Hamilton Public Library
Trustee Meeting
July 16, 2013
The Board of Trustees of the Hamilton Public Library met at 6:30pm on July 16, 2013 at the library. Members present were: john Kolditz, Jim noble, Nancy Denton, Sharon Anderson, Bob Schneider, Wanda Hansen, Dan Reinhardt, Cicily, Knowles, Carole Buerkin and guest, Cynthia Colvin, president of the Friends of the Library,.
President Dan Reinhardt opened the meeting. The Oath of Office was given to Wanda Hansen, new board member.
The minutes were approved with the changes that Bill Bierbaum be changed to Dave Bierbaum. John Kolditz made a motion to approve the minutes with this change. Sharon Anderson seconded. Motion carried.
John Kolditz moved and Jim Noble seconded that the bills be paid. Motion carried.
Friends of the Library- Cynthia Colvin reported that the Friends of the Library is sponsoring Trivia Night October 12, 2013. About 64-80 questions will be needed. The Trivia Night will be held at the Senior Center. The plaque for the utility building will be here soon.
Finance- No maturing CD's, county taxes in the amount of $47,935.84 have been received and deposited in the Money Market account. Dan Reinhardt moved and Jim Noble seconded that $10,000 be moved from the Money Market account to the General Fund. Motion carried.
Librarian's Report - Various topics were reviewed and discussed concerning the Per Capita Grant requirements. AMong those were the new business center that has also been set up, suggestion that other libraries be visited, and library orientation to be implemented for library employees. Sharon Anderson suggested that a brochure be created for new patrons outlining library services, and library information for schools. Also suggested were a survey, additions to the web page and helping patrons with a Facebook account.
Non-resident fees have been raised from $66.15 to $66.32. Sharon Anderson moved and Jim Noble seconded that the raise be approved. Motion passed.
The Summer Reading program concluded with a Pinterest party for teens and adults and a Family Amazing Race.
129 ebooks were downloaded. This program had 16 users. It was suggested that information on this program be put on a bookmark. Also advertising for this program was suggested.
Painting and other repairs for the meeting room are in progress.
For $900 Follett will host our data at their site and renew our subscription. Sharon Anderson moved and Jim Noble seconded that we do this. Motion passed.
Ridders revised their bid. The table bid was $800 and chairs $71. The decision was tabled until the next meeting. The board requested bids for carpeting from heartland Carpets, White Flooring and Streeters in Keokuk.
No new business
Sharon Anderson moved that the meeting be adjourned.
Trustee Meeting
July 16, 2013
The Board of Trustees of the Hamilton Public Library met at 6:30pm on July 16, 2013 at the library. Members present were: john Kolditz, Jim noble, Nancy Denton, Sharon Anderson, Bob Schneider, Wanda Hansen, Dan Reinhardt, Cicily, Knowles, Carole Buerkin and guest, Cynthia Colvin, president of the Friends of the Library,.
President Dan Reinhardt opened the meeting. The Oath of Office was given to Wanda Hansen, new board member.
The minutes were approved with the changes that Bill Bierbaum be changed to Dave Bierbaum. John Kolditz made a motion to approve the minutes with this change. Sharon Anderson seconded. Motion carried.
John Kolditz moved and Jim Noble seconded that the bills be paid. Motion carried.
Friends of the Library- Cynthia Colvin reported that the Friends of the Library is sponsoring Trivia Night October 12, 2013. About 64-80 questions will be needed. The Trivia Night will be held at the Senior Center. The plaque for the utility building will be here soon.
Finance- No maturing CD's, county taxes in the amount of $47,935.84 have been received and deposited in the Money Market account. Dan Reinhardt moved and Jim Noble seconded that $10,000 be moved from the Money Market account to the General Fund. Motion carried.
Librarian's Report - Various topics were reviewed and discussed concerning the Per Capita Grant requirements. AMong those were the new business center that has also been set up, suggestion that other libraries be visited, and library orientation to be implemented for library employees. Sharon Anderson suggested that a brochure be created for new patrons outlining library services, and library information for schools. Also suggested were a survey, additions to the web page and helping patrons with a Facebook account.
Non-resident fees have been raised from $66.15 to $66.32. Sharon Anderson moved and Jim Noble seconded that the raise be approved. Motion passed.
The Summer Reading program concluded with a Pinterest party for teens and adults and a Family Amazing Race.
129 ebooks were downloaded. This program had 16 users. It was suggested that information on this program be put on a bookmark. Also advertising for this program was suggested.
Painting and other repairs for the meeting room are in progress.
For $900 Follett will host our data at their site and renew our subscription. Sharon Anderson moved and Jim Noble seconded that we do this. Motion passed.
Ridders revised their bid. The table bid was $800 and chairs $71. The decision was tabled until the next meeting. The board requested bids for carpeting from heartland Carpets, White Flooring and Streeters in Keokuk.
No new business
Sharon Anderson moved that the meeting be adjourned.