Hamilton Public Library
Trustee Meeting
October 21, 2014
The Board of trustees of the Hamilton Public Library met at 6:30 pm on October 21,2014 at the library. Those present were Sharon Anderson, Wanda Hansen, Katie Kammerer, Jim Noble, John Kolditz, Bob Schneider, and Librarian Nancy Denton.
The meeting was called to order by President Noble.
Hansen moved and Kolditz seconded a motion to accept the September 16th minutes. Motion carried.
Anderson moved and Kammerer seconded a motion to pay the October bills. Motion carried.
Friends of the Library-With no Friends representative present, Denton reported she was looking at various computer models to purchase.
Finance-No funds to be moved at this time. Denton said to expect a large bill next month for computer repair.
• Denton reported 13 new library cards were issued. Library stats were up, except for checkouts.
• Denton reported that the Per Capita Grant has been submitted on October 6, and that it had been accepted. The grant was written to purchase homework computers, children’s computers, and a table and chairs, books for summer reading and the book club, and programming materials.
• Denton informed the Board that the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) required that the library’s expenditures for the years 2010-2013 be made public. City Hall was able to provide such a report for the check registers.
• Denton announced that she had completed a Webinar on the Open Meeting act. She shared with the Board specifics for executive sessions. The library also needs and electronic method to field public complaints.
• Denton has recently discovered that out FEIN number and the accounts are in the name of former librarian, Barbara Breheny, not the Hamilton Public Library. No action was taken to resolve the issue.
• Denton reported the receipt of $425.00 in memorial funds from the family of Wes McAtee.
Building and Grounds-
• Lake Cooper Construction has completed the removal of the roof debris and repair of the sofits. The bill was for $125, which was half of the bid for the job.
• The Illinois Department of Natural resources has declared the monarch butterfly (the state insect0 to be endangered, and has asked the library to plant milkweed to assist in their project. The Board agreed to plant a patch on milkweed behind the library.
After a lengthy discussion, the Board suggested to Denton that she continue to purchase books on CD rather than lease them.
A sample copy of a children’s computer usage policy was reviewed. Several revisions were recommended. A revised policy will be voted upon at the next meeting.
Noble reminded the trustees that the November meeting will be the last meeting of the year, and to be prepared to discuss the necessary year-end business.
Noble has received an invitation from the city to attend the TIF district meeting on November 3rd.
Schnieder moved and Kammerer seconded a motion to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 7:50pm.
Trustee Meeting
October 21, 2014
The Board of trustees of the Hamilton Public Library met at 6:30 pm on October 21,2014 at the library. Those present were Sharon Anderson, Wanda Hansen, Katie Kammerer, Jim Noble, John Kolditz, Bob Schneider, and Librarian Nancy Denton.
The meeting was called to order by President Noble.
Hansen moved and Kolditz seconded a motion to accept the September 16th minutes. Motion carried.
Anderson moved and Kammerer seconded a motion to pay the October bills. Motion carried.
Friends of the Library-With no Friends representative present, Denton reported she was looking at various computer models to purchase.
Finance-No funds to be moved at this time. Denton said to expect a large bill next month for computer repair.
• Denton reported 13 new library cards were issued. Library stats were up, except for checkouts.
• Denton reported that the Per Capita Grant has been submitted on October 6, and that it had been accepted. The grant was written to purchase homework computers, children’s computers, and a table and chairs, books for summer reading and the book club, and programming materials.
• Denton informed the Board that the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) required that the library’s expenditures for the years 2010-2013 be made public. City Hall was able to provide such a report for the check registers.
• Denton announced that she had completed a Webinar on the Open Meeting act. She shared with the Board specifics for executive sessions. The library also needs and electronic method to field public complaints.
• Denton has recently discovered that out FEIN number and the accounts are in the name of former librarian, Barbara Breheny, not the Hamilton Public Library. No action was taken to resolve the issue.
• Denton reported the receipt of $425.00 in memorial funds from the family of Wes McAtee.
Building and Grounds-
• Lake Cooper Construction has completed the removal of the roof debris and repair of the sofits. The bill was for $125, which was half of the bid for the job.
• The Illinois Department of Natural resources has declared the monarch butterfly (the state insect0 to be endangered, and has asked the library to plant milkweed to assist in their project. The Board agreed to plant a patch on milkweed behind the library.
After a lengthy discussion, the Board suggested to Denton that she continue to purchase books on CD rather than lease them.
A sample copy of a children’s computer usage policy was reviewed. Several revisions were recommended. A revised policy will be voted upon at the next meeting.
Noble reminded the trustees that the November meeting will be the last meeting of the year, and to be prepared to discuss the necessary year-end business.
Noble has received an invitation from the city to attend the TIF district meeting on November 3rd.
Schnieder moved and Kammerer seconded a motion to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 7:50pm.