Hamilton Public Library
Trustee Meeting
October 20, 2015
The Board of Trustees of the Hamilton Public Library met at 6:30 p.m. on October 20, 2015 at the library. Those present on October 20 were James Noble, Sarah Warinner, John Kolditz, Librarian Nancy Denton, David Morgan, Bob Schneider, John Phillips, and Wanda Hanson.
The meeting was called to order by James Noble, President.
Friends of the Library--Nancy Denton represented the Friends of the Library. They painted upstairs. Also, artwork was placed upstairs and it looks very nice. They are looking for new membership since the group is small.
Finance- We need to transfer $2500 from the money market to general fund to pay the bills. Sarah Warinner made a motion and Bob Schneider seconded. The motion carried. A large transfer will need to be made next month to cover two months of bills.
Internet: Tony is redoing the computers because the Deep Freeze license froze and need to be fixed. Deep Freeze is working but do not have the licenses on the computers. This needs to be fixed so that upgrades can be made. We may need to buy or renew licenses, which can be paid from incidentals.
Gutter Cleaning: Our contracted person for the gutter has to put a spray on there, which will cost more than $50. He estimates that it will cost $2000. They will need to be cleaned because of freezing, eventually affecting the furnace in the winter.
Refrigerator: Corvaia will be going out of business and may have some cleared out. One was found that was within price but was not available.
Old business:
Technology report: David Morgan presented Hamilton Public Library Internet Use Policies and Responsible Usage Agreement Form. We discussed them and agreed that the forms express well the views of the library board. The library board decided that the permission would be signed by parents for children under 18. The forms were amended to reflect that as well as giving the staff authority to use discretion to determine what is appropriate for library use. They are continuing to work on the childrenś policy. John Phillips moves that we accept the documents as amended. Wanda Hanson seconds. Motion carries.
The new Technology Plan was reviewed and discussed. This will be effective from 2016-2019. John Kolditz moves to adopt the technology plan. John Phillips seconds. Motion passes.
Per Capita: Nancy Denton is working on it. We will address it next month. It is due in January.
New Business:
Nook and Kindle classes: The possibility remains of having students teach how to use Nook and Kindle. Nancy wants to load bestsellers for users to try. We will need a policy to check out. We may need to have only those of a responsible age can check them out.
The Board has been invited to the TIF meeting on October 29th at 6:30 p.m.
John Phillips moved to adjourn. Wanda Hanson seconded. Motion passed.
Trustee Meeting
October 20, 2015
The Board of Trustees of the Hamilton Public Library met at 6:30 p.m. on October 20, 2015 at the library. Those present on October 20 were James Noble, Sarah Warinner, John Kolditz, Librarian Nancy Denton, David Morgan, Bob Schneider, John Phillips, and Wanda Hanson.
The meeting was called to order by James Noble, President.
Friends of the Library--Nancy Denton represented the Friends of the Library. They painted upstairs. Also, artwork was placed upstairs and it looks very nice. They are looking for new membership since the group is small.
Finance- We need to transfer $2500 from the money market to general fund to pay the bills. Sarah Warinner made a motion and Bob Schneider seconded. The motion carried. A large transfer will need to be made next month to cover two months of bills.
Internet: Tony is redoing the computers because the Deep Freeze license froze and need to be fixed. Deep Freeze is working but do not have the licenses on the computers. This needs to be fixed so that upgrades can be made. We may need to buy or renew licenses, which can be paid from incidentals.
Gutter Cleaning: Our contracted person for the gutter has to put a spray on there, which will cost more than $50. He estimates that it will cost $2000. They will need to be cleaned because of freezing, eventually affecting the furnace in the winter.
Refrigerator: Corvaia will be going out of business and may have some cleared out. One was found that was within price but was not available.
Old business:
Technology report: David Morgan presented Hamilton Public Library Internet Use Policies and Responsible Usage Agreement Form. We discussed them and agreed that the forms express well the views of the library board. The library board decided that the permission would be signed by parents for children under 18. The forms were amended to reflect that as well as giving the staff authority to use discretion to determine what is appropriate for library use. They are continuing to work on the childrenś policy. John Phillips moves that we accept the documents as amended. Wanda Hanson seconds. Motion carries.
The new Technology Plan was reviewed and discussed. This will be effective from 2016-2019. John Kolditz moves to adopt the technology plan. John Phillips seconds. Motion passes.
Per Capita: Nancy Denton is working on it. We will address it next month. It is due in January.
New Business:
Nook and Kindle classes: The possibility remains of having students teach how to use Nook and Kindle. Nancy wants to load bestsellers for users to try. We will need a policy to check out. We may need to have only those of a responsible age can check them out.
The Board has been invited to the TIF meeting on October 29th at 6:30 p.m.
John Phillips moved to adjourn. Wanda Hanson seconded. Motion passed.