ATTENDANCE: Judy Kammerer, Cynthia Colvin, Sherry Ruark, Marilyn Miller
CALL TO ORDER: MINUTES: As read, approved first by Cynthia and second by Sherry.
TREASURER'S REPORT: $4,556.55 This report was approved first by Marilyn and second by Sherry.
LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Judy will do Monday AM story times at 10:30, Sarah Clark does this on Tuesdays at 3:30. Bonnie will be on vacation from 9/24 - 10/3 and Board Member John Kelly asked for help during this period in the absence of a librarian. The Board approved Judy Kammerer as part time interim help.
OLD BUSINESS: Book sale update will be held Friday, September 20th from 9 to 4, or whenever sales fall off. Arrive at 8:00 AM to set up. Hardbacks will be $1.00 and paperbacks $ .50. Same with children's books.
Kathryn Johnson was introduced as the new Library Director at the Library Board meeting. She will begin October 1st.
Puzzle party for Wednesday, August 22nd was cancelled. There was no staffing as Nancy resigned from her position as Director.
The September 26th puzzle party was cancelled as it conflicted with West Hancock Titan Homecoming activities.
The puzzle party for Thursday, October 24th will continue as planned, from 6 to 8PM. School supplies were purchased and taken to the elementary school.
Book baskets are still in the works for Hamilton-Library patron newcomers. Work will begin after the first of the year to choose content/pictures for the our proposed 2021 calendar highlighting the history of Hamilton.
NEW BUSINESS: Linoleum- Judy will talk to Jeff at the local flooring store and ask that he come and measure the meeting room. We want something washable as well as durable. Current vacuums need to be replaced. Cynthia will investigate options. We decided to purchase two, (possibly), so that they don't have to be lugged between floors. We are looking for lightweight, high efficiency/commercial vacuums.
ATTENDANCE: Judy Kammerer, Cynthia Colvin, Sherry Ruark, Marilyn Miller
CALL TO ORDER: MINUTES: As read, approved first by Cynthia and second by Sherry.
TREASURER'S REPORT: $4,556.55 This report was approved first by Marilyn and second by Sherry.
LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Judy will do Monday AM story times at 10:30, Sarah Clark does this on Tuesdays at 3:30. Bonnie will be on vacation from 9/24 - 10/3 and Board Member John Kelly asked for help during this period in the absence of a librarian. The Board approved Judy Kammerer as part time interim help.
OLD BUSINESS: Book sale update will be held Friday, September 20th from 9 to 4, or whenever sales fall off. Arrive at 8:00 AM to set up. Hardbacks will be $1.00 and paperbacks $ .50. Same with children's books.
Kathryn Johnson was introduced as the new Library Director at the Library Board meeting. She will begin October 1st.
Puzzle party for Wednesday, August 22nd was cancelled. There was no staffing as Nancy resigned from her position as Director.
The September 26th puzzle party was cancelled as it conflicted with West Hancock Titan Homecoming activities.
The puzzle party for Thursday, October 24th will continue as planned, from 6 to 8PM. School supplies were purchased and taken to the elementary school.
Book baskets are still in the works for Hamilton-Library patron newcomers. Work will begin after the first of the year to choose content/pictures for the our proposed 2021 calendar highlighting the history of Hamilton.
NEW BUSINESS: Linoleum- Judy will talk to Jeff at the local flooring store and ask that he come and measure the meeting room. We want something washable as well as durable. Current vacuums need to be replaced. Cynthia will investigate options. We decided to purchase two, (possibly), so that they don't have to be lugged between floors. We are looking for lightweight, high efficiency/commercial vacuums.