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InkMesh is a search engine that searches over 30 online sources for free e-books. You can search by title or author.
Project Gutenberg, the original site for free text online, offers more than 33,000 free books that play nicely with any e-reader platform. You’ll find mostly classics and public-domain works here. No registration is required, and the site is easy to use. A nice feature is their “bookshelves”—collections grouped by topic.
Baen Books, publisher of science fiction and fantasy, offers a number of their titles as free downloads. Established authors such as Eric Flint, Lois McMaster Bujold, Mercedes Lackey, and David Weber can be found here. There are currently 120 titles available, with new titles added every month. You can save e-books to your computer or send them directly to a Kindle.
The University of Pennsylvania Libraries Online Books page offers an index of hundreds of thousands of online books freely readable on the Internet.
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U. S. Immingrations
InkMesh is a search engine that searches over 30 online sources for free e-books. You can search by title or author.
Project Gutenberg, the original site for free text online, offers more than 33,000 free books that play nicely with any e-reader platform. You’ll find mostly classics and public-domain works here. No registration is required, and the site is easy to use. A nice feature is their “bookshelves”—collections grouped by topic.
Baen Books, publisher of science fiction and fantasy, offers a number of their titles as free downloads. Established authors such as Eric Flint, Lois McMaster Bujold, Mercedes Lackey, and David Weber can be found here. There are currently 120 titles available, with new titles added every month. You can save e-books to your computer or send them directly to a Kindle.
The University of Pennsylvania Libraries Online Books page offers an index of hundreds of thousands of online books freely readable on the Internet.