Friends of the Library
March 12, 2014
The meeting was called to order by Cynthia. The minutes were approved. Treasurer's report was $2790.26
Correspondence: None
Old Business:
Children's computers: There was a little discussion. Theresa shared some prices on Dell computers thru WalMart. Nancy didn't have any prices yet to report back on. She plans or reporting it next month.
Trivia Night: There was a brief discussion. We are trying to find the best date. There will be further discussion in the future.
New Business: None
Librarian's Report: April 14th at 4:00pm./ There will be a Native American program. There will be an Open house at the library during National Library Week on Thursday, April 17th. Nancy asked for volunteers to bake cookies. May 27th is the tentative date for the Summer Reading program kick-off. This date may move to the 31st.
The next meeting will be April 9th at 1:00pm
March 12, 2014
The meeting was called to order by Cynthia. The minutes were approved. Treasurer's report was $2790.26
Correspondence: None
Old Business:
Children's computers: There was a little discussion. Theresa shared some prices on Dell computers thru WalMart. Nancy didn't have any prices yet to report back on. She plans or reporting it next month.
Trivia Night: There was a brief discussion. We are trying to find the best date. There will be further discussion in the future.
New Business: None
Librarian's Report: April 14th at 4:00pm./ There will be a Native American program. There will be an Open house at the library during National Library Week on Thursday, April 17th. Nancy asked for volunteers to bake cookies. May 27th is the tentative date for the Summer Reading program kick-off. This date may move to the 31st.
The next meeting will be April 9th at 1:00pm