Hamilton Public Library - Trustee Meeting-Feb. 21, 2012
The Board of Trustees of the Hamilton Public Library met at 6:30 p.m. on February 21, 2012 at the library. Members present were: Katie DellaVedova, Jim Morris, Cicily Knowles, John Koldiltz, Bob Schneider, Nancy Denton, Jim Noble, Dan Reinhardt, Sharon Esterday, and Carol Buerklin.
Jim Morris moved and Sharon Esterday seconded the minutes be approved with the deletion of the section under Finances in the January 16, 2012 minutes. Motion carried.
The oath of office was given to Bob Schneider.
Jon Kolditz moved and Jim Morris seconded that the bills be paid. Motion carried.
Friends of the Library - A fundraiser is being planned in partnership with the Hamilton Community Development Coalition. A laminator has been purchased. It came with two rolls of film. There could be a charge for community use. This could be publicized.
Finance- CD#170984 is maturing in April. Jim Morris moved the $10,000 money market be purchased. John Kolditz seconded. Motion carried.
Librarian's Report- The Open Meeting Act certification must be completed by new trustees. There is training for the new website. Bookmarks will be made with the website on it. There is a request for a counter to register patron use. Cicily Knowles, John Kolditz and Dan Reinhardt will meet with the Hamilton City Council to work on the new budget. The library flag needs to be replaced. Jim Morris moved and John seconded. Motion carried. Nancy Denton will see to this. Books that were burned in the recent fire will not be charded to the patrons. The overdue notices will be looked into. Possibly the system would generate them. The $3,026.25 per capita grant has been approved. It will be sent in 2013.
John Kolditz made a motion as follows: The legality of holding an open meeting on a national holiday has been called into question. Several national holidays fall on Monday's, thus for consistency I move the library Trustee's meeting be changed from the third Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. to the third Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. effective with the May meeting. Jim Noble seconded. Motion carried.
Friends of the Library are meeting to research previous trustees for a plaque.
No new business to report.
John Kolditz moved the meeting adjourned.
Jim Morris moved and Sharon Esterday seconded the minutes be approved with the deletion of the section under Finances in the January 16, 2012 minutes. Motion carried.
The oath of office was given to Bob Schneider.
Jon Kolditz moved and Jim Morris seconded that the bills be paid. Motion carried.
Friends of the Library - A fundraiser is being planned in partnership with the Hamilton Community Development Coalition. A laminator has been purchased. It came with two rolls of film. There could be a charge for community use. This could be publicized.
Finance- CD#170984 is maturing in April. Jim Morris moved the $10,000 money market be purchased. John Kolditz seconded. Motion carried.
Librarian's Report- The Open Meeting Act certification must be completed by new trustees. There is training for the new website. Bookmarks will be made with the website on it. There is a request for a counter to register patron use. Cicily Knowles, John Kolditz and Dan Reinhardt will meet with the Hamilton City Council to work on the new budget. The library flag needs to be replaced. Jim Morris moved and John seconded. Motion carried. Nancy Denton will see to this. Books that were burned in the recent fire will not be charded to the patrons. The overdue notices will be looked into. Possibly the system would generate them. The $3,026.25 per capita grant has been approved. It will be sent in 2013.
John Kolditz made a motion as follows: The legality of holding an open meeting on a national holiday has been called into question. Several national holidays fall on Monday's, thus for consistency I move the library Trustee's meeting be changed from the third Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. to the third Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. effective with the May meeting. Jim Noble seconded. Motion carried.
Friends of the Library are meeting to research previous trustees for a plaque.
No new business to report.
John Kolditz moved the meeting adjourned.