Hamilton Public Library
Trustee Meeting
August 19,2014
The Board of trustees of the Hamilton Public Library met at 6:30pm on August 19,2014 at the library. Members present were; Noble, Reinhardt, Kolditz, Knowles, Phillips, Della-Vedova, Schnieider, Hansen and Librarian Denton.
Noble called the meeting to order.
Noble moved and Reinhardt seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the July 15th meeting. Motion carried.
Noble moved and Knowles seconded a motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion carried.
CD#51373 is maturing. Knowles moved and Reinhardt seconded a motion to renew for another 6 months. Motion carried.
Knowles moved and Reinhardt seconded to move $12,000 from the Money Market Account to the General Funds Account. Motion carried.
Librarian’s Report:
Denton mentioned that the laptop in the office is still using Windows XP and that is was running very slowly. She also mentioned that Keokuk Technologies informed her that there is just enough memory on the laptop in the office to put Windows 8.1, however, if they do that, it will run even more slowly. A discussion was had and decided that since the Friends of the Library were going to purchase computers for the children’s department, maybe they would consider purchasing a new computer for the office. She was asked to speak to the Friends at their next meeting and report back.
Denton talked about the Friends wanting to buy computers for the children’s department, but they wanted to have a policy in place first. A discussion was had about the policy for the children’s computers. It was decided that Phillips and Della-Vedova would speak to different libraries and find out what their policies were and bring that information to the next meeting.
Building and Grounds:
The corner of the building needs to be repaired and Reinhardt said that he and another person would be working on it soon. Reinhardt will get back to the group next meeting.
Hansen moved and Phillips seconded to adjourn. Motion carried.
Trustee Meeting
August 19,2014
The Board of trustees of the Hamilton Public Library met at 6:30pm on August 19,2014 at the library. Members present were; Noble, Reinhardt, Kolditz, Knowles, Phillips, Della-Vedova, Schnieider, Hansen and Librarian Denton.
Noble called the meeting to order.
Noble moved and Reinhardt seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the July 15th meeting. Motion carried.
Noble moved and Knowles seconded a motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion carried.
CD#51373 is maturing. Knowles moved and Reinhardt seconded a motion to renew for another 6 months. Motion carried.
Knowles moved and Reinhardt seconded to move $12,000 from the Money Market Account to the General Funds Account. Motion carried.
Librarian’s Report:
Denton mentioned that the laptop in the office is still using Windows XP and that is was running very slowly. She also mentioned that Keokuk Technologies informed her that there is just enough memory on the laptop in the office to put Windows 8.1, however, if they do that, it will run even more slowly. A discussion was had and decided that since the Friends of the Library were going to purchase computers for the children’s department, maybe they would consider purchasing a new computer for the office. She was asked to speak to the Friends at their next meeting and report back.
Denton talked about the Friends wanting to buy computers for the children’s department, but they wanted to have a policy in place first. A discussion was had about the policy for the children’s computers. It was decided that Phillips and Della-Vedova would speak to different libraries and find out what their policies were and bring that information to the next meeting.
Building and Grounds:
The corner of the building needs to be repaired and Reinhardt said that he and another person would be working on it soon. Reinhardt will get back to the group next meeting.
Hansen moved and Phillips seconded to adjourn. Motion carried.