Monthly Meeting Minutes of the Hamilton Public Library Trustee Meetings are archived by Meeting Dates
Anyone is invited to attend the Hamilton Public Library monthly meetings.
Hamilton Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
July 18, 2017
The Board of Trustees was held at 6:30pm on July 18, 2017 at the library. Those present were President Jim Noble, Vice President David Morgan, Secretary Wanda Hansen, John Wardwell, Mike Luth, Chris Williams, Margie Stice and Librarian Nancy Denton. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Jim Noble. A quorum was declared by President Jim Noble.
The minutes of June 20, 2017 were reviewed. A date correction was made last line page three and typo under New Business. John W. motioned to accept the minutes as amended. Chris W. seconded. Motion passed.
The bills for July 2017 were reviewed. Any questions were asked and answered. David M. motioned to approve the bills for July 2017. John W. seconded. Motion passed.
Financial statement was reviewed. Any questions were asked and answered. Nancy D. stated she provided copies of corrected budget reports for May 2017 and June 2017.
Discussion was held regarding interest rates; Jim N. recommended placing CD 51373 which matures August 22, 2017 into a long term CD to obtain a better interest rate. Jim N. stated he will check interest rates with Marine Bank and First State Bank in Hamilton and bring information to the next Board meeting. It was noted CD 60004 was moved into the Money Market account because the interest rate was slightly higher than renewing the CD.
David M. motioned to move $4,700.00 from the Money Market account to the Main account to pay the bills. John W. seconded. Motioned passed.
Friends of the Library Report given by Librarian Nancy Denton
Friends has begun the remodeling upgrades to the bathrooms of the library and explained what had been completed so far. Friends will be having new flooring placed on August 17, 2017. Friends will be postponing the Open House Anniversary Celebration until the renovations ae completed.
Nancy D. stated she was notified the library would receive a $500.00 grant from Wal-Mart; the money should arrive in 4-6 weeks. Originally the grant was for a bike rodeo program to be held prior to the start of school. Due to the lateness she will call Wal-Mart to inquire whether this can be changed or whether the grant is to be used next year for the program.
Nancy D. stated she is in the process of writing for a grant from the Keokuk Area Community Foundation. Nancy stated she would like to use the monies if a grant is received for a story board in the park program; Nancy D. explained to the Board what the program is. Gordon’s Grove Park of Hamilton would be where the story board program would be setup if the appropriate city officials approve.
Nancy D. stated IPLAR was completed and submitted. Nancy D. also stated attendance is still rising and attributes this to the increased hours.
Building and Grounds
David M. stated he will have the library announcement blackboard completed soon; he will bring the blackboard to the library when completed.
Old Business
Nancy D. stated she printed information from the Dept. of Labor website regarding the hourly employee salary payment schedule. Nancy D. felt after reading the information a collective bargaining contract could be developed, signed by the employees and signed as witnessed by the Board President. Nancy D. presented to the Board a copy of an agreement she thought would be sufficient as the contract. The Board viewed the contract copy and discussed the issue. The Board decided the President and Secretary should sign as witnessed and have the contract notarized by an authorized person.
Nancy D. brought the aggregate utility option before the Board. The Board recommended Nancy D. contact Hamilton City Hall for information regarding the company name and contact information to inquire about rates, obligation, and any other questions needing answers.
The purchase of a copier versus leasing information was not presented at this meeting and should be placed on the agenda for the next Board meeting.
New Business
David M. motioned to adjourn the meeting. John W. seconded. Motion passed. President Jim N. adjourned the meeting at 7:00pm.
The next Hamilton Public Library Board meeting will be on August 15, 2017 at 6:30pm.
Hamilton Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
June 20, 2017
The Board of Trustees was held at 6:30pm on June 20, 2017 at the library. Those present were President Jim Noble, Secretary Wanda Hansen, Treasurer Cicily Knowlles, John Wardwell, Katie Della Vedova, Chris Williams and Librarian Nancy Denton. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Jim Noble. A quorum was declared by President Jim Noble.
The minutes of May 16, 2017 were reviewed. A date correction was made on line one. John W. motioned to accept the minutes as amended. Chris W. seconded. Motion passed.
The bills for June 2017 were reviewed. Any questions were asked and answered. Katie D. motioned to approve the bills for June 2017. John W. seconded. Motion passed. Nancy D. stated she renewed the Burlington Hawkeye newspaper for $210.00.
Financial statement was reviewed. Any questions were asked and answered. Nancy D. stated she will try to have the donations received and spent in a budget next month; this is per the last Board meeting’s discussion regarding accuracy of total amounts received and spent by the library.
Discussion was held regarding interest rates and the rule which requires the library to only use Marine Bank and First State Bank in Hamilton. Cicily K. recommended the Board roll over CD 60004. John W. brought up the fact the interest rate on the Money Market is higher than the 6 month CD interest rate based on the Financial Report. Cicily K. will check with both banks regarding interest rates on CDs compared to the Money Market. Term options were discussed; the Board did feel a long term CD may not be in best interest at this time. Cicily K. motioned to Rollover CD 60004 or move monies into Money Market Account, whichever has the higher interest, and move $5,500.00 from the Money Market account to the Main account. John W. seconded. Motioned passed.
Friends of the Library Report given by Librarian Nancy Denton
Friends would like to place new towel holders in the bathrooms, paint the ladies bathroom, place new flooring and backsplash in both bathrooms, purchase new chairs for the first floor community area, and place a privacy fence around the garbage area. They would also
like to clean up library yard to look nice. Katie D. will talk with Judy K. of Friends regarding this project.
Friends believe they are nonprofit 501c3 and provided Nancy D with copy of sheet filed each year. Nancy D. did not have the copy at the Board meeting.
Nancy D. stated she doesn’t think received a grant through Wal-Mart she had applied for.
Nancy D. stated she is working on IPLAR. The questions are very specific and gave a few examples to the Board. This is time consuming and needs to be in by July 1, 2017.
Nancy D. informed the Board the library’s 115th anniversary will be in July 2017. Friends is planning a celebration for July 20, 2017; this would be an evening gala with punch and cake. The Friends requests members of the Board be present. More information will be available later.
Building and Grounds
Nothing new to report.
Old Business
Jim N. read the results of the newspaper study discussed last meeting; the study showed several people read the different newspapers offered almost equally. Nancy D. stated she went ahead and renewed the Burlington Hawkeye Newspaper. She first called to inquire about any discount available and was given $10.00 off the regular price of $220.00.
Jim N. brought to the Board’s attention information regarding employee paying: Salary/Nonexecutive. Nancy D. stated she sometimes writes off some of her hours because she is not to have overtime. Jim N. stated information he found stated this was illegal. Options were discussed: salary, change hours, compensate. Jim N. also stated this information stated the part time employees were to be paid twice monthly. The Board discussed these issues. The Board decided to check with the Dept. of Labor for any information regarding these issues and address again at the next Board meeting.
New Business
Nancy D. brought to the attention of the Board the need to complete and sign the Prevailing Wages Ordinance. This is a state requirement which is supposed to be filed by June 1st every year. A certified copy must be sent to the Dept. of Labor/Secretary of State. Jim N. read the letter from Kerri Asbridge Hancock County Clerk. Discussion regarding the ordinance ensued. John w> motioned to accept and sign the Prevailing Wage Ordinance. Cicily K. seconded. Motion passed. Nancy D. will obtain the necessary information for the form.
Nancy D. brought to the Board’s attention the copier machine was in need of repair. The copying part of the machine is the only part not working; copies are made on the other machine. A service call was made; the person came and stated the part needed would be around $400.00. He wasn’t sure if covered. John W. brought to the Board’s attention maybe leasing would be the better answer if a new machine was needed. Discussion was held regarding possible benefits to leasing versus purchasing. Nancy D. stated a man from a West Burlington was in the library inquiring whether the library would be interested in leasing. The man took information and said he would be back with estimate. John W. sited the company his business leases from Watts in Springfield. The Board recommended Nancy D. check into options for leasing. The Board will decide next meeting after more information is available.
John W. motioned to adjourn the meeting. Cicily K. seconded. Motion passed. President Jim N. adjourned the meeting at 7:30pm.
The next Hamilton Public Library Board meeting will be on July 17, 2017 at 6:30pm.
Hamilton Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
May 16, 2017
The Board of Trustees was held at 6:30pm on May 16, 2017 at the library. Those present were President Jim Noble, Vice President David Morgan, Secretary Wanda Hansen, Treasurer Cicily Knowlles, John Wardwell, Mike Luth, and Librarian Nancy Denton. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Jim Noble. A quorum was declared by President Jim Noble.
Introduction of New Trustee Candidate (was done after candidate’s arrival to the meeting)
Christopher Williams was introduced to the Board. Chris told the Board about himself and answered any questions. The Board explained the commitment. Chris W. and Nancy D. were asked to step out of the meeting. Wanda H. motioned to accept Christopher Williams as a new trustee to the Hamilton Library Board of Trustees. Mike L. seconded. Motion passed. Chris W. and Nancy D. were asked back into the Board meeting. Chris W. was welcomed by the Board as a new trustee. Mike L. and Chris W. took the Oath of Office and signed the Oath paper. Nancy D. will provide both with a copy of the bylaws.
The minutes of April 18, 2017 were reviewed. A date correction was made on line one and a typo. David M. motioned to accept the minutes as amended. John W. seconded. Motion passed.
The bills for May 2017 were reviewed. Any questions were asked and answered. David M. motioned to approve the bills for May 2017. Cicily K. seconded. Motion passed. Librarian Nancy D. asked the Board about renewing the subscription for the Burlington Hawkeye Newspaper; the cost per year is $220.00. Last year a patron of the library donated the cost of the subscription but has not come forth to do so this year. Jim N. recommended posting a discontinuation of the paper notice for the patrons to read, note interest by having them sign to keep, and bring results to the next BOT meeting for further discussion.
Financial statement was reviewed. Any questions were asked and answered. Cicily K. motioned to move $3,600.00 from the Money Market account to the Main account. John W. seconded. Motioned passed. Discussion was held regarding CD interest rates. Pres. Jim N. noted US Bank in Burlington, IA had a 2.05% interest on a five (5) year CD. Cicily K. was asked to check on whether Marine Bank would match. Cicily K. will also check with First State Bank on their interest rates. It was brought to the attention of the Board the city determines which financial institutions may be used. The directive of the Board is to monitor for the next expiring CD. The Board decided to take no action on CD ending 802; it had already rolled over.
Librarian Nancy D. announced to the Board last year’s property taxes to the library totaled $72,221.33 and the replacement taxes were $1,742.24. An explanation of property tax and replacement tax was given.
These officers, President – James Noble, Vice-President – David Morgan, and Treasurer – Cicily Knowles have the authority to sign on Accounts #213, #170984, #104002956. They are also able to do business with CD’s - #51373, # 404200802; and Safety Deposit Box #210789. On account #256 – President – James Noble, Vice President – David Morgan, Treasurer – Cicily Knowles, Librarian Nancy Denton and Clerk, Mary Patterson will have the authority to sign this account which requires only 1 signature.
2 signatures are required on all accounts listed above with the exception of #256. The bank no-longer monitors the two signatures for withdrawal. The Hamilton Public Board of Trustees will monitor the two signatures.
Friends of the Library Report given by Librarian Nancy Denton
Indoor mini golf to be held Sat. 1-3pm at the library. Attendance was down. More money was made by sponsor donations than participants.
The Friends will be working a book and other items sale on Friday June 2nd in conjunction of the city wide garage sale. If someone has items to donate to the sale let them know or bring them to the library on Thursday afternoon or early Friday.
The Friend removed the dead and poor health bushes from the library grounds and weeded. They would like to replant but not sure with what yet. Nancy D. stated she would like to create an area with a bench and flowers; people could sit outside and read.
Bonnie replanted the boxes by the front entrance and around the sidewalk and placed mulch, etc. Bonnie worked hard, so requested if see Bonnie to acknowledge the hard work and thank.
Nancy D. stated she applied for a grant through Wal-Mart. When filling out the application information requested regarding a Federal Tax ID for Friends as a 501c3 none could be found. Nancy D. stated she called the IRS and was referred to their website; she was unable to find how to proceed on the website. Nancy D. searched around and was given permission by the Hamilton Coalition to use them as a partner and use their Tax ID #.
Nancy D. informed the Board used $1,000.00 of donated money to purchase books. This was in the library donation account held by Friends.
Kiwanis donated $500.00 for books and $500.00 for programs to the library. Questioned whether to deposit in main account or with Friends in their library donation account due to no tax ID # and have them give her the money. Not sure of easiest to keep track with budget if place in main account. Discussion was held and questions asked regarding Friends budget or if filing with the IRS. Nancy D. stated she did not have the answers to these questions. John W. explained the best way to deposit the money in the main account and present this in the budget. Nancy stated she thinks she understands and will contact him with any questions. The Board recommended future donations be done in the same way so as not to incur any IRS tax issues and to have a more accurate account of the expenditures.
Nancy D. presented information on the Hamilton City Electrical Aggregate program. The company would be Homefield Energy; the cost would be locked in until 2020 and is $0.06285 per kWh is lower than Direct Energy ($0.0657) with whom the library is currently under contract. The contract with Direct Energy expires in September 2017. The Board discussed the issue. Questions were raised. Nancy D. was asked by the Board to inquire if Homefield Energy’s contract would be available in September and if the contract amount would be the same. The Board decided to table the issue until closer to the Direct Energy contract would expire.
Nancy D. purchased scaffolding her son thought he could use as the frame to make the treehouse for the reading program on sale for $139.00. Nancy D. asked the Board whether the Board would approve reimbursement and the library take ownership; she thought the scaffolding could be used, instead of the ladder, for things like changing light bulbs or reaching things on high shelves. If the Board did not want to reimburse would take home after the program was finished. The Board had discussion. It was brought to the Boards attention by Mike L. and Jim N. there are many OSHA
regulations regarding scaffolding. The Board elected not to reimburse Nancy D. for the scaffolding.
Nancy D. stated attendance was up. She feels this is due to the return of the old hours. Discussed the possibility of bringing the snake man back for a library event; Nancy D. will look into it.
Building and Grounds
See Friends Report
Old Business
David M. will make a blackboard for outside the library to use for announcements of library programs, events, etc.
New Business
Jim N. stated he discussed personnel hours with Librarian Nancy D. They had talked about having the part-time staff as hourly and Nancy D. a salaried employee. The salary would be based on a thirty six (36) hour work week with the amount being her yearly earnings divided by twelve (12). The Board held discussion with Nancy D. regarding what this would change. Nancy D. declined to become a salary employee at this time.
Nancy D, brought to the Board’s attention the library’s nonresident fee needed to be sent in to the state by July. According to the state policy formula the amount need to be at least $58.50. John W. motioned to raise the nonresident library member fee to $58.50 per the state policy. David M. seconded. Motion passed.
John W. motioned to adjourn the meeting. Cicily K. seconded. Motion passed. President Jim N. adjourned the meeting at 7:50pm.
The next Hamilton Public Library Board meeting will be on June 20, 2017 at 6:30pm.
Hamilton Public Library
Board of Trustee Meeting
March 21, 2017
The Board of Trustees meeting was held at 6:30pm At the Hamilton Public Library. Those present were President Jim Noble, Vice President David Morgan, Secretary Wanda Hansen, John Wardwell, Margie Stice, and Librarian Nancy Denton. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 by President Jim Noble at 6:30pm. President Noble declared a quorum.
The minutes of February 21, 2017 were reviewed. Corrections to add Cicily Knowlles and John Phillips to the list of attendees and typos were made. John W. motioned to accept the minutes as amended. Margie S. seconded. Motion passed.
The bills for March were reviewed. Any questions regarding the bills were asked and answered. David M. motioned to pay the March bills. John W. seconded. Motion passed.
The financial statement was reviewed. Any questions were asked and answered. The Board discussed CD 802 which matures on April 16, 2017. The board decided not to take action until the next Board meeting; this would allow research into better interest rates. David M. motioned to move $4,500 from the Money Market account to the Main account. John W. seconded. Motion passed.
Friends of the Library Report given by Librarian Nancy Denton
Friends would like to buy bins on rollers for the children’s books. This would allow the area to be cleared for events and titles to be read easier. Friends cleared and cleaned the area under the stairs and would like to fix as a reading space for children’s department.
Friends will host the annual Mini Golf Tournament on April 22. Requests for businesses to sponsor a hole for the course have been sent. This is the end of National Library week.
Friends is still considering a Vendor Blender. Friends will be hosting a book sale at the citywide garage sale.
There were 30 participants for the Lego event. Food and drinks were provided; no prizes were awarded this year. Nancy D. felt there were less arguments with the event not having prizes.
After talking more with the Lincoln Center Program promoters, a television can be used as a screen so would just need speakers. Nancy D. informed the Board she may have a pair of speakers at home which could be used for the program. She will check and inform the Board.
The new computers for the upstairs teen center will soon installed. The wiring will be covered. It was decided to go with a k-cup machine for drinks; a donation box could be used to offset the cost of the k-cups.
The Summer Reading Program will begin the Wednesday after Memorial Day and end July 29th. Couldn’t get the books wanted so will work with what ordered. The idea is to build a treehouse by the end of the program. Other summer events will be cooking and art classes.
Nancy D. would like to start a new book club for 2nd – 4th grades; discussed with the Board.
Nancy D. informed the Board the High School Student Council came to the library to present a check from a fundraising event held in the school district. The students had their annual penny donation contest and the library was chosen as the recipient. While at the library the students were asked for suggestions on types of books they would like to read. They said they would get back to Nancy; so far there has been no response from the students. Nancy D. thought it might be nice to request memorabilia from the school for the teen center and to name the center.
Building and Grounds
The new boiler has been installed and paid for. The donation from the Friends was received. There are still some funds left from donations for the grounds.
Old Business
Regulations for checking out tablets was discussed. David M. stated he researched other policies and found a deposit was required. Another suggestion made was to have a deposit and copy of license. Jim N. suggested discretion could be used by Nancy D. After some discussion regarding the subject David M. volunteered to work with Nancy D. on regulations.
President Jim N. announced the budget presented to the Hamilton City Council was for $135,000.00 and explained. There was a budget meeting date set at the last Board meeting, but no one came. Nancy D. presented the Board with a couple of budget options she worked on. Nancy explained both the numbers and justifications. She would like to have the library reinstate the original hours of operation; the other two employees would only work 20(twenty) hours a week and there would be more time with just one employee working. The Board went into closed session to discuss the Hamilton Library budget.
After much discussion John W. motioned to approve the budget presented by Librarian Nancy D. for 2017 - 2018 which contains a 2(two) percent increase in salary and a contingency holiday bonus. David M. seconded. Motion passed.
Closed session ended. Librarian Nancy D. was asked back into the room and informed of the Board’s decision. Nancy D. thanked the Board for their decision. The Board stressed to Nancy D. she must stay within the budget as approved.
New Business
There was no new business.
John W. motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:45pm. Margie S. seconded. Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm.
The next Hamilton Public Library Board meeting will be on April 18, 2017 at 6:30pm at the Hamilton Public Library.
Hamilton Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
November 15, 2016
The Board of Trustees was held at 6:30pm on November 15, 2016 at the library. Those present were President Jim Noble, Vice President David Morgan, Secretary Wanda Hansen, John Wardwell, Margie Stice, John Phillips, Katie DellaVedova and Librarian Nancy Denton. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Jim Noble. A quorum was declared by President Jim Noble.
The minutes of October 18, 2016 were reviewed. John P. motioned to accept the minutes. David M. seconded. Motion passed.
The bills for October/November 2016 were reviewed. Katie V.D. motioned to approve the bills. John P. seconded. Motion passed.
Financial statement was reviewed. Katie V.D. moved to transfer $9,000.00 from the Money Market account to the Main account to cover the November/December 2016 bills because the Board does not meet in December. John P. seconded. Motion passed.
Friends of the Library Report given by Librarian Nancy Denton
making a donation to the program; they are not sure of the amount at this time. Nancy will continue to reach out to other businesses/groups for their interest/donations to this program.
On December 2 from 6pm – 8pm the Library will be hosting Santa Claus. Friends will provide hot cocoa and cookies, there will be a craft for the children and the Merchants Association and Business Coalition will hand out Santa keys with a candy cane for the children. Nancy D. explained what the Santa key is. Each child will also be able to pick out a free book.
Nancy D. requested the Board’s approval to allow each of the personnel to take one day off with pay for the holiday as their bonus since there will be no monetary bonuses this year. Nancy will work their hours for them without compensation. The Board approved.
Nancy D. informed the Board their next pay period ends prior to the next Board meeting. She asked if it would be possible for her to write the checks and have someone come to the library to sign them. David M. stated he would be able to come to the library to sign the checks. The Board approved.
Building and Grounds
See Old Business
Old Business
There is still a vacancy on the Board which needs to be filled. The Board requested Nancy D. check with regulations regarding old Board members being able to come back on the Board.
President Jim N. talked with the Hamilton City Council regarding the Endowment Fund at the recent city council meeting. The city council stated only the interest can be used. The Mayor advised President Jim N. the city lawyer would need to be involved in any changes to the fund. The Mayor then informed President Jim N. the city has insurance on the boiler and he had called the insurance company and the company stated an adjustor for the company would call the library to schedule inspection/assessment of the boiler. As of the meeting, no one from the insurance company has called the library to schedule the inspection/assessment per Librarian Nancy D. President Jim N. decided the Board should make a decision on the bids for the boiler after the insurance adjuster does his inspection/assessment even if the bids will need to be resubmitted by the companies. Hopefully there won’t be any issues with the boiler prior to repairs/replacement.
New Business
John P. moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:00pm. John W. seconded. Motion passed.
The next Hamilton Public Library Board meeting will be on January 17, 2017 at 6:30pm.
Trustee Meeting
March 15, 2016
The Board of Trustees was held at 6:30 pm on February 16, 2016 at the library, Those present were President Jim Noble, Vice-President John Kolditz, Treasurer Cicily Knowles, David Morgan, Bob Schneider, Wanda Hansen, John Phillips, and Librarian Nancy Denton. The meeting was called to order at 6:37 pm by President Jim Noble.
The minutes of March 2016 were discussed. John P. moved to accept the March 15, 2016 minutes. David M. seconded. Motion passed.
The bills for March 2016 were reviewed and discussed. John P. moved to pay the March 2016 bills. Cicily K. seconded.
Cicily K. moved to transfer $6000.00 from the Money Market account to the Main account to cover the March 2016 bills. John P. seconded. Motion passed.
Friends of the Library Report given by Librarian Nancy Denton
Feb 3rd held the jigsaw puzzle challenge at the library. Several teams participated; all had a good time.
April 16th from 1-3 pm during Library Week the 2nd annual Putt Putt Mini Golf will be held at the library. Friends of the Library are still seeking sponsors for each hole. So far, they have only heard back from Marine Bank and the Lions Club.
Friends has approximately 2000.00 i account and plan to meet weekly at this time, to get ready for the golf. Friends have offered to do janitorial services and volunteered John Kammerer to o snow removal for the library. Friends will be looking into what would be needed to start a Foundation for the library.
Librarian Nancy Denton advised the Board that it would be better to change to MediaCom in Jul 2016 because we have uncollected e-rate monies with Frontier and explained.
Librarian Denton informed the Board of a meeting on Parliamentary procedure an how to be a productive board of Trustees being held on April 16th in Moline. The meeting is free. A sheet with the meeting information was passed around to the attending Board members.
She also discussed ways she has been considering to cut expenses since receiving the tentative new budget from the Budget Committee. This included: different staff hours, library hours for public access (recc. 2 days 9 am-5 pm, 2 days 11am-7 pm, and 2 hours on Saturday), will just use magazines from bank, an she will do the website. The Board instructed Librarian Nancy Denton to bring any staff budget recommendations, as well as her own, to the next budget meeting.
She also advised the board that all computers are now working.
Building and Grounds
Nothing to report.
Old Business
The Child Computer Policy and Technology Reports were unofficially tabled until next meeting. Librarian Nancy Denton informed the Board that the new water heater was installed by Patterson Plumbing at a cost of $612. She stated she was advised to let the boiler go until it breaks down, Board instructed/recommended her to call Calvin Cox, have him check the boiler and inquire whether a pipe to the main room of the library would be possible/feasible in the future.
The next Budget Committee meeting was set for March 22 at 6 pm. at the library. Librarian Nancy Denton was to bring a copy of last year's city budget and last year's totals to the meeting.
New Business
President Jim N. reported City Hall had no ideas on how to increase revenues for the library. He informed the Board of a candidate in mind to replace Sara W.. Ginger Harrison.
Vice President John K. suggested the library might consider a "Sponsor a Book" program. He explained the program and stated it could help keep book circulation current. John K. resigned as Vice President; his family is moving to Missouri. John advised the Board of a potential replacement, John Wardwell, who could possibly start May 2016. John K. asked to be kept informed of how things were going with the library.
John P. moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:22 pm. Bob S. seconded. Motion passed.
Hamilton Public Library
Trustee Meeting
February 16, 2016
The Board of Trustees was held at 6:30pm on February 16, 2016 at the library. Those present were President Jim Noble, Vice President John Kolditz, Treasurer Cicily Knowles, David Morgan, Bob Schneider, Wanda Hansen, Katie DellaVedova, and Librarian Nancy Denton. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Jim Noble.
The minutes of the January 19, 2016 and corrected minutes of November 17, 2015 were discussed. John K. moved to accept the January 19, 2016 and the corrected November 17, 2015 minutes. Bob S. seconded. Motion passed.
The bills for February 2016 were reviewed and discussed. Katie D. moved to pay the February 2016 bills. John K. seconded. Motion passed.
Cicily K. moved to transfer $7,000.00 from the Money Market account to the Main account to cover the February 2016 bills and rollover CD 51373. Katie D. seconded. Motioned passed.
Discussion was held regarding the Stock Certificate. The stipulations are still unknown. Katie V. suggested looking into the possibility of turning the Stock Certificate into a foundation. A foundation would allow people to donate into the account. After Board discussion it was decided to have Librarian Nancy Denton research the foundation option for the Stock Certificate.
Friends of the Library Report given by Librarian Nancy Denton
Feb. 3rd from 9am to 4pm will hold a jigsaw puzzle challenge at the library. There will be a $5.00 fee; this would include a lunch. Open to all ages. Competition will end when someone finishes their puzzle or at 4pm the most completed puzzle will win. Nancy Denton showed trophy. Movie tickets might be another prize. 3 teams were signed up at this time.
April 16th from 1-3pm during Library Week the 2nd annual Putt Putt mini golf will be held at the library. Friends of Library are looking for sponsors for each hole at this time.
Friends are thinking of painting, fixing the floor and placing rubber trim in the ladies bathroom.
Bid from Mediacom was received. Discussion was held by the Board regarding Mediacom versus Frontier for internet services. Mediacom would be $119.90/mo for three years plus a one time installation fee of $99.95. This would be for 10 up/ 1 down. Library could increase to 20 up for $10.00/mo more. With taxes the total should be $141.90. Frontier is $192.60/mo with 8up/2 down; presently frontier operates at 2up/1/2 down due to an overload in Hamilton. Frontier is working on the problem by replacing equipment; this should be done in April. Katie D. motioned to change from Frontier to Mediacom for internet service. David M. seconded. Librarian Nancy Denton stated Adams would have to come to the library to change the IBoss. The question was called by John K. Motion passed.
Librarian Nancy Denton informed the Board employee Bonnie had a knee replacement and would be off until the end of February. Mary and other staff are splitting Bonnie’s hours.
Librarian Nancy Denton reported Peter’s plumbing came to the library to check the water heater which was thought to be leaking. The water heater has a crack. Upon further investigation it was determined the boiler was corroding and losing steam. The library employees have been adding water to the boiler daily. The water heater is an electric 20 gallon. An estimate of $750.00 was given by Meyer’s plumbing over the phone with the mention the cost could be higher. The Board discussed the estimate and instructed Librarian Nancy Denton to call other plumbers and receive estimates prior to having the water heater replaced. Several names she could call for estimates were given by Board members. Katie D. moved to have Librarian Nancy Denton request estimates for replacing the water heater, e-mail the Board with the estimates, and authorize Librarian Nancy Denton to procede with replacement of the water heater with the lowest bid up to $750.00. John K. seconded. Motion passed.
An estimate of $5,867 was given to replace the boiler. The Board directed Librarian Nancy Denton to place a Public Notice ad in the paper per requirements. The bids will be gone over by the Board at a future meeting.
Building and Grounds
See Librarian’s report
Old Business
The Child Computer Policy and Technology Report were tabled until next meeting at the request of Librarian Nancy Denton; the staff found contradictions when reviewing.