Hamilton Public Library
Trustee Meeting
February 19, 2013
The Board of Trustees of the Hamilton Public Library met at 6:30 p.m. on Feb. 19,
2013 at the library. Members present were: John Kolditz, Jim Noble, Cicily Knowles,
Nancy Denton, Sharon Anderson, Bob Schneider, Katie Kammerer, Dan Reinhardt, Carole Buerklin. Guest-Judy Kammerer
President Dan Reinhardt opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m.
John Kolditz moved and Jim Noble seconded that the minutes be approved with the amendment that the repair of the florescent light ballasts also be let for bids. Motion carried.
John Kolditz moved and Jim Noble seconded that the bills be paid. Motion carried.
Friends of the Library-Judy Kammerer reported that the Father/Son Cake Bakeoff was held. Cynthia Colvin agreed to help paint the Library Meeting Room. The fundraiser in conjunction with the Coalition has been postponed. The Friends of the Library are planning a Garden Tour the first or second week of June. To commemorate the former Library Board members a binder with sheets that can be added to will be compiled and added to the library collection.
Finance-Cicily Knowles moved and Katie Kammerer seconded that $15,000 from CD51219 be moved to the Money Market Account and $25,000be rolled into a 6 mo. CD. Motion carried. Cicily made a motion to move $10,000 from Money Market Account to the General Account. Sharon Anderson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Librarian’s Report-Cicily Knowles, John Kolditz and Dan Reinhardt will attend the City Council meeting in regards to the library budget.
-NICOR checked and fixed an outside gas leak.
-Bids for electrical work were received from Steve Schlatter Electric, Tri-County Electric, and Generations Electric. Dan Reinhardt moved that Steve Schlatter Electric be hired if the work could be completed by April 15, 2013. Jim Noble seconded. Motion carried.
-Discussion of an offer from Monitor Productions to supply TV’s and equipment to advertise local businesses and library activities. A decision on this matter was tabled.
-Nancy Denton will check with Hamilton School District on their policy of distributing flyers for the library advertising library activities.
-Library Trustees signed the Economic Interest Statements.
No Report
No report
Thank you’s will be sent or given to The Friends of the Library and Boy Scouts and others for their help with the utility building.
Two laptops and cable locks will be here soon.
No new business
John Kolditz moved that the meeting adjourned.
Trustee Meeting
February 19, 2013
The Board of Trustees of the Hamilton Public Library met at 6:30 p.m. on Feb. 19,
2013 at the library. Members present were: John Kolditz, Jim Noble, Cicily Knowles,
Nancy Denton, Sharon Anderson, Bob Schneider, Katie Kammerer, Dan Reinhardt, Carole Buerklin. Guest-Judy Kammerer
President Dan Reinhardt opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m.
John Kolditz moved and Jim Noble seconded that the minutes be approved with the amendment that the repair of the florescent light ballasts also be let for bids. Motion carried.
John Kolditz moved and Jim Noble seconded that the bills be paid. Motion carried.
Friends of the Library-Judy Kammerer reported that the Father/Son Cake Bakeoff was held. Cynthia Colvin agreed to help paint the Library Meeting Room. The fundraiser in conjunction with the Coalition has been postponed. The Friends of the Library are planning a Garden Tour the first or second week of June. To commemorate the former Library Board members a binder with sheets that can be added to will be compiled and added to the library collection.
Finance-Cicily Knowles moved and Katie Kammerer seconded that $15,000 from CD51219 be moved to the Money Market Account and $25,000be rolled into a 6 mo. CD. Motion carried. Cicily made a motion to move $10,000 from Money Market Account to the General Account. Sharon Anderson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Librarian’s Report-Cicily Knowles, John Kolditz and Dan Reinhardt will attend the City Council meeting in regards to the library budget.
-NICOR checked and fixed an outside gas leak.
-Bids for electrical work were received from Steve Schlatter Electric, Tri-County Electric, and Generations Electric. Dan Reinhardt moved that Steve Schlatter Electric be hired if the work could be completed by April 15, 2013. Jim Noble seconded. Motion carried.
-Discussion of an offer from Monitor Productions to supply TV’s and equipment to advertise local businesses and library activities. A decision on this matter was tabled.
-Nancy Denton will check with Hamilton School District on their policy of distributing flyers for the library advertising library activities.
-Library Trustees signed the Economic Interest Statements.
No Report
No report
Thank you’s will be sent or given to The Friends of the Library and Boy Scouts and others for their help with the utility building.
Two laptops and cable locks will be here soon.
No new business
John Kolditz moved that the meeting adjourned.