Hamilton Public Library
Trustee Meeting
February 17, 2015
The Board of Trustees of the Hamilton Public Library met at 6:30 p.m. on February 17, 2015 at the library. Those present were Sharon Anderson, Wanda Hansen, Cicily Knowles, John Kolditz, Jim Noble, Bob Schneider, Librarian Nancy Denton, and Cynthia Colvin, Friends of the Library. Guests included Sarah Warner, David Morgan, Alex Morgan, and Jessica Kelkovich.
The meeting was called to order by President Noble. Noble introduced potential candidates for the openings for future trustee positions: Sarah Warner, David Morgan, Alex Morgan, and Jessica Kelkovich.
Kolditz moved and Hansen seconded a motion to accept the January 20, 2015 minutes as corrected. The names of Hansen, Phillips, and Noble were added to the committee charged with creating next year’s budget. Motion carried.
Anderson moved and Schneider seconded a motion to pay the February bills. Motion carried.
Friends of the Library--Colvin reported that the mini-golf fundraiser is scheduled for April 18 during National Library Week. Sponsors have been secured for each hole. Door prizes will be awarded. The remodeling of the ladies restroom will be delayed until after the fundraiser.
Finance--Knowles moved and Anderson seconded a motion to transfer $14,000 from the money market account to the general fund and to allow CD #51373 to rollover for another 6 months. Motion carried.
Denton reported problems with no heat in the library for 2 days last month. Peters Heating & Air found that a gas line was frozen on the roof furnace.
Denton reported that several lights in the children’s department need new ballasts and will call Steve Schlatter.
Denton explained that the website information on the Science Flicks and History Flicks apps is forthcoming.
Denton shared concerns about a patron who is monopolizing a computer and doing excessive printing. Said patron does not always forfeit the computer in a timely manner when requested (when another patron is waiting.) The Board directed Denton to tell the patron to vacate the computer within 3 minutes upon notification.
Building and Grounds--No report.
The budget committee was informed that their budget request to the city needs to be ready for presentation on March 23. It was suggested that line items for technology needs be included.
There was discussion of retaining Anthony Smith for computer work. Denton is very pleased with his work, the hourly rates he is charging the library, and the quality of his work.
Anderson suggested that the library develop a technology plan for rotating the replacement of library computers.
ADJOURNMENT--Kolditz moved and Schneider seconded a motion to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 7:28 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Anderson, Secretary
Trustee Meeting
February 17, 2015
The Board of Trustees of the Hamilton Public Library met at 6:30 p.m. on February 17, 2015 at the library. Those present were Sharon Anderson, Wanda Hansen, Cicily Knowles, John Kolditz, Jim Noble, Bob Schneider, Librarian Nancy Denton, and Cynthia Colvin, Friends of the Library. Guests included Sarah Warner, David Morgan, Alex Morgan, and Jessica Kelkovich.
The meeting was called to order by President Noble. Noble introduced potential candidates for the openings for future trustee positions: Sarah Warner, David Morgan, Alex Morgan, and Jessica Kelkovich.
Kolditz moved and Hansen seconded a motion to accept the January 20, 2015 minutes as corrected. The names of Hansen, Phillips, and Noble were added to the committee charged with creating next year’s budget. Motion carried.
Anderson moved and Schneider seconded a motion to pay the February bills. Motion carried.
Friends of the Library--Colvin reported that the mini-golf fundraiser is scheduled for April 18 during National Library Week. Sponsors have been secured for each hole. Door prizes will be awarded. The remodeling of the ladies restroom will be delayed until after the fundraiser.
Finance--Knowles moved and Anderson seconded a motion to transfer $14,000 from the money market account to the general fund and to allow CD #51373 to rollover for another 6 months. Motion carried.
Denton reported problems with no heat in the library for 2 days last month. Peters Heating & Air found that a gas line was frozen on the roof furnace.
Denton reported that several lights in the children’s department need new ballasts and will call Steve Schlatter.
Denton explained that the website information on the Science Flicks and History Flicks apps is forthcoming.
Denton shared concerns about a patron who is monopolizing a computer and doing excessive printing. Said patron does not always forfeit the computer in a timely manner when requested (when another patron is waiting.) The Board directed Denton to tell the patron to vacate the computer within 3 minutes upon notification.
Building and Grounds--No report.
The budget committee was informed that their budget request to the city needs to be ready for presentation on March 23. It was suggested that line items for technology needs be included.
There was discussion of retaining Anthony Smith for computer work. Denton is very pleased with his work, the hourly rates he is charging the library, and the quality of his work.
Anderson suggested that the library develop a technology plan for rotating the replacement of library computers.
ADJOURNMENT--Kolditz moved and Schneider seconded a motion to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned at 7:28 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Anderson, Secretary