Hamilton Public Library
Trustee Meeting
June 17, 2014
The Board of trustees of the Hamilton Public Library met at 6:30 pm on June 17,2014 at the library. Those present were Sharon Anderson, Wanda Hansen, Jim noble, Dan Reinhardt, Bob Schneider, and Librarian Nancy Denton.
The meeting was called to order by President Reinhardt.
Noble moved and Schneider seconded a motion to accept the May 20th minutes. Motion carried.
Noble moved and Anderson seconded a motion to pay the June bills. Motion carried.
Friends of the Library- Denton reported that the Friends are ready to purchase 1 or 2 computers for the children’s department. However, they want a usage policy developed prior to their purchase.
Finance- Anderson moved and Noble seconded a motion to transfer $7000 from the Money Market to the General Fund. Motion carried. Reinhardt moved and Anderson seconded a motion to allow $20,000 in CD#xxxx to roll over at the current rate and transfer the balance 9$20,220.82) to the Money Market account. Motion carried.
• Denton reported she has two applicants for the library clerk position. She will be interviewing the candidates in the next few days
• Denton reported that the kids’ cooking program and story-time program have had good attendance. The summer reading program will end June 28 with a carnival themed program. In July, the library will host a craft day which will utilize existing craft supplies.
• Denton reported the library will have extra technology expenses as Windows 8.1 will be installed on the remaining computers, the Deep Freeze program will be reinstalled, and some printer driver issues will be resolved.
• Denton presented the board with an explanation of Memorial receipts and expenses. The recently purchased rack to house CD’s and talking books will be paid for by the Memorial account.
• Denton explained the computers in the business center were not getting much use. One option, which she will explore, is to see if Carl Sandburg might offer some GED instruction at the library and utilize these computers.
Building and Grounds-
• Mulch will be placed on the North side of the building to prevent splashing on the windows from rain run-off.
• Reinhardt will install the post for the parking lot sign following tonight’s meeting.
• A water issue has developed at the southeast corner of the building where water is coming off the roof and pooling on the sidewalk.
The library needs to decide what type of E-readers to purchase with the Per Capita grant funds and develop the programs to teach the use of these technologies.
Reinhardt moved and Schneider seconded a motion to table the election of officers until the next meeting hoping more board members would be present. Motion carried.
Noble moved and Schnieder seconded a motion to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned.
Trustee Meeting
June 17, 2014
The Board of trustees of the Hamilton Public Library met at 6:30 pm on June 17,2014 at the library. Those present were Sharon Anderson, Wanda Hansen, Jim noble, Dan Reinhardt, Bob Schneider, and Librarian Nancy Denton.
The meeting was called to order by President Reinhardt.
Noble moved and Schneider seconded a motion to accept the May 20th minutes. Motion carried.
Noble moved and Anderson seconded a motion to pay the June bills. Motion carried.
Friends of the Library- Denton reported that the Friends are ready to purchase 1 or 2 computers for the children’s department. However, they want a usage policy developed prior to their purchase.
Finance- Anderson moved and Noble seconded a motion to transfer $7000 from the Money Market to the General Fund. Motion carried. Reinhardt moved and Anderson seconded a motion to allow $20,000 in CD#xxxx to roll over at the current rate and transfer the balance 9$20,220.82) to the Money Market account. Motion carried.
• Denton reported she has two applicants for the library clerk position. She will be interviewing the candidates in the next few days
• Denton reported that the kids’ cooking program and story-time program have had good attendance. The summer reading program will end June 28 with a carnival themed program. In July, the library will host a craft day which will utilize existing craft supplies.
• Denton reported the library will have extra technology expenses as Windows 8.1 will be installed on the remaining computers, the Deep Freeze program will be reinstalled, and some printer driver issues will be resolved.
• Denton presented the board with an explanation of Memorial receipts and expenses. The recently purchased rack to house CD’s and talking books will be paid for by the Memorial account.
• Denton explained the computers in the business center were not getting much use. One option, which she will explore, is to see if Carl Sandburg might offer some GED instruction at the library and utilize these computers.
Building and Grounds-
• Mulch will be placed on the North side of the building to prevent splashing on the windows from rain run-off.
• Reinhardt will install the post for the parking lot sign following tonight’s meeting.
• A water issue has developed at the southeast corner of the building where water is coming off the roof and pooling on the sidewalk.
The library needs to decide what type of E-readers to purchase with the Per Capita grant funds and develop the programs to teach the use of these technologies.
Reinhardt moved and Schneider seconded a motion to table the election of officers until the next meeting hoping more board members would be present. Motion carried.
Noble moved and Schnieder seconded a motion to adjourn. Meeting was adjourned.