Board of Trustees -- January 16, 2012 Meeting Minutes
The Board of Trustees of the Hamilton Public Library met at 6:30 p.m. on January 16, 2012 at the library. Members present were: John Kolditz, Dan Reinhardt, Nancy Denton, Jim Noble, Sharon Esterday, Sherry Ruark, Katie DellaVedova, Carole Buerklin. President, Dan Reinhardt called the meeting to order.
The oath of office was given to Jim Noble and Carole Buerklin
The minutes of the previous meeting were amended to read that it was not Sharon Esterday that seconded the minutes be approved. Jim Morris moved that the minutes be approved with this change. Katie Della Vedova seconded. Motion carried.
It was moved by Sherry Ruark and seconded by Sharon Esterday that the maintenance agreement be paid. Motion carried.
Friends of the Library
The Kiwanas will pay for the concrete pad for the utility building.
It was moved that $40,000 of CD#50987 be put into a 6-month CD and the remainder in the Geneal Account.
Librarian's Report
The library received a letter stating that Ameren ( will not be the provider but will bill the library for power.
Each trustee will be required to certify training for the Open Meeting legislation. In part the law states that there is to be no meetings held on a public holiday. In May a schedule for meetings will be made for next year taking this into account. Our next meeting will be February 21st due to President's Day. The change will be posted ahead of time. Jim Morris motioned and John Kolditz seconded. Motion carried.
The printer used by patrons needs repair. Due to the cost it was suggested that a new printer be purchased. Jim Noble made a motion, seconded by John Kolditz. Motion carried with one nay vote.
The new website is half done. Nancy and Brenda will attend a training sesion for site making.
E-Book statistics are available.
Personnel - Bonnie's surgery will require a leave of six weeks. She may work a few hours after three weeks with limitations and a release from the doctor.
New board member applications for May include: Bob Schneider and Jim Worrell. John nominated Bob Schneider. Sherry Ruark seconded. Motion carried. This will not be official until May.
A father/son bake-off is planned.
The board recognized Nancy Denton and the library staff for their aid to the victims of the recent fire. Their help was much appreciated.
The cement pad and flowers will be installed in the Spring.
Plaque for trustees will be worked on in March.
Katie Della Vedova will be in charge of cleaning the chairs in the reading area. The school system is having an auction in the Spring. It is possible that some chairs may be purchased.
John Kolditz made a motion to adjourn.
The oath of office was given to Jim Noble and Carole Buerklin
The minutes of the previous meeting were amended to read that it was not Sharon Esterday that seconded the minutes be approved. Jim Morris moved that the minutes be approved with this change. Katie Della Vedova seconded. Motion carried.
It was moved by Sherry Ruark and seconded by Sharon Esterday that the maintenance agreement be paid. Motion carried.
Friends of the Library
The Kiwanas will pay for the concrete pad for the utility building.
It was moved that $40,000 of CD#50987 be put into a 6-month CD and the remainder in the Geneal Account.
Librarian's Report
The library received a letter stating that Ameren ( will not be the provider but will bill the library for power.
Each trustee will be required to certify training for the Open Meeting legislation. In part the law states that there is to be no meetings held on a public holiday. In May a schedule for meetings will be made for next year taking this into account. Our next meeting will be February 21st due to President's Day. The change will be posted ahead of time. Jim Morris motioned and John Kolditz seconded. Motion carried.
The printer used by patrons needs repair. Due to the cost it was suggested that a new printer be purchased. Jim Noble made a motion, seconded by John Kolditz. Motion carried with one nay vote.
The new website is half done. Nancy and Brenda will attend a training sesion for site making.
E-Book statistics are available.
Personnel - Bonnie's surgery will require a leave of six weeks. She may work a few hours after three weeks with limitations and a release from the doctor.
New board member applications for May include: Bob Schneider and Jim Worrell. John nominated Bob Schneider. Sherry Ruark seconded. Motion carried. This will not be official until May.
A father/son bake-off is planned.
The board recognized Nancy Denton and the library staff for their aid to the victims of the recent fire. Their help was much appreciated.
The cement pad and flowers will be installed in the Spring.
Plaque for trustees will be worked on in March.
Katie Della Vedova will be in charge of cleaning the chairs in the reading area. The school system is having an auction in the Spring. It is possible that some chairs may be purchased.
John Kolditz made a motion to adjourn.