Hamilton Public Library
Board of Trustees meeting
October 21, 2019
The Board of Trustees was held at 6:30 pm October 21, 2019 at the Hamilton Public Library. Those present were
Vice President Heather Jones, Secretary Wanda Hansen, Treasurer John Wardwell, Margie Stice, Chris Williams,
John Kelly and Library Director Kathryn Johnson. A quorum was declared and meeting called to order at 6:40pm
by Vice President Heather Jones. Also present were Friends of the Library representative Marilynn Miller and
guest Theresa Scheihing, a prospective Board member. Theresa S. was welcomed by Vice President Heather
The minutes of the September 16, 2019 Board meeting were reviewed. Chris W. motioned to approve the
minutes. John Wardwell second. Motion passed.
The bills for September 17 – October 21, 2019 were reviewed. Chris W. motioned to approve the bills for
September 17 – October 21, 2019. John K. second. All questions were asked and answered. Motion passed.
The Financial report was viewed by Board members present. John W. motioned to move $5,500.00 from the
Money Market to the Main account. Chris w. second. All questions were asked and answered. Motion Passed.
Friends of the Library given by Marilyn Miller at the beginning of the meeting
Friends spoke with Jeff Hammel with Heartland Carpets. Friends ordered a linoleum Jeff said was sturdy enough
to hold up under the chairs in the meeting room. The linoleum will be installed on Friday November 22 at 8 am.
The date and time was approved by Library Director Kathryn J. Help will be needed to move stuff out of the room
the day prior.
A written report was submitted to Board members present. Kathryn J. also went over the report verbally.
Kathryn J. reports the office copy machine is leaving streaks when scanning. The Board discussed the issue.
Kathryn J. will check with other libraries to inquire what machine they are using and report findings to the Board.
Old Business
The Board agreed to table the Bylaw review until next meeting.
Bank Accounts: 1) Secretary Wanda H. informed the Board she has talked to Fortress Bank regarding what is
needed to change the signatures on the Endowment Fund and the Memorial Fund accounts. A signed copy of the
minutes stating who is to be on the accounts and those to be on the accounts must go to Fortress Bank to submit
the required information unless Fortress already has the information on file. Board members to be on the
accounts should do this as soon as possible; Wanda H. will submit the signed minutes to Fortress Bank.
2) The Board discussed the need for an Incidental Fund account. Points bought up were: the distribution of
funds was confusing, hard to account for the monies in the budget, and confusing where to remove expenditures
from budget or fund. Chris W. motioned to close the Incidental Fund account and move monies into the Money
Market account. John W. second. Discussion was held regarding access to monies for Library Director Kathryn J.
The Board recommended Kathryn J. check into an Amazon credit card or a Marine Bank credit card for the Library
since Treasurer John W. would be able to monitor the expenses. Motion passed.
3) Wanda H. motioned to close the National Bank credit card. John K. second. Discussion was held. Motion
Passed. John W. will look into closing the credit card account.
Library Website/Facebook: John K. and Kathryn J. report this is still a work in progress but getting there.
Comments were made that it is looking good by other Board members. Wanda H. questioned how to do the
Board meeting minutes. After discussion the Board decided to place the minutes on the Library website; this
would make the minutes easily available to print for those requesting a copy.
Building and Grounds
Trees/gutters: The trees have been completed except for removal of the pear tree stump. During the trimming it
was noted that the gutter on the southwest corner was clogged and should be cleaned as water was backing up
onto the roof area and could cause damage. Discussion was held by the Board; the Board wasn’t sure who would
need to be called to clear the clog since it was in the downspout. Members will inquire.
Executive Session
Prior to entering into Executive Session, Vice President Heather J. to introduce herself to the Board and tell us
about herself. The Board asked any questions they had. Theresa S. had been a member of the Friends of the
Library years ago and decided it was time to be more active again in the Library
Chris W. motioned to enter into Executive Session. John W. second. Motion passed. Executive Session was
entered at 7:34 pm. John K. motioned to exit Executive Session. Chris W. second. Motion passed. Executive
Session was completed at 7:46 pm.
New Business
John K. motioned to approve Theresa Scheihing as a new Hamilton Library Board of Trustees member. Chris W.
second. Motion Passed. The Board welcomed Theresa S. to the position of Trustee and went over some of the
responsibilities and benefits.
Kathryn J. was asked questions regarding her and staff hours at the Library. Bonnie W. works Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday mornings and Mary P. works Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons and Thursday until
2:30pm. Kathryn J. stated she works all day Fridays and sometimes comes in around 8am to get administrative
things done and sometimes later if there is an evening program at the Library. Vice President Heather J. informed
Kathryn J. the reason asked was a change in the Bylaws was made allowing employees to only come 15 minutes
prior to the Library opening or their shift. This bylaw will need to be changed again. The Board had no issues with
the hours as long as the budget was kept.
Pohren Law Books: John K. explained regarding the possible donation of the late Mr. Pohren’s the law books by
his sister; this would be in-house use only. Kathryn J. stated to go ahead and pursue the issue; the Library will
make room for as many as possible.
501C3 was tabled until the next meeting
Updating Library electronic devices: Wanda H. stated to the Board with the January 2020 deadline for all
computers to have Windows 10 and the Board’s hope to encourage more use of the Library with a new Library
Director who is more tech savvy to consider updating all the electronics in the Library. This would be costly at
first, but would be done for years and would bring the Library up to date. A fresh look. The Board discussed the
issues and requested Kathryn J. to make a total list of what would be needed to bring the Library into the
electronic future and present this to the Board at the next Board meeting. She can discuss this with Tony the tech
person for any help.
Vice President Heather J. welcomed Theresa S. to the Board.
John K. motioned to adjourn the meeting. Margie S. second. Motion passed. Vice President Heather J. adjourned
the meeting at 8:18 pm.
The next Hamilton Public Library Board meeting will be on Monday November 19, 2019 at 6:30pm.
Submitted by
Wanda Hansen, Secretary
Board of Trustees meeting
October 21, 2019
The Board of Trustees was held at 6:30 pm October 21, 2019 at the Hamilton Public Library. Those present were
Vice President Heather Jones, Secretary Wanda Hansen, Treasurer John Wardwell, Margie Stice, Chris Williams,
John Kelly and Library Director Kathryn Johnson. A quorum was declared and meeting called to order at 6:40pm
by Vice President Heather Jones. Also present were Friends of the Library representative Marilynn Miller and
guest Theresa Scheihing, a prospective Board member. Theresa S. was welcomed by Vice President Heather
The minutes of the September 16, 2019 Board meeting were reviewed. Chris W. motioned to approve the
minutes. John Wardwell second. Motion passed.
The bills for September 17 – October 21, 2019 were reviewed. Chris W. motioned to approve the bills for
September 17 – October 21, 2019. John K. second. All questions were asked and answered. Motion passed.
The Financial report was viewed by Board members present. John W. motioned to move $5,500.00 from the
Money Market to the Main account. Chris w. second. All questions were asked and answered. Motion Passed.
Friends of the Library given by Marilyn Miller at the beginning of the meeting
Friends spoke with Jeff Hammel with Heartland Carpets. Friends ordered a linoleum Jeff said was sturdy enough
to hold up under the chairs in the meeting room. The linoleum will be installed on Friday November 22 at 8 am.
The date and time was approved by Library Director Kathryn J. Help will be needed to move stuff out of the room
the day prior.
A written report was submitted to Board members present. Kathryn J. also went over the report verbally.
Kathryn J. reports the office copy machine is leaving streaks when scanning. The Board discussed the issue.
Kathryn J. will check with other libraries to inquire what machine they are using and report findings to the Board.
Old Business
The Board agreed to table the Bylaw review until next meeting.
Bank Accounts: 1) Secretary Wanda H. informed the Board she has talked to Fortress Bank regarding what is
needed to change the signatures on the Endowment Fund and the Memorial Fund accounts. A signed copy of the
minutes stating who is to be on the accounts and those to be on the accounts must go to Fortress Bank to submit
the required information unless Fortress already has the information on file. Board members to be on the
accounts should do this as soon as possible; Wanda H. will submit the signed minutes to Fortress Bank.
2) The Board discussed the need for an Incidental Fund account. Points bought up were: the distribution of
funds was confusing, hard to account for the monies in the budget, and confusing where to remove expenditures
from budget or fund. Chris W. motioned to close the Incidental Fund account and move monies into the Money
Market account. John W. second. Discussion was held regarding access to monies for Library Director Kathryn J.
The Board recommended Kathryn J. check into an Amazon credit card or a Marine Bank credit card for the Library
since Treasurer John W. would be able to monitor the expenses. Motion passed.
3) Wanda H. motioned to close the National Bank credit card. John K. second. Discussion was held. Motion
Passed. John W. will look into closing the credit card account.
Library Website/Facebook: John K. and Kathryn J. report this is still a work in progress but getting there.
Comments were made that it is looking good by other Board members. Wanda H. questioned how to do the
Board meeting minutes. After discussion the Board decided to place the minutes on the Library website; this
would make the minutes easily available to print for those requesting a copy.
Building and Grounds
Trees/gutters: The trees have been completed except for removal of the pear tree stump. During the trimming it
was noted that the gutter on the southwest corner was clogged and should be cleaned as water was backing up
onto the roof area and could cause damage. Discussion was held by the Board; the Board wasn’t sure who would
need to be called to clear the clog since it was in the downspout. Members will inquire.
Executive Session
Prior to entering into Executive Session, Vice President Heather J. to introduce herself to the Board and tell us
about herself. The Board asked any questions they had. Theresa S. had been a member of the Friends of the
Library years ago and decided it was time to be more active again in the Library
Chris W. motioned to enter into Executive Session. John W. second. Motion passed. Executive Session was
entered at 7:34 pm. John K. motioned to exit Executive Session. Chris W. second. Motion passed. Executive
Session was completed at 7:46 pm.
New Business
John K. motioned to approve Theresa Scheihing as a new Hamilton Library Board of Trustees member. Chris W.
second. Motion Passed. The Board welcomed Theresa S. to the position of Trustee and went over some of the
responsibilities and benefits.
Kathryn J. was asked questions regarding her and staff hours at the Library. Bonnie W. works Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday mornings and Mary P. works Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons and Thursday until
2:30pm. Kathryn J. stated she works all day Fridays and sometimes comes in around 8am to get administrative
things done and sometimes later if there is an evening program at the Library. Vice President Heather J. informed
Kathryn J. the reason asked was a change in the Bylaws was made allowing employees to only come 15 minutes
prior to the Library opening or their shift. This bylaw will need to be changed again. The Board had no issues with
the hours as long as the budget was kept.
Pohren Law Books: John K. explained regarding the possible donation of the late Mr. Pohren’s the law books by
his sister; this would be in-house use only. Kathryn J. stated to go ahead and pursue the issue; the Library will
make room for as many as possible.
501C3 was tabled until the next meeting
Updating Library electronic devices: Wanda H. stated to the Board with the January 2020 deadline for all
computers to have Windows 10 and the Board’s hope to encourage more use of the Library with a new Library
Director who is more tech savvy to consider updating all the electronics in the Library. This would be costly at
first, but would be done for years and would bring the Library up to date. A fresh look. The Board discussed the
issues and requested Kathryn J. to make a total list of what would be needed to bring the Library into the
electronic future and present this to the Board at the next Board meeting. She can discuss this with Tony the tech
person for any help.
Vice President Heather J. welcomed Theresa S. to the Board.
John K. motioned to adjourn the meeting. Margie S. second. Motion passed. Vice President Heather J. adjourned
the meeting at 8:18 pm.
The next Hamilton Public Library Board meeting will be on Monday November 19, 2019 at 6:30pm.
Submitted by
Wanda Hansen, Secretary