Hamilton Public Library
Trustee Meeting
November 19, 2013
The Board of Trustees of the Hamilton Public Library met at 6:30pm on November 19, 2013 at the library. Members present were: john Kolditz, Jim Noble, Bob Schneider, Wanda Hanson, Katie DellaVadova, Sharon Anderson, Dan Reinhardt, Carole buerklin, and Cicily Knowles.
The meeting was called to order by President Dan Reinhardt.
A correction to the minutes of October 15, 2013, that Dan Reinhardt was late in attendance, but was there for the rest of the meeting. These minutes will amend that. John Kolditz moved that the minutes be approved with the amendment. Katie DellaVadova seconded. Motion carried.
Sharon Anderson moved to pay the bills. Bob Schneider seconded. Motion carried.
Friends of the Library: They have decided to delay the buying of the children's computer until further research is done to find the right one. The Friends will do gift wrapping at the Open house on Thursday, December 12, 2013.
Librarian's Report: There will be a Santa Claus for the children at the Open house. The library will hold a Food for Fines from December 12-31, 2013. they will also be a location for the Toys for Children in conjunction with the city. There will be hot chocolate (the permit was filed for having food.)
Finance: Carpeting cost was $858.56. 10 chairs were purchased. Nancy Denton was reimbursed for purchasing some of the chairs. $1705 was needed to be pulled out of the Memorial Account by Cicily. Cicily moved to transfer $15,000 to the general account from the Money Market account. Jim Noble seconded. Motion carried.
Memorial Money- $1705.99 plus Peggy Hammel Memorial of $800= $2509.99-$503.50 to General Account, remainder to Memorial Account. CD matures in December. Cicily moved to roll it over for 6 months. Katie seconded. Motion carried.
Librarian: We have a broken window seal. Nancy got 2 bids- Cook's bid was chosen if it could match or better the other bid and use tempered glass. If they cannot get tempered glass, then need to go with Double A Glass. Katie moved to accept as requested. Cicily seconded. Motion carried.
Black Friday Program: 11am - 4pm. They served hot dogs, fruit, veggies and pretzels. There were volunteers that helped with the gift program, where children bought and wrapped gifts for the adults in their lives. Cookies and hot chocolate followed with singing of Christmas carols.
Back 2 Books Grant: Nancy is trying to write grant for more books on cd.
Grant checking account: Cicily requested, due to new regulations at the Marine Bank, that Nancy be removed from the account, and the 2 signatures needed would either be Dan, John or Cicily. John Kolditz moved to grant this request. Jim seconded. motion carried. Cicily would take care of it.
Boiler: Peters Heating and Air Conditioning called to take care of the boiler that didn't work for 2 days. The ignition switch was corroded. $300-$500 for the parts. Labor not included. John motioned to accept. Bob seconded. Motion carried.
Christmas Bonuses: Board went into executive session. John motioned for Executive session. Bob seconded. Motion carried. Session closed at 7:16pm/
Building and Grounds
The parking lot is finished. Kiwanas will be contacted about payment. The parking lot needs edging.
Old Business: None
New Business: None
john Kolditz moved to adjourn. Dan Reinhardt seconded. Meeting adjourned.
Nancy Denton typed these notes from the papers of Carole Buerklin, who was unable to do so. Any mistakes in this report will be due to Nancy making judgments on what was said. Also, Nancy does not attend Executive sessions. Therefore, she does not have knowledge of what occurred in that session.
Trustee Meeting
November 19, 2013
The Board of Trustees of the Hamilton Public Library met at 6:30pm on November 19, 2013 at the library. Members present were: john Kolditz, Jim Noble, Bob Schneider, Wanda Hanson, Katie DellaVadova, Sharon Anderson, Dan Reinhardt, Carole buerklin, and Cicily Knowles.
The meeting was called to order by President Dan Reinhardt.
A correction to the minutes of October 15, 2013, that Dan Reinhardt was late in attendance, but was there for the rest of the meeting. These minutes will amend that. John Kolditz moved that the minutes be approved with the amendment. Katie DellaVadova seconded. Motion carried.
Sharon Anderson moved to pay the bills. Bob Schneider seconded. Motion carried.
Friends of the Library: They have decided to delay the buying of the children's computer until further research is done to find the right one. The Friends will do gift wrapping at the Open house on Thursday, December 12, 2013.
Librarian's Report: There will be a Santa Claus for the children at the Open house. The library will hold a Food for Fines from December 12-31, 2013. they will also be a location for the Toys for Children in conjunction with the city. There will be hot chocolate (the permit was filed for having food.)
Finance: Carpeting cost was $858.56. 10 chairs were purchased. Nancy Denton was reimbursed for purchasing some of the chairs. $1705 was needed to be pulled out of the Memorial Account by Cicily. Cicily moved to transfer $15,000 to the general account from the Money Market account. Jim Noble seconded. Motion carried.
Memorial Money- $1705.99 plus Peggy Hammel Memorial of $800= $2509.99-$503.50 to General Account, remainder to Memorial Account. CD matures in December. Cicily moved to roll it over for 6 months. Katie seconded. Motion carried.
Librarian: We have a broken window seal. Nancy got 2 bids- Cook's bid was chosen if it could match or better the other bid and use tempered glass. If they cannot get tempered glass, then need to go with Double A Glass. Katie moved to accept as requested. Cicily seconded. Motion carried.
Black Friday Program: 11am - 4pm. They served hot dogs, fruit, veggies and pretzels. There were volunteers that helped with the gift program, where children bought and wrapped gifts for the adults in their lives. Cookies and hot chocolate followed with singing of Christmas carols.
Back 2 Books Grant: Nancy is trying to write grant for more books on cd.
Grant checking account: Cicily requested, due to new regulations at the Marine Bank, that Nancy be removed from the account, and the 2 signatures needed would either be Dan, John or Cicily. John Kolditz moved to grant this request. Jim seconded. motion carried. Cicily would take care of it.
Boiler: Peters Heating and Air Conditioning called to take care of the boiler that didn't work for 2 days. The ignition switch was corroded. $300-$500 for the parts. Labor not included. John motioned to accept. Bob seconded. Motion carried.
Christmas Bonuses: Board went into executive session. John motioned for Executive session. Bob seconded. Motion carried. Session closed at 7:16pm/
Building and Grounds
The parking lot is finished. Kiwanas will be contacted about payment. The parking lot needs edging.
Old Business: None
New Business: None
john Kolditz moved to adjourn. Dan Reinhardt seconded. Meeting adjourned.
Nancy Denton typed these notes from the papers of Carole Buerklin, who was unable to do so. Any mistakes in this report will be due to Nancy making judgments on what was said. Also, Nancy does not attend Executive sessions. Therefore, she does not have knowledge of what occurred in that session.