The Board of Trustees of the Hamilton Public Library met at 6:30 p.m. on July 17, 2012 at the library. Members present were: John Kolditz, Jim Noble, Bob Schneider, Nancy Denton, Katie DellaVedova, Sharon Esterday, Cevin Cox, Carole Buerklin
The meeting was called to order by Vice-President John Kolditz.
Katie DellaVedova moved and Jim Noble seconded that the minutes be approved. Motion carried.
Sharon Esterday moved and Jim Noble seconded that the bills be paid. Motion carried.
Friends of the Library-Judy Kammerer from the Friends reported on the activities. $212.00 was raised on the book sale. Another book sale will be held during the Hamilton Garage Sale. The next fund raiser is being considered. The utility building is about done. Electricity will be added later. Bids are being considered for a new door. Vinyl flooring and a plaque to acknowledge donations are in the works. A Crimson King maple tree will be planted in the Fall.
Finance-Nothing maturing
Librarian’s Report-The Library Programing checklist was discussed for addition to the Per Capita Grant. A program from the Treasurer of Illinois called iCash is available online. Patrons can check if their names are listed in unclaimed monies left in the treasury.
No report
Katie DellaVedova moved and John Kolditz seconded that a thank you be sent to all who helped with the utility building. Motion carried. A bid for the parking lot was received from Great River for $1,500 for 4” asphalt and $1,800 for 5”. A $1,000 was donated to the Boy Scouts to install concrete. $1,400 is available from Friends of the Library.
--The new printer is installed.
--Katie DellaVedova will look into prices of fireproof safes.
--An article will be placed in the paper asking for names of previous library trustees. Dec. 31, 2012 will be the cutoff date for names.
--Friends of the Library are meeting to research previous trustees for a plaque.
--Look into replacing the tables in the meeting room.
--Mary injured her knee. For the library’s protection she will need a doctor’s release to return to work. A temporary replacement may be needed.
--Nancy is considering becoming a notary public. If training and fees were paid by the library Nancy agrees to donate the notary fee to the library. Look into possible liability to the library.