The Board of Trustees of the Hamilton Public Library met at 6:30 p.m. on June 19, 2012 at the library. Members present were: John Kolditz, Jim Noble, Bob Schneider, Katie DellaVedova, Nancy Denton, Sharon Esterday, Cevin Cox, Carole Buerkllin
The meeting was called to order by Vice-President John Kolditz
The minutes were amended to include Bob Schneider in the trustees present at the last meeting. Sharon Esterday moved and Katie DellaVedova seconded. Minutes approved.
Jim Noble moved and Bob Schneider seconded that the bills be paid. Motion carried.
Friends of the Library
-Nancy Denton reported for the Friends of the Library that the Sept. 8th dance has been cancelled. It may be rescheduled on Oct. 29th with the band, Cheeseburgers.
-Since the Kiwanas paid the complete cost of the utility building and the cement for the pad and labor was donated there is money to be used to rock and pave the parking lot with asphalt. A bid has been received for $3,000. The Friends have voted to apply the $1,400 left toward the parking lot. It was expressed that an attempt to find a Hamilton business to bid. In additional discussion the board considered various questions. Is there another project needed more? Would the area have to be posted for library use only? How much more would cement be than asphalt? Would rock only be enough? What would the maintenance be on rock and asphalt?
CD50987 is maturing on June 21st and Stock Certificate of Deposit on June 19th. Katie DellaVedova moved that they be rolled over unless the treasurer, Cecily Knowles has a better idea. Sharon Esterday seconded. Motion carried. Sharon Esterday moved that $10,000 from the Money Market account be moved to the General Fund. Katie DellaVedova seconded. Motion carried.
Librarian’s Report
-Jan Seyfert will be doing computer work approximately four hours a week.
-The board received a letter from the Office of the Secretary of State dealing with Supplemental Taxes.
-As part of the Per Capita Grant the board will be considering the Programming Standards checklist to assess our library’s compliance. The checklist will be considered in July with the board’s final consideration in August.
-The audit went fine.
Public Relations
No report
Building and Grounds
-Get bid from W.L. Miller for the parking lot. All companies should be given the same specifications. Cevin Cox will get three bids. There is $4,000 in the Building and Grounds budget.
-A weeping cherry was donated by Mr. and Mrs. Miller and has been planted.
-Bergman’s has a Crimson King maple for $175. It would be planted by Bergman’s and guaranteed for a year. Katie DellaVedova moved and Carole Buerklin seconded that the tree be purchased. Motion carried. Consider planting in September.
-A ten foot table is needed for the meeting room. Consider purchase.
-A discussion of use of the meeting room brought up several questions. The policy will be reviewed and discussed at the next meeting.