage shed: Cynthia will drop off the wording for the plaque in Quincy
Painting the meeting room: Kilz and paint have been bought.
Parking lot: no news. Looks to be a spring project.
Next meeting: Wednesday, August 14th at 1:00pm.
The meeting was adjourned.