The meeting was called to order by Nancy Gibson. Present were, Pat, Judy, Nancy G. Bob, John, Ramona, and Shirley. The minutes were read, and it was moved and seconded that they be accepted. Motion carried.
OLD BUSINESS Shirley reported that the Kiwanis will pay for cement pad for the storage unit. She also reported that the coalititon will help with a money making project in the spring. Nancy D. reported on the Cake Bake-Off and Auction which will be held January 28th and the Mad Hatter Tea Party which will be on January 14th. No report was given on the laminators. The subject of the storage unity was tabled until next month as it was felt that nothing could be done until spring.
TREASURER'S REPORT The treasure reported a balance of $2,247.47.
CORRESPONDENCE None this month
WEBSITE Brenda is working on the website. The library has switched from Adams to Weebly.
It was moved and seconded to adjourn. Motin carried.
OLD BUSINESS Shirley reported that the Kiwanis will pay for cement pad for the storage unit. She also reported that the coalititon will help with a money making project in the spring. Nancy D. reported on the Cake Bake-Off and Auction which will be held January 28th and the Mad Hatter Tea Party which will be on January 14th. No report was given on the laminators. The subject of the storage unity was tabled until next month as it was felt that nothing could be done until spring.
TREASURER'S REPORT The treasure reported a balance of $2,247.47.
CORRESPONDENCE None this month
WEBSITE Brenda is working on the website. The library has switched from Adams to Weebly.
It was moved and seconded to adjourn. Motin carried.